Why is Seek Outside giving gun control advocate Ryan Busse air time?

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I'd bet there's at least a handful of things in everyone's pack, trucks, houses, yadayada that is made by a company who has differing views on many topics than the user, if you dig deep enough. I know this one is pretty blatantly out with his views.
I'd bet there's at least a handful of things in everyone's pack, trucks, houses, yadayada that is made by a company who has differing views on many topics than the user.
Yes, but if you could buy a pro 2a iPhone, wouldn’t you? Or a pro hunting truck brand? I see this argument all the time but it’s only a choice you can even make in certain sectors of the market.
I'd bet there's at least a handful of things in everyone's pack, trucks, houses, yadayada that is made by a company who has differing views on many topics than the user.
I agree. But, if they make their view public, they get to live with it, good or bad.

I don't know what the CEO of Ford's position is on the 2A. I have a feeling they want it that way.
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Yes, but if you could buy a pro 2a iPhone, wouldn’t you? Or a pro hunting truck brand? I see this argument all the time but it’s only a choice you can even make in certain sectors of the market.
You certainly have to pick your battles and I believe hunting is a battle that is worth picking in certain instances. There are other US based manufacturers out there, correct?

I live in Canada, I'll take anything 2a related they'll allow across the border.
I hate to pile on - and would give Seek Outside and Kevin Timm the benefit of the doubt - but I happened to look up Kevin Timm on FaceBook and checked out his “likes”. In addition to Rokslide, Kevin is also a fan of the U.S. Democratic Socilaists and the Resistance Toolbox among other groups,

I despise the cancel culture, and SO and Kevin Timm have a right to express their views, but it seems foolish to advertise your support for groups that are generally so diametrically opposed to what a lot of the guys on this site believe in.


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I hate to pile on - and would give Seek Outside and Kevin Timm the benefit of the doubt - but I happened to look up Kevin Timm on FaceBook and checked out his “likes”. In addition to Rokslide, Kevin is also a fan of the U.S. Democratic Socilaists and the Resistance Toolbox among other groups,

I despise the cancel culture, and SO and Kevin Timm have a right to express their views, but it seems foolish to advertise your support for groups that are generally so diametrically opposed to what a lot of the guys on this site believe in.
I had strong suspicions after watching their social media after 2020’s “summer of love.”

I let it go because I liked their products. I don’t care what your beliefs are, as long as you make a quality product and keep your beliefs out of it, I’ll buy your products, even if they are completely opposite to mine.

They couldn’t keep their beliefs out if it.

Unfortunately I ultimately find none of this surprising.
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Too bad about SO. I liked the products they made. I’ll shop elsewhere.

As other have mentioned, I buy many products from companies with owners who hold views with which I likely disagree. But when you use the company, it’s platform, or the profits from the products that I purchase to publicly advocate or advance a position to which I am opposed, I will direct my purchasing habits elsewhere.
I don't know what the CEO of Ford's position is on the 2A. I have a feeling they want it that way.
That's the way I want it and I think that's the way we all want it! If you're a business that caters to customers from multiple groups that may have opposing views, keep your personal opinions to yourself to ensure that you don't alienate any of your customer base (especially with a subject as polarizing as 2A). I'd rather not know how screwed up your views are (in my opinion) and then I don't have to be put in a position like many of us are finding ourselves in right now.
I listened to that podcast way back when it was released.

Those dudes all compared owning a military Tank to an ar-15.

Let me say that one more time for the people in the back. They COMPARED OWNING A MILITARY TANK ARMED WITH HEAVY ARTILLERY to owning a semi auto rifle. As if both or none of them belong with the 2nd amendment.
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I was an avid listener to the SO Podcast for a long time, owned one of their packs and a Cimarron/stove combo. Over time, it really became very clear where Kevin and the company stand on some issues that are important to me. Not by speculation, but straight from his and his employee's words. The first time they had Busse on was the last time I listened. He is a known quantity, the same lies and exaggerations he's been selling for years. They're not debating him, SO is furthering his agenda, and that is unacceptable to me. I'm disappointed about their stance, and I will spend my dollars elsewhere.
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Geeze, I hope none of us listen to talk radio. I believe Hannity, Levin, and every last mother lovin" one all run fundraising ads for the Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust (anti-hunting, anyone?) in between the Buy Gold Now ads and pitches for chubby pills. But as long as they all hate O'Biden, we'll overlook that. I know, I know I'm off topic.
Busse was hard to listen to with all of the little ad hominems he couldn’t help dropping against conservatives. Then there were the reliable leftist talking points like January 6th, “it’s Bush’s fault,” captalism is the evil, and of course, the always popular “dO yOU thiNk eVeryONe sHoUld HavE tHE rigHt tO OwN a TANK!?!?!?” I’m sure white supremacy and colonialism were in there somewhere and I just missed it.

His distain was palatable, and completely counterproductive to his stated mission. You’re not going to win support for your position and the “hearts and minds” of conservatives by mocking them.

I’d love to read his book to see what it’s really about, but no way I’ll support him or his publisher.

Absolutely no pushback, attempts to moderate, or even polite questioning by Kevin and Nathan when it came to his more vitriolic theories and statements. Usually they echoed with not-so-extreme views that were in-keeping with the general sentiment. Frankly, I always figured they were in that semi-woke, farm to table hunter marketshare like First Lite and others.

You don’t have to read very far between the lines to figure the political ideology of most companies these days because most are displaying it outright as a marketing tool to attract (or not anger) the woke left.

I’m not saying “never again” but in my mind, there are two categories: allies and enemies. I always support the allies first, if possible.
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the whole Republican Party would be a lot healthier without the group think.
I could say the same about the Democratic Party. Most of that party don’t have the first clue about guns yet latch on to anything their party says…..ar15 fires a 50cal bullet, 9mm blows a lung out of the body, etc.

They believe a new law will stop gun violence…no it won’t.

At least gun owners understand the truth…criminals are criminals because they DON’T follow the law! How is a new law going to help?
OP thanks for posting this. Listened to the podcast and geez, so much BS spewed. Ol’ boy Ryan is blinded by his own hatred that he can’t even figure out what it is that is so bad other than anyone that isn’t a socialist. The other knuckleheads on there just nodded and agreed the whole time. It’s very obvious none of them even have an understanding of what the 2nd amendment is for and why it is needed.

Anybody know any other companies that make silnylon and dcf tipis? Specifically smaller 4 person or less. Not gonna burn the several tents I have of theirs but I will not spend another dime with that company.
Well I finally gave it a partial listen this morning.

As I suspected, this was an opportunity for Busse to push his views and his book. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes it started with the typical “I just want to have a conversation…” trope, but the visceral hate Busse has for anyone with a traditional view of the 2nd Amendment or leans to the the right is was quickly apparent, and SO’s support of what he was saying was also quickly apparent.

It amazes me that any gun owner falls for that shtick. The slippery slope is real, and you don’t have to do much looking at history to see where it leads. Again, go talk to anyone who lives in NYC, DC, Western Europe, etc and see how their draconian gun laws impact hunter recruitment and retention.

SO should know better.

They have a right to their viewpoint, but I have a right to take my business elsewhere.
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