Many of you equate the change from OTC to draw as meaning a reduction in quota. Not necessarily. Although possible, CO has shown nothing to indicate that would happen.
That wouldn’t happen I agree they would just say ok here’s 600 bull draw tags available for 2nd rifle, 400 cow tags, the split is 75/25 for the original draw. Then whoever draws whatever in the second draw. honestly I’d prefer it to be that way, OTC tags suck in a way cause you never really know how many people may be in a unit. Least if they were draw you know how many tags are out there, and possibly how many hunters are in the unit. IMO it’s the best of all worlds, for residents and non residents. Even though you will never make many of the residents happy they have to cry about something (I’m a lifelong resident). Many do believe that doing away with otc just like with it this year on archery is going to drop income. But like my unit they will
Probably give out 600 non residents tags, and if there’s 300 leftover for a few years they will start cutting them back to match, that’s what they did in a few units and they were all worried about losing tons of revenue but they just went on an 3 yr average of people in that unit and sold tags accordingly.
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