Will there be an elk season with coronavirus

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Before you say that you are going hunting out of state this spring or fall, ask yourself this question! Would I still go if my actions resulted in the death of someone? If you still answer yes I am going that should tell you that you have serious character flaws!! I want to go elk hunting this fall as badly as anyone but my consciousness will not allow me to put others at risk. American greed and selfishness is really our country’s worst quality. If we all use a little common sense we will get through this.😉

For the most part I agree with you but one could get from point A to point B and hunt without spreading the virus or catching it. Rent a travel trailer or pitch a tent. Bring all of your food and drink with you. When you get fuel stay away from others and wear a mask and gloves. Dis-infect the pump handle and your CC before and after use. Don't use public restrooms. Don't stop in any towns along the way except to get fuel. The risk is too great to throw caution to the wind. There is a reason why the USA has the most cases and the most deaths of any other country on earth. It is called political division fueled by American greed. This thing is just getting started. The worst is yet to come so sayeth the real pandemic experts. Stay well!
I believe Elk seasons will be open but I could easily see travel bans returning during the expected second wave in October or November.
So long as they don’t close NR tags and keep the mandate of 2 week quarantine...I believe NR’s will have a season, residents for sure will. Should have about 4 weeks vacation left this fall and my wife/kids would love a trip out west quarantined in a cabin...
I just want things to go back to normal i took so many things for granted.

I think about that too. We take the simple things in life for granted. Taking the wife out for dinner I miss the most. I feel sorry for the city folk for sure. I feel very fortunate to live out in the country. Our groceries are delivered. The nearest grocery store is 27 miles away but they still deliver to us. We live near the foot hills so I can drive to the hunting and fishing areas without going through town. I never thought in a million years that I would enjoy mending fences.
I'm 20 mi from a paved road in the largest ,least populated NM county. Long ways to anything. Live alone with a rescue dobie,so not much different. Did not draw,but will hunt OTC here @ home.
I'm pretty sure NM hunts will go on, with social distancing involved. Stay 6' away from locals & keep them safe too.
I will drive straight thru. Only stop to get gas, bringing my own food prefrozen, my own water, Hunting Wilderness areas, no reason to speak to any locals unless I take an elk in to get processed. I am hunting.
Been since April since this has been talked about on here.

whats fall starting to look like to everyone as COVID 19 is on the rise again?

will states stop non res from going hunting this year??
Been since April since this has been talked about on here.

whats fall starting to look like to everyone as COVID 19 is on the rise again?

will states stop non res from going hunting this year??

I certainly believe they may block nonresident from states that are having an issue.
hard telling for Montana, right now it looks like a go for nonresidents, but like a lot of places we're seeing a big surge in cases- at least in part to a rather robust tourist season (I think more than a lot of folks expected)

coin toss I'd say
hard telling for Montana, right now it looks like a go for nonresidents, but like a lot of places we're seeing a big surge in cases- at least in part to a rather robust tourist season (I think more than a lot of folks expected)

coin toss I'd say

Sure hope that coin lands on the right side. My buddy & I are planning to drive out to hunt the first 2 weeks of elk season. Fingers crossed!
As far as MT goes, they’ve already sent the combo tags out and the state has already spent the money from those tags.

I’d venture to say the furthest they’ll go with something like, “NR must (legally read “should”) self quarantine for 14 days upon arrival to the state.”

I think it’s a real stretch that you won’t be able to elk hunt as a non resident, but who knows anymore. I really hope I’m not wrong.

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States with big ski season revenues may error on the side of caution to not risk a 2nd ski season.
I just wonder how they would enforce not letting NR go into BLM? Equal Protection clause in the Constitution, sounds like a great way to get sued by NR.

Not really sure if the boogie man Corona can survive at 10k. Unless they wont sell me a OTC tag I am going.
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got my tag for idaho and will be going as for Sodak the pheasant season will go one and might be the biggest ever. Revenue for my little town is way up since this deal started with all the people who didnt have to work come fishing. People have said its like the glory days of the 80's for fisherman numbers
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