Why cant people accept the fact that some people dont need a drop tested scope?

IMO which means nothing….. a drop test would be valid if one took a very large sampling and tested a completely different way.

Take 30 Leupolds and 30 NF, 30 S&B and so on. And actually had some serious mechanical engineering and test done. Not just “well I throw some rings on and torqued to what the specs say and then drop each from the same height, and hope that my ammo, gun, shooter are all performing exactly the same with each follow up shot.
There should be test done quite honestly like the manufacturer use OR how (not a fan boy) NF does. Keep the rings out of the equation. The rifle out of the equation and so on. I spoke with a gentleman from NF at a show and he was aware of these drop test.
“There’s a reason we smack the scopes on a hard surface several time then throw it on our equipment and check for zero. This takes all other equipment out of the picture. Shock variations can occur if a human is doing the testing by simply smacking the scope with uncontrolled human force, but you get the idea.”
Leave the rest out.
IMO which means nothing….. a drop test would be valid if one took a very large sampling and tested a completely different way.

Take 30 Leupolds and 30 NF, 30 S&B and so on. And actually had some serious mechanical engineering and test done. Not just “well I throw some rings on and torqued to what the specs say and then drop each from the same height, and hope that my ammo, gun, shooter are all performing exactly the same with each follow up shot.
There should be test done quite honestly like the manufacturer use OR how (not a fan boy) NF does. Keep the rings out of the equation. The rifle out of the equation and so on. I spoke with a gentleman from NF at a show and he was aware of these drop test.
“There’s a reason we smack the scopes on a hard surface several time then throw it on our equipment and check for zero. This takes all other equipment out of the picture. Shock variations can occur if a human is doing the testing by simply smacking the scope with uncontrolled human force, but you get the idea.”
Leave the rest out.
This is an interesting idea. I’d be curious to hear why the drop test is superior/inferior to the NF testing which I think we’ve all seen.
The new Leupold thread got me thinking. A person says their Leupold works fine for their purpose and someone else just cant let it go. Why?
Regular people do it everyday. Here we are on a forum though, here many users are unreasonably emotionally invested in their gear and they can't wait to humiliate you if you haven't a 2000 or more USD scope. Don't get too annoyed by confirmation bias and other bad dynamics typical of forums. I hunted with scopes worth between 100 and 4000 dollars, i killed animals with all of them. Just know the limitations of your gear and buy only what you can really afford. I have seen plenty of Gucci geared hunters with a 8000 euros blaser in a fancy caliber and a 5000 scope missing easy shots because of target panic because they were shaking like leafs in the wind. Other ones sport a shitty winchester or remington bolt rifle with a burris scope and they are killers. I also think that features on a scope are often overlooked to favour lens quality. Lens quality is important but some features (reticles, ballistic turrets) are critical for some kind of hunting and their presence CAN make a 400 dollar scope much more effective than a 2000 dollar one IN CERTAIN CONDITIONS.
Whichever side of this debate person is on if the shooter is experienced and recoil is not rearing it's head at any point in the session, said shooter has a pretty good idea if they were the cause of the flier. I like the absolutes of removing the human element. However the overall objective of the test seems accomplishable when the best diligence is followed.

It does suck the scope brand I've held fast to for 30 years and taken more critters from elk to deer to pronghorn than I can count is the poster child for failing in this drop test, lol.
I've been saying this since the first couple pages of this thread with respect to rings and bases, didn't bring up bedding because that's another story to itself.

The drop tests and subsequent shots would seem to have more potential to be affected by the mounting system and bedding. The RTZ test to my mind, after the drop tests, would be a good indicator of internal problems as a result of the drop tests or as a flaw with the scope internals that is there regardless of dropping.

I do not believe scopes are tested for RTZ like they are after the drop test, would give a clear indication if there is potential for repeatability from the get-go.

