Why cant people accept the fact that some people dont need a drop tested scope?

Say some newbie posts “Hey, I’m new to RS and I’m looking at buying a new scope. I’ve narrowed my choice down to between X Brand and Y Brand scopes. What do you think fellow Sliders?”

Apart from requests for more info ("what are you hunting, where and at what distance?"), what are the appropriate response(s)?
  1. None. Real Hunters don't ask for scope, caliber, load or other input from strangers on the internet. This new member is inferior. (Notable exception/inconsistency - if you are a Real Hunter who doesn't need stranger input, you are of course willing to give your opinions and superior knowledge, to strangers, on the internet.)
  2. Only answer the direct and limited question - X Brand vs Y Brand. Do not introduce Z Brand as an alternative, for any reason (subject to #3 and/or #4).
  3. If, and only if, you have first-hand experience with X Brand or Y Brand scopes, you can share that experience - even including issues relating to reliability.
  4. If the OP instead specifically asks about reliability, and you have drop tested your own scope, then you can refer them to the scope evaluations - but only with the caveats that all manufactures think the tests are not only unnecessary, but that they are flawed in design, statistically invalid due to numbers, etc. And that the tests fail to account for many peoples' favorable experiences with all of the scopes in question.
  5. We can each tell the rookie what we think and let the rookie make a decision based on the entire thread of posts.
Damnit...guess we should all just log out and quit hunting.

Nope, I’m going to chase them off a cliff. It does require a cliff, an animal somewhat willing to participate and a little luck, but if I do my part I’m pretty sure gravity won’t let me down on that hunt of a lifetime.

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Nope, I’m going to chase them off a cliff. It does require a cliff, an animal somewhat willing to participate and a little luck, but if I do my part I’m pretty sure gravity won’t let me down on that hunt of a lifetime.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What height is the cliff? What is at the bottom? What is the weight of the animal? At what speed will the animal be running?

Without this information, how could you ever determine that you could effectively kill the animal? If you did manage to kill one, how could you prove that it was gravity that made it all happen?

Although, if we did go this route...Form is going to come up with a new name for his tests because running animals off cliffs would be the true "drop test."
They must. People like you continue to whine and cry about "zero shift" from "non approved internet test scopes", and people like that never notice the shift BS. That's what that argument is......BS.
Lol if you think I am whining and crying... what the world must look like from your delusion, I have no idea but obviously not worth conversing if it is in some alternate reality.
Au contraire! Should you even suggest a non-dropped scope on the Rokslide
Do they add any caveat about the suggestion or just praise it? I think that's the difference.

"Hey this vortex product works well for me, some folks have had issues with zero retention so do your homework on that vs your needs but its been working well for me."
LOL.........I heard less crying whining at my daughter's 6th grade slumber party than you and mxg .
Interesting, because I heard less whining from him and mxg than I have from you. I guess it is hard to hear whining from the slumber party when you are whining louder than the 6th graders.

You brought the word whining into this thread, so you have no valid complaint regarding its application to you (though that does not mean you cannot whine about it).

I think in the end, we are better of keeping the school yard antics at the slumber party.
Nope, I’m going to chase them off a cliff. It does require a cliff, an animal somewhat willing to participate and a little luck, but if I do my part I’m pretty sure gravity won’t let me down on that hunt of a lifetime.
The fall also has to happen before you shoot, so shoot soon after you start the hunt. ;)
Interesting, because I heard less whining from him and mxg than I have from you. I guess it is hard to hear whining from the slumber party when you are whining louder than the 6th graders.

You brought the word whining into this thread, so you have no valid complaint regarding its application to you (though that does not mean you cannot whine about it).

I think in the end, we are better of keeping the school yard antics at the slumber party.
Guess again........
Small sample size, lack of formal statistics and analytics training, and confirmation bias come to mind as the top three contributors to these opinions (this goes far beyond scopes).
Say some newbie posts “Hey, I’m new to RS and I’m looking at buying a new scope. I’ve narrowed my choice down to between X Brand and Y Brand scopes. What do you think fellow Sliders?”

Apart from requests for more info ("what are you hunting, where and at what distance?"), what are the appropriate response(s)?
  1. None. Real Hunters don't ask for scope, caliber, load or other input from strangers on the internet. This new member is inferior. (Notable exception/inconsistency - if you are a Real Hunter who doesn't need stranger input, you are of course willing to give your opinions and superior knowledge, to strangers, on the internet.)
  2. Only answer the direct and limited question - X Brand vs Y Brand. Do not introduce Z Brand as an alternative, for any reason (subject to #3 and/or #4).
  3. If, and only if, you have first-hand experience with X Brand or Y Brand scopes, you can share that experience - even including issues relating to reliability.
  4. If the OP instead specifically asks about reliability, and you have drop tested your own scope, then you can refer them to the scope evaluations - but only with the caveats that all manufactures think the tests are not only unnecessary, but that they are flawed in design, statistically invalid due to numbers, etc. And that the tests fail to account for many peoples' favorable experiences with all of the scopes in question.
  5. We can each tell the rookie what we think and let the rookie make a decision based on the entire thread of posts.

6. Ignore them and hope they go away. We don't need anymore hunters.