This is (IMHO) a good point that has been raised and addressed in other threads. A couple of responses have been made. First, no scope manufacturer (to my knowledge) is willing to provide new scopes for the test (or even a single scope). Second, even if a manufacturer did provide a scope, some would point it it might have been tweaked or otherwise build differently from the retail version in order to pass the tests. Third, the tests are limited by what is available (source of scope), the time of the testers, and by budget. As far as I know, all of the scopes are being provided by RS and/or RS members. And even a "new" scope provided by a member isn't technically KNOWN to be "new" since I could have messed it up and
said it was new.
Not directed at you
@Archer86, but plenty of people (and scope makers) have taken issue with the methodology of the tests (in addition to many who take issue with even the concept of any test being needed). But for those who get past the issue of whether the tests are needed, or at least helptul, not many of those who point out limitations in the methodology have offered constructive ways of improvement - or at least
realistic ones (given the time and cost constraints).