Why the NR HATE?? Let's fix it!

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The breaking point is when the tag prices arguably outweigh the equivalent value of quality meat from the store. The NA model does not protect “frivolous” killing, and the anti’s will damn sure make that argument that hunting for meat that expensive is not necessary when it becomes the standard tag price.

That's been over a loooong time- just gas prices alone blow that out of the water and I'm talking about a resident hunter w/ resident priced licenses.

Now I still tell my wife it's money ahead, just have to keep my fingers behind my back when I'm fibbing :ROFLMAO:
I haven't read every single thread but why on Earth do some people want 100% resident tags? Then you can only hunt your home state, it doesn't make sense to me. I would much rather have every state allow at least 20% non-residents including mine so I am allowed to travel the west and Hunt other areas. We're all Americans and hunters. I agree like Braveheart we need to join the clans.

Why in the world if your state's already at 80/20 would you not want say Utah, Nevada and New Mexico all to go to 80/20. It's no skin off your back and you're getting more opportunity to hunt the west. We need to be more willing to share instead of hoard everything till everything is shut down.

Your fighting a scarcity mindset, alot of the folks that want all the tags can't afford to go out of states due to there own life decisions..so now they think there only option to success is that 5% of tags every one is bickering over
I haven't read every single thread but why on Earth do some people want 100% resident tags? Then you can only hunt your home state, it doesn't make sense to me. I would much rather have every state allow at least 20% non-residents including mine so I am allowed to travel the west and Hunt other areas. We're all Americans and hunters. I agree like Braveheart we need to join the clans.

Why in the world if your state's already at 80/20 would you not want say Utah, Nevada and New Mexico all to go to 80/20. It's no skin off your back and you're getting more opportunity to hunt the west. We need to be more willing to share instead of hoard everything till everything is shut down.
Every state isn't the same, nor are it's voters, F&G or local government. If they were, we'd be communist.
Hahahahahahaha. For what any of us spends on hunting, we could buy more quality meat than we could use. And a lot of the anti's are vegetarian.
But those extra purchases are your decision. You could go into the woods with grandpa's hand-me-down 270, a pocket knife, and a jansport pack to fill your freezer. It's a legit argument because it's a main point used to protect hunting in a lot of places. The veggies are even more intense (not much for endurance tho:ROFLMAO:) than the rest of the anti's.
But those extra purchases are your decision. You could go into the woods with grandpa's hand-me-down 270, a pocket knife, and a jansport pack to fill your freezer. It's a legit argument because it's a main point used to protect hunting in a lot of places. The veggies are even more intense (not much for endurance tho:ROFLMAO:) than the rest of the anti's.
I'm calling BS on this. You have actually never figured the cost involved in hunting.
I'm calling BS on this. You have actually never figured the cost involved in hunting.
...good one.
What we actually spend on hunting is irrelevant, the arguments we lose to uninformed voters is what matters. All they've gotta do is swing the public opinion that the basic expense of regular hunting is basically trophy hunting. Based on some tag prices the recent voting habits of western states that won't be too difficult to accomplish. Lowering the # of tags available while wolves and weather reduce herds is gonna bump up those prices even more and their end goal is to move wolves around to manage ungulate herds anyway.
Then all the Western residents will be trekking east to be NR whitetail hunters every year and we get to start this thread back up in 10 years.
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This is your exact position, not that I don't agree that residents should have more opportunity but at the end of day they feel entitled and everyone else is just whining.

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That is my exact position a resident of any state should come first as far as big game hunting goes I live in Wyoming pay taxes here support the state and local economy residents should always come first so in a since I do feel a little entitled there is no other state in the lower 48 that treats there residents better than Wyoming.... I just spent a half hour reading through sum old post about the special license fee and read a whole lot of winning... I do not think the residents of any western state hate NR at all do U? Does the residents of Utah hate NR?
Do we have any actual evidence of this anti-hunter conspiracy that's going to end hunting brought up throughout this thread? Besides you might've heard it on a forum or podcast? Because we better tell Sitka its time to hang it up.

Easy. NM "banned" trapping on public land, orchestrated and supported by both non and anti hunters and approved through legislation. Other states have lost seasons by ballot initiative.

There's no conspiracy to it...
Yep. What’s funny about the OPs post is that the OPPOSITE is true.

If we had 100% resident only hunting, it could be easily argued we would have more hunters in Colorado. Easier access, better hunting, easier hunting = more resident hunters. The wolf initiative passed by around 1%, at one point it was less than 1%. More hunters would have led to more people voting against the wolves. So I contest that NR hunters caused the wolf initiative to pass.

Prove me wrong…

Explain how nonresident hunters helped keep the wolf initiative from passing?
I couldn’t believe I found this photo online… it took SO much research. I may have watched a documentary.

Apparently it was taken by a super secret expert/professional photographer that snapped this photo of a freshly released libtard (apparently a new species, not my word) that was released near Boulder. It had stalked the concrete jungle for hours before taking a redneck (not my word either, his) down near a voters booth.

Biologists didn’t account for the veracity of the pink frilled species and its affinity for smoked meat when they released it. They didn’t account for other side effects either…
I think everybody should have an equal opportunity to a tag, via a fair and balanced system. I do not support the whole the more money/power/influence you have the more guaranteed you are to a tag. Us everyday Joe's far outnumber the priveleged, yet they somehow get tags every year.
There's a very recent thread here where they are bucking this trend with regards to sheep hunting.
It's as simple as "Just draw a tag"
...good one.
What we actually spend on hunting is irrelevant, the arguments we lose to uninformed voters is what matters. All they've gotta do is swing the public opinion that the basic expense of regular hunting is basically trophy hunting. Based on some tag prices the recent voting habits of western states that won't be too difficult to accomplish. Lowering the # of tags available while wolves and weather reduce herds is gonna bump up those prices even more and their end goal is to move wolves around to manage ungulate herds anyway.
Then all the Western residents will be trekking east to be NR whitetail hunters every year and we get to start this thread back up in 10 years.

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I look at Colorado otc being eliminated as a good thing from a nr perspective they are still going to issue a decent amount of tags to nr its not like they are going to eliminate it entirely
Its the edge of the hill, you just removing the small rocks thats kept the big boulder in place. The tag numbers will continue to decrease.
So I want to hunt ds165 in Alaska than I better move to the l48 and hire an out of state guide. It’s easier for an out of stater to get a drawing tag than resident.
Many of our best drawing hunts have shifted to give out of staters more than equal to resident draw rates. Out of staters are getting 50% or more of tags in several areas. This is going to have a reckoning.
Its the edge of the hill, you just removing the small rocks thats kept the big boulder in place. The tag numbers will continue to decrease.
Maybe maybe not all I know now is the path it's on is not good either doesn't matter how many tags you issue if the hunt sucks whats the point.
I don’t hate anyone.

I very much dislike people that come hunt areas without being fluent in the regulations, don’t abide by travel regulations, disregard laws, trespass and play stupid, trash everything they can, and have absolutely no courtesy whatsoever for anyone else.

Nothing like making your way into a nice glassing spot or camp site and finding beer cans, freeze dried food wrappers, human feces and whatever wrappers from the flavor of the day “Hunter performance enhancing blah blah”…

The few disrespectful hunters who are doing these things and those who make callous, “content” with no regard for the animals are the ones doing the most harm to the traditions of hunting.

Every spring, non hunters come out and see the wreckage caused by the few during hunting season and assume it’s the norm.
Unless something is done about this we don’t have a chance.
Before people jump on the bandwagon for more nr drawing opportunities, I’d like to remind you that we are forecasted to have five or six days of -35f next week.
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