Last three books you've read?

Hey gang,

Looking for my next read, just finishing up my latest. For fun, what have you guys been reading? Anything you'd recommend?

My last three have been:

I will fight no more; forever- Merrill D. Beal. Great history of Chief Joesph and the Nez Perce. Unfortunate reminder of how bad the indians got screwed over.
Public land mulies- David Long. Second time perusing this one, lots of good info and I enjoy his stories.
The map that changed the world- Simon Winchester. This one took a while for me to get through. Interesting story about the birth of modern geology, but fairly technical and definitely geeky.

So what have your been reading lately?
Anything by Louis L'Amour. Just about to finish all the books he wrote.
Just finished Larry Doby in black and white by Jerry izenburg. Part way through Only the ball was white by Robert Peterson. Great books
I'm 61, I don't think I've read 3 books since high school, so I'll disqualify myself. I'm just not a reader. I have been reading one of Aaron Franklins books, mostly on airplanes but I'm a third of the way through it in 3 years or so.
I thought Aaron Franklin was a Texas brisket master chef.
I'm a big Louis L'Amour fan and read a bunch, but it's been a long time. Any favorites you recommend?

I'm a big Louis L'Amour fan and read a bunch, but it's been a long time. Any favorites you recommend?
Last of the Breed and any of the books with the Sacketts are my favorites but all his books are great. Haven’t read one yet I didn’t like.
I just finished Undaunted Courage. I didn’t know Lewis lost it at the end. Kinda broke my heart. Before that it was Lisey’s Story and Old Man and the Sea.
Jim Bridger, Mountain Man
by Stanley Vestal

Crow Killer
by Raymond Thorp and Robert Bunker

Journal of a Trapper
by Osborne Russell