Hmmmm. I don’t think I agree on this one.
My rifles don’t really ever leave whatever vehicle I’m driving. They ride around like this or laid across the back seat…
View attachment 660729
They get used some weeks daily and some weeks a couple days. The roads travelled vary from everyday roads and highways to something more like this…
View attachment 660730
And everything in between.
They are then taken out and use to shoot and/or kill very often. Thrown back in the vehicle and off we go again.
I also carry them year round on scouting trips, backpacking trips etc as I love shooting predators that are no limit no season. So they cruise around the mountains and trails being hand carried or sometimes strapped to a backpack.
That type of use, to me, is tangible data when a rifle and scope is used in those conditions. Does it replace Forms drop test? Not at all. But I still think it’s another good testament to a working or non working “system”.
Again. You see patterns show up with certain devices when they get used like this. Sometimes it takes a really long time (and that’s the beauty of Forms drop test, accelerating field use).
I think there’s a lot of benefit to a thread where folks can post updates of how their “systems” are performing through field use updates. With regular shots taken to confirm potential POI shift.