Why are people so unkind

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The Colorado mountains are going to be way meaner than any dude here.
Yep, worrying about your truck getting vandalized or having a major confrontation in Colorado, Montana while hunting gets old quickly
when the pumpkin patch comes marching up the mountain
even on private land occasionally the locals are very possessive, never mind public

old Mexico has some excellent elk hunting up in the northern mountains in the siarra madre oriental if you’re not willing to hassle with the citizens of Colorado AA717B82-B47F-4C72-975E-071632D16609.jpeg
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Hello people , Firstly I'd like to thank those couple of people who actually gave me constructive advice in my previous post . Iam wanting to Bowhunt Elk in Colorado this September and ask for advise on units ete , this will be my first and last trip to Colorado . Well anyone would think Iam asking to borrow your wife for a month , Iam coming from Australia so its not like Iam going the hammer your secret units or areas and the chances of me shooting a Bull are slim , although I did shoot a Bull in Utah OTC a few years back . Iam going to put in for a draw unit in the SW portion of the state , Ill be hunting by myself , if I don't draw I'll go OTC . I ask previously for advise nothing more , I'am not a tuff guy or a big Instagram Elk hunter like a few portray themselves on this forum , If you wanted to come down to Australia to hunt and we can basically hunt 12 months of the year no tags , no drawing . I would be one of the guys you'd ask for advise , help , and maybe even catch up for a hunt . I don't care if you want to shoot one of our Stags or Buffalo or any other of our game species down here , but gee ask you guys for advise its like cutting your left arm off . Again I sincerely thank those couple of dudes that did help me with some direction in your beautiful state .
Good Luck on your trip here!! You just have to skip over the negative remarks, same as in life. Hope you have an enjoyable time that'll make it feel worthwhile!! Don't forget to post your hunt on here after. Good or bad, it'll help us all pass the time until we get to hunt again!! GL..
Is this any different from any other online form? No! You will have your haters and it doesn't really matter what the topic is. Honestly, skip those post or at least don't be hurt by them. Only focus on the ones that are helpful. Good luck in CO!

Even the mean post sometimes have a valid point. They just don't know how to deliver their message/point tactfully. Approach those post with sense of humor. Some of them are entertaining. LOL
To be honest, if I want a big trip to be high odds, I know I’ve got to pay someone local for their knowledge. Elk are a limited resource. It stinks that’s the case, but I’m not willing to travel 5 states to gamble on it, let alone out of country. If you have one chance and one alone, pay a guide. Even if people here told you all of their hot spots and gave you all the info they could from years past, having someone on the ground scouting the month leading up to your trip is going to be more valuable than any previous info.

I hope you do well and get a monster. Sorry if people offended you or were rude. I know people who won’t share their spots even with good friends on species with high populations. Just expect if you want great info you’ll need to pay for it, just like anything else in life.
I wouldn't travel half way across the globe to hunt OTC Colorado. This is coming from a CO resident.

Save points in whatever state you want and get into a Limited Entry Unit - your hunt will be a LOT better.
I can’t promise an elk but unit 55 around crested butte is some of the most scenic.

55 IS NOT otc archery elk, it's a limited hunt code.

@ozziehunter every single OTC archery elk unit in Colorado has healthy numbers of elk and the same likelihood of trophy potential.

Your best bet if looking for "where to go" advice is to very clearly describe the style of hunt, terrain, and vegetation that you have in your mind for Colorado. If none of that matters, throw a dart at the Western half of the square state and go hunt.
I was hoping to find out if the toilets flush backwards before that guy never comes back again… come on guys he is traveling a long way some one give him GPS locations to a drainage with a 350 bull…
Haha no kidding. I had someone drop a dirt snake right outside my driver’s side door and put the toilet paper on my truck in good old CO (had the dreaded out of state tag).
I wasn’t even that mad because while they were doing that, I was packing out an elk. I do back into trailheads now though 😂
Wow, talk about lowdown.

Backing in might help but since Colorado requires a front plate it's pretty easy to tell NR vehicles from the front just from the lack of a plate. Not sure of the legality of this but I know a guy that had his truck f'ed with in Wyoming so he now throws on a old Wyoming plate while it's parked at Trailheads. Just don't forget to switch it back before you drive.
55 IS NOT otc archery elk, it's a limited hunt code.

@ozziehunter every single OTC archery elk unit in Colorado has healthy numbers of elk and the same likelihood of trophy potential.

Your best bet if looking for "where to go" advice is to very clearly describe the style of hunt, terrain, and vegetation that you have in your mind for Colorado. If none of that matters, throw a dart at the Western half of the square state and go hunt.
The lizard head & Rico area isa good starting point to research
up dolores creek
Wow, I'm hoping the commenters in support of the OP haven't taken the time to read the thread in question. There is absolutely nobody being "unkind." I usually think unkind thoughts at his type of post (as I'm sure many of us do) but the reply's were quite civil and cordial.

I'm curious how a person could not see the downside of posting hard-earned hunting information on an internet forum to be read by thousands of people. Obviously it isn't someone who has seen the results of their favorite spot being completely ruined by an avalanche of hunting pressure.
The lizard head & Rico area isa good starting point to research
up dolores creek
Isn’t that all draw? I’d believe it takes more than an application to get in there. Although when the areas I knew went to draw 4 seasons ago I never looked into it. I sent a guy from here in there where I’ve taken 2 bulls, he thanked me with his feedback.
Someone asks where to hunt, several guys post unit numbers and hunt quality info, the post gets 1500 page views, and the hunt area turns to crap. Not because you, as a single hunter showed up, but because there are literally hundreds of people in the same situation and looking for "a push in the right direction." Now you have a covey of guys hammering the same unit. In an OTC unit people are to be expected, in a LQ draw unit it can actually ruin your own odds of drawing.
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