Hello people , Firstly I'd like to thank those couple of people who actually gave me constructive advice in my previous post . Iam wanting to Bowhunt Elk in Colorado this September and ask for advise on units ete , this will be my first and last trip to Colorado . Well anyone would think Iam asking to borrow your wife for a month , Iam coming from Australia so its not like Iam going the hammer your secret units or areas and the chances of me shooting a Bull are slim , although I did shoot a Bull in Utah OTC a few years back . Iam going to put in for a draw unit in the SW portion of the state , Ill be hunting by myself , if I don't draw I'll go OTC . I ask previously for advise nothing more , I'am not a tuff guy or a big Instagram Elk hunter like a few portray themselves on this forum , If you wanted to come down to Australia to hunt and we can basically hunt 12 months of the year no tags , no drawing . I would be one of the guys you'd ask for advise , help , and maybe even catch up for a hunt . I don't care if you want to shoot one of our Stags or Buffalo or any other of our game species down here , but gee ask you guys for advise its like cutting your left arm off . Again I sincerely thank those couple of dudes that did help me with some direction in your beautiful state .