Why the NR HATE?? Let's fix it!

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Jan 26, 2017
WA State
Western states aren't going to increase non-res opportunity anytime soon or likely ever. They're beholden to their voters and you'll never convince the voters (resident hunters) to give up some of their opportunity for someone who doesn't live there. Ever. If states want more money from non-res, they're not increasing tag amounts, they'll just double the cost of the tag and places like Idaho will still sell their entire annual quotas in 4 hours on the first day instead of 2 hours.... Zero political liability for them that way and its the easiest decision they could ever make.
Apr 1, 2013
Maybe maybe not all I know now is the path it's on is not good either doesn't matter how many tags you issue if the hunt sucks whats the point.

If thats your mind set just buy land owner tags. You will have a much better hunt and a much more repeatable and successful year to year experience…..

Jon Boy

May 25, 2012
Paradise Valley, MT
I have no idea why the nr care so much. I hunt plenty of places where I’m nr and most the time have a positive experiences. In the cases i haven’t I out hunt all of the local whiners and thoroughly enjoy hanging tines out the bed of my pick up on my way back home. Who cares? The game commission is still going to be giving out tags to nr and that will never change from a revenue stand point

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Jul 17, 2017
Do we have any actual evidence of this anti-hunter conspiracy that's going to end hunting brought up throughout this thread? Besides you might've heard it on a forum or podcast? Because we better tell Sitka its time to hang it up.
You clearly haven’t been paying attention to what’s happening in Washington and Colorado. It is evident in commission meetings. Washington Wildlife First, led by Samantha Miller Bruegger, successfully ended spring bear hunt, changed the WDFW conservation policy to have hunting and fishing removed, and successfully petitioned the commission to revisit all regulations on mountain lions and bears. Miller Breugger showed up in Colorado as the proponent for the mountain lion hunting ban ballot prop. Same organizations WildEarth Guardians, Humane Society, Center for Biological Diversity, etc. CO Gov has appointed 2x CBD alumni to the CPW Commission and a former Board Member from Colorado Animal Voters, state based anti-hunting, animal rights org.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
This escalated quickly… really I love how things can’t be mutually exclusive. Yes I’m from Co, yes I want to keep more opportunities for me and some day my kids to hunt in their home state. But will I absolutely throw 20-50 bucks to a pro hunting movement in Washington state! Heck yeah! Will I ever hunt Washington state, I really doubt it. I would do that for any state in the union and donate to regularly and comment on legislation all over the U.S. in a lot of places I will never hunt. 0 hate for 99% of NR, the 1% entitled whiners can get bent. Outside of that I don’t think defending hunting and me getting to hunt in said state every year are tied to each other…


Jun 14, 2012
I pulled dm920 this year. 20 tags and 9 went to out of staters. Look at Kodiak Brown Bear draw percentages and you’ll see what I mean. Equal number of bear tags but a lot better chances for out of staters. There were 9 tags for ds165 and three went to out of staters. I think more out of staters won etolin elk than residents. The draw percentages for nrs is way higher than for in state residents.
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Jun 14, 2012
So you guys say get a harvest tag and go to an open area but no. Most transporters will not drop you in to areas that the guides claim this is particularly true in Wrangells, Brooks and Alaska ranges. You basically have to get pp license and cub with off runway experience to compete. A big bunch of the guides and outfitters don’t live up here because it is too expensive.
Nov 27, 2021
we need to make room for NRs, they bring in a ton of conservation money and strengthen our presence across the country. Once I started following HOWL, it became very obvious we can't lose their support. The antis are strong and united!

I don't know what the magic tag allocation numbers should be, I really don't but just marginalizing the NRs is not good for us IMO.

Dan Gates @ C.R.W.M said at Expo they raised more money for this Colorado catfight in 14 weeks than (I think...) the entire time the Colorado wolf inititiave was being fought. I think this is (partly) because Colorado has been very generous to NRs and they'll stand up to support it. That's one of the reasons Rokslide's been donating among others.
Couldn't agree more!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 18, 2016
Colorado Elk Stats

1st Choice 'Pre' Draw Applicants

2015 - 111,312 Res / 72,039 NonRes

2023 - 115,218 Res / 113,125 NonRes

I'm not a mathematician, but a 4% increase in resident participation in applying and a 36% increase in non-resident participation is very interesting.
How much is because resident populations have went up in many states? Would be interesting to see how many residents are applying ever year in states

Montana is growing ~ 1-2% each year for the last 15 years; not sure what percentage of those folks are hunters though- probably quite a few?????


Nov 25, 2023
I'm not a mathematician, but a 4% increase in resident participation in applying and a 36% increase in non-resident participation is very interesting.

Montana is growing ~ 1-2% each year for the last 15 years; not sure what percentage of those folks are hunters though- probably quite a few?????
From what I've learned on Rokslide they are 100 percent liberal ideologue, wolf smugglers.
Dec 31, 2021
Not only the number but the demographics. How many in each age group. We are getting an increasing population but it is hard for me to believe there is a corresponding increase in decent paying career jobs. During my life I have seen a serious decline in resourse based jobs. It has appeared the numbers have increased in service type employment. How much of the increasing population is made up of retirement migrants?
Nov 3, 2017
I pulled dm920 this year. 20 tags and 9 went to out of staters. Look at Kodiak Brown Bear draw percentages and you’ll see what I mean. Equal number of bear tags but a lot better chances for out of staters. There were 9 tags for ds165 and three went to out of staters. I think more out of staters won etolin elk than residents. The draw percentages for nrs is way higher than for in state residents.
AK is actually proof that what the OP is proposing can be done. Politicians continue to assign board members despite the average voter’s desire. Largely influenced by a lobby that in result is keeping the state wide open to NR. The trade off is that the same lobby is the group making sure the law stays in place that people need to buy a guide.

Would NR hunters rather have:
A. Unlimited tags, but required to hire a guide.
B. 90/10 draw and remove the guide requirement.

Be careful what you wish for.
Feb 19, 2019
Central TN
I look at states that have 40% or more public lands and receive greater than 50% of their game and fish departments budget through nonresident, licensing and matching federal Pittman Roberts funds. They Should have a mandated allocation of NR tags.
The rest of country is supporting the state owned wildlife that resides and is hunted on predominantly public land. In state with number similar to the above there absolutely should be a heavily favored resident to NR ratio. 80/20 seems like a more than fair number on both sides.
The fact is residence greed will not stop until they have 100% of tag allocated.
This why at this point I say let the states pay for everything. If it isn’t a national park or monument give it to the states Fck them let them pay for it all you’ll see how quick they will have the free market step in when they’re footing the bill 100% for administration, fish and wild life budgets and untold other things that cost money to maintain these lands
Welcome to Texas


Oct 20, 2023
Funny thing about these arguments, it seems like a lot of the time it's the entitled folks asking the ones they want to take a bigger slice of the pie from to stop being greedy.
The funny thing about irony, is not everybody gets it.

I just can't wrap my head around their thought process. Lol
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