It's a bummer the SWFA scopes are most of the time on B.O.. I have a mind to get one and play with it a bit. See how it works for me with eye relief, glass quality, etc. Could be a keeper or a resell here in a short minute.
Absolutely the mounting system matters. Which is part of the reason you cannot put much faith in a failed drop test, unless the whole system has been proofed.

A passed drop test by anyone is much more valuable than a failed drop test.

This is pretty thoroughly addressed in forms posts..
I've been saying this since the first couple pages of this thread with respect to rings and bases, didn't bring up bedding because that's another story to itself.

The drop tests and subsequent shots would seem to have more potential to be affected by the mounting system and bedding. The RTZ test to my mind, after the drop tests, would be a good indicator of internal problems as a result of the drop tests or as a flaw with the scope internals that is there regardless of dropping.

I do not believe scopes are tested for out of the box RTZ like they are after the drop test, would give a clear indication if there is potential for repeatability from the get-go.

It's a bummer the SWFA scopes are most of the time on B.O.. I have a mind to get one and play with it a bit. See how it works for me with eye relief, glass quality, etc. Could be a keeper or a resell here in a short minute.
About that…

Swfa is not accepting back orders anymore, so they just got even harder to get
Whichever side of this debate person is on if the shooter is experienced and recoil is not rearing it's head at any point in the session, said shooter has a pretty good idea if they were the cause of the flier. I like the absolutes of removing the human element. However the overall objective of the test seems accomplishable when the best diligence is followed.

It does suck the scope brand I've held fast to for 30 years and taken more critters from elk to deer to pronghorn than I can count is the poster child for failing in this drop test, lol.
Yeah, it sucks for the whining and crying naysayers, not guys like you who use gear successfully. After guiding around 160 hunters for 16 years, most of the hunters who claimed how great they were sucked the most. I laughed my asss off at the lawyer from PA who showed up on a rugged aoudad hunt with his new Blaser topped with an S&B Klassik.
This is factually wrong and you have no idea what your talking about.
Point in fact the scope that is most reccomended is between 450-600 USD.
I have no idea what i am talking about? 😂 thanks man, so friendly and so not aggressive as usual! You don't know me, you don't know how much experience do i have with scopes.
There is no "most recommended scope", if a scope is recommended or not it depends on the budget and the application, so you are factually wrong.

My friend, post a thread called "most recommended scope with any budget" and let's see what people suggest 600 dollars scope.

As i said before, forums are funny places. People always personally attacking and looking for arguments for no reason.
I'll be very surprised if SWFA is even around this time next year.
with their business presence, I certainly wouldn’t bet that you were wrong. I sure hope not, I want a couple more 3-9’s but won’t pay “discontinued” prices if it comes to that, which would likely be 150% retail or more. I like them for what they are, a reliable 550$ scope
I'll be very surprised if SWFA is even around this time next year.
Interesting... looking forward to that 200 page thread about the scopes guys bought and their musings when the company no longer exists. I'm not cheering for it, they seem to have a good thing going but supply sucks arse.
I have no idea what i am talking about? 😂 thanks man, so friendly and so not aggressive as usual! You don't know me, you don't know how much experience do i have with scopes.
There is no "most recommended scope", if a scope is recommended or not it depends on the budget and the application, so you are factually wrong.

My friend, post a thread called "most recommended scope with any budget" and let's see what people suggest 600 dollars scope.

As i said before, forums are funny places. People always personally attacking and looking for arguments for no reason.

Correct you don't now what you are speaking about.

I am not looking for a fight. You are stating FALSE information as fact.

We are not friends.

You are wrong about people here waiting to
humiliate you if you haven't a 2000 or more USD scope

You may feel free to not respond and put me on ignore. Thank you kindly.
Here's a learning moment for you Bjorn......when it's a fact, its not just a claim. That's a nice 5 shot group though, huh? If you will be completely honest, you'd know I never claimed to be the best at anything.

I've got a nice 7 shot group too if you'd like to see it.
Pretty piss poor for 50 years experience …just sayin’