Why is Seek Outside giving gun control advocate Ryan Busse air time?

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Here is the way I see it.
We as hunters are in a fight everyday to protect our hunting and our 2nd amendment rights.
A true friend stays by your side and fights with you. Seek Outside ran away. That’s what upsets us. We felt they were our friends.
Nobody believes Ford and Chevy are truly our friends.
Ford and Chevy do what corporations should do, shut up and sell products.
If you are a Meateater listener you are putting money in Chernin's pocket, isn't that worse than SO? :)

I quit all this frothing a long time ago and now just buy what I like. A good portion of my hunting clothing is from backpacking brands so you can probably imagine how different their values are from mine. I own a SO pack and I'll continue to happily pack animals out with it.

I will say if I was in SO's shoes I would not be dabbling in controversial topics on podcasts. I know content creation is very effective marketing, but the risks can be pretty high as well.

And yea, Busse comes off as having a bit of an axe to grind.......
There is a big difference between listening to a free podcast and spending thousands on gear. I’ve probably spent close to 3k on SO products.

You are right, it’s almost impossible to buy stuff from “pro gun, pro hunter” companies, or even “neutral” companies. But if I’m going to spend the kind of money I’ve spent at SO, I’ll buy from somewhere else if I can help it.
I think you missed my point or I failed to make it. They are sponsoring a forum that is based on hunting, an activity that is often pursued with firearms. It seems somewhat two faced of them.
I agree. It’s definitely two faced on their part.
There is a big difference between listening to a free podcast and spending thousands on gear. I’ve probably spent close to 3k on SO products.

You are right, it’s almost impossible to buy stuff from “pro gun, pro hunter” companies, or even “neutral” companies. But if I’m going to spend the kind of money I’ve spent at SO, I’ll buy from somewhere else if I can help it.
Just because the podcast is free doesn't mean it's not making Chernin money........

I'll agree, though, we'll never be able to buy from only people like us. And it would be a boring world if we could. Hence why I quit dedicating the mental bandwidth to boycotting companies a long time ago.
Appealing to “different sectors” is not the issue at all. That should be pretty clear. We are on a hunting forum, talking about a company that makes a lot of money from the hunting community, actively agreeing with statements made by an anti gun advocate. Why would a person who enjoys hunting and owning firearms want to spend their money on products from a company that doesn’t support that?
I don’t think buying a tent from SO has any impact on my hunting rifle ownership. I know a lot of people draw connections and conclusions that aren’t there. I don’t believe SO is a major, or any player really, on political issues that will tip the needle. Just a tent company.
Here is the way I see it.
We as hunters are in a fight everyday to protect our hunting and our 2nd amendment rights.
A true friend stays by your side and fights with you. Seek Outside ran away. That’s what upsets us. We felt they were our friends.
Nobody believes Ford and Chevy are truly our friends.
You thought they were friends and not a company selling product?
We are slowly becoming a country that is no longer patriotic.

The Universities and liberal political factions are preaching one world and many are protesting nationalism. Its Bad!

Whats outrageous is these same spoiled rotten liberals people have benefited from the patriots who have died to protect our nation…and the many still deployed to keep us safe. its easy for them to say.

There are many people in our country that are clueless To the fact many in less fortunate countries would kill to have what we have.

Giving these posers a voice is sad…all talk….and what have they actually done? We all know it from the schoolyard…the biggest talker was the biggest wus. Celebrities saying they will leave the US if so and so is elected- then move you worthless loudmouth.

If we lose all of our patriotism…things will go downhill quick.
We are slowly becoming a country that is no longer patriotic.

The Universities and liberal political factions are preaching one world and many are protesting nationalism. Its Bad!

Whats outrageous is these same spoiled rotten liberals people have benefited from the patriots who have died to protect our nation…and the many still deployed to keep us safe. its easy for them to say.

There are many people in our country that are clueless To the fact many in less fortunate countries would kill to have what we have.

Giving these posers a voice is sad…all talk….and what have they actually done? We all know it from the schoolyard…the biggest talker was the biggest wus. Celebrities saying they will leave the US if so and so is elected- then move you worthless loudmouth.

If we lose all of our patriotism…things will go downhill quick.
This is something that I find so bizarre about the screenshot above of one of Busse's tweets. He claims that people flying an American flag are doing so to intimidate people. If that is perceived as an attempt at intimidation, what in the world does that say about someone that thinks that is an attempt at intimidation? Isn't that, by definition, anti-American sentiment? I just don't understand how this sort of mindset has gotten such a foothold in our country.

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If a company or the owners of a company take a public stand on any social issues, the deserve whatever blowback they get from it.
Yup. It’s amazing how this still happens in this day and age, and it happens a lot.

It’s funny, I was already a little sour on SO. I had a center pole fail after only a few inches of light snow a few years ago. I reached out for a warranty replacement. I was told it was “designed to break” and I’d have to purchase another one. Now I get it, maybe it is, but most companies are going to warranty an item that broke under normal use, and I’d consider a few inches of snow in the mountains is normal use for a tent.

If they treated me better after spending a small fortune on their gear, I might have just forgotten I’d seen the stupid podcast episode this morning and moved on.

Bottom line, the free market is a bitch, and don’t put shit out there that could drive away your customer base.
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