Colorado Elk Supply Demand

There has also been talks of having to use points on all choices. Draw your third choice, use your points. Lots going on here in Colorado. More of us should be listening to the commission meetings.
There has also been talks of having to use points on all choices. Draw your third choice, use your points. Lots going on here in Colorado. More of us should be listening to the commission meetings.
Yeah, They have talked about that and other things too.
I listen to the commission meetings and I agree with you ... probably more people should. They have alot of interesting discussions.
The comish has also stated they were sick of dealing with so many tags on the secondary draw and leftover list. Requiring people to burn points on a 3 and 4 choice will due just that.

First and second I could understand.
I don’t think it will help creep but I’m not smart. I also don’t think the new draw limits for moose, sheep and goats will help but again, I’m not smart.
For anyone interested, there’s a CPW commissioners meeting next week and they’re scheduled to talk about some of this stuff.
All of this is going to change with the wolves taking over CO elk herds. What I mean by that is non residents demand to come hunt I see dwindling in the next 5-10 years as these predators knock elk populations down. Just my guess.
The wolves aren't doing very well. I don't have access to the latest news but it has been far from a smashing success, a few have died a couple were killed for stock raiding, several states have refused to donate wolves for reintroduction
Colorado resident for 35 years
The wolves aren't doing very well. I don't have access to the latest news but it has been far from a smashing success, a few have died a couple were killed for stock raiding, several states have refused to donate wolves for reintroduction
Colorado resident for 35 years
That’s good.
Give it time though. The prey numbers are there.
The wolves aren't doing very well. I don't have access to the latest news but it has been far from a smashing success, a few have died a couple were killed for stock raiding, several states have refused to donate wolves for reintroduction
Colorado resident for 35 years

2 died from natural causes 1 from a lion, the other had a healed gunshot wound but also wounds from another wolf, the 3rd now they are saying had bullet wound but took USFWS 4 months with a necropsy to figure that out.

Every Rocky Mountain state has denied wolves even the colville Indian tribe (has stated they won’t send wolves from their reservation land) so now they have to go to British Columbia to find some

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Just 1 guy's opinion:
-All OTC should go away for sake of better management, and potentially help with point creep
-I'd be in favor of any drawn tag using PP
-Grizz hunting in lower 48 needs to happen
-All states with wolves should have a form of hunting them to keep in check and fear of man/property/etc

You can still pull off an elk hunt for $1,000.
$800 tag
$800 gas (split between 4 guys)
$0 food (eating out of cooler for a week cheaper than me grilling at home)
All my gear I own for whitetail hunting back home except for used pack I bought off classified. Still wearing my walmart camo pants and shirt when I shot my best bull to date this past Sept (10+ years I've worn them)

Also - for those that put in the research and network there are plenty of decent hunts out west to be had that can be drawn every year in general areas (better be in shape thought). Buy tags not gear...have fun and share your pics/story!
Just 1 guy's opinion:
-All OTC should go away for sake of better management, and potentially help with point creep
-I'd be in favor of any drawn tag using PP
-Grizz hunting in lower 48 needs to happen
-All states with wolves should have a form of hunting them to keep in check and fear of man/property/etc

You can still pull off an elk hunt for $1,000.
$800 tag
$800 gas (split between 4 guys)
$0 food (eating out of cooler for a week cheaper than me grilling at home)
All my gear I own for whitetail hunting back home except for used pack I bought off classified. Still wearing my walmart camo pants and shirt when I shot my best bull to date this past Sept (10+ years I've worn them)

Also - for those that put in the research and network there are plenty of decent hunts out west to be had that can be drawn every year in general areas (better be in shape thought). Buy tags not gear...have fun and share your pics/story!
I'm entering an argument on the internet...never a good thing. But you cannot realistically pull off a nonresident bull (and a lot of Cow) elk hunt for less than $1,000, even with your $0 of food. Isn't CO the only state where teh tag along is less than $1,000 now? Are you just not eating for a week or are you bringing groceries from home? Are you using a rifle with iron sights and no binos/rangefinders? Or a trad bow with arrows you whittled yourself? Sleeping in the truck with those 4 guys? I agree we don't need to keep up with every Tom, Dick, and Harry on youtube or instragram with all the equipment but to tell a guy they should be able to go elk hunting as a nonres for less than $1,000 is unrealistic.
I'm entering an argument on the internet...never a good thing. But you cannot realistically pull off a nonresident bull (and a lot of Cow) elk hunt for less than $1,000, even with your $0 of food. Isn't CO the only state where teh tag along is less than $1,000 now? Are you just not eating for a week or are you bringing groceries from home? Are you using a rifle with iron sights and no binos/rangefinders? Or a trad bow with arrows you whittled yourself? Sleeping in the truck with those 4 guys? I agree we don't need to keep up with every Tom, Dick, and Harry on youtube or instragram with all the equipment but to tell a guy they should be able to go elk hunting as a nonres for less than $1,000 is unrealistic.

It's totally realistic...I've done it several times for $1000.
NM $550, Utah $613, CO NR elk still $800, WY general tag $707, OR $588, ID $800ish, WA $600ish
Split gas with buddies.
I've pitched a 6 man family tent that we've owned for 10+ yrs, and shared a buddies tent other years...again all items we already own for camping with family back east.
No I don't hunt elk with binos...and as I mentioned I already have a bow/arrows/rangefinder and all my camo for hunting deer & turkey in IL.
Yes - pack cooler and frozen leftovers at doesn't have to cost a penny more that being home that week.

If a local comes to me with $1000 and crazy F'ing desire to hunt elk with their bow - it will absolutely happen that fall. I've taken 10+ guys from my hometown over the years on this same plan/budget.

I've also driven out and hunted solo - slept in my car - ate out of my cooler...shot the biggest bull of my life, packed it out solo and was back home round trip in 4 days. It's an absolute addiction.
If you want it bad enough you'll find a way...otherwise it's easy to make excuses.
The wolves aren't doing very well. I don't have access to the latest news but it has been far from a smashing success, a few have died a couple were killed for stock raiding, several states have refused to donate wolves for reintroduction
Colorado resident for 35 years
CO will just trade for more, again with OR. Libtard states stick together.
If anyone is interested here's the link to the Colorado CPW Commissioners meeting that's happening today and tomorow.
CPW’s website
Just scroll down to the second item "Watch the Commission Meeting" and hit "Live Stream Now".

Also, here's a link to their Agenda
A complete agenda
I'm entering an argument on the internet...never a good thing. But you cannot realistically pull off a nonresident bull (and a lot of Cow) elk hunt for less than $1,000, even with your $0 of food. Isn't CO the only state where teh tag along is less than $1,000 now? Are you just not eating for a week or are you bringing groceries from home? Are you using a rifle with iron sights and no binos/rangefinders? Or a trad bow with arrows you whittled yourself? Sleeping in the truck with those 4 guys? I agree we don't need to keep up with every Tom, Dick, and Harry on youtube or instragram with all the equipment but to tell a guy they should be able to go elk hunting as a nonres for less than $1,000 is unrealistic.
I agree with you that most guys aren't getting out west from the east for $1000 on an $800 tag. But your points about scopes and arrows isn't valid. If an archery hunter doesn't own a bow or arrows for his home state, should not plan an out of state trip.

Last year our shared travel cost was $625 per man (4 of us). Included gas (truck, atv's, generator), tolls, ice, atv permits, and renting a 14' enclosed. I do not remember how much of the total was just for gas, but it was more than $800. Trailer rental cost us $175 per man.

Of course tag was over $1k, so we were over budget before we left home.
It's totally realistic...I've done it several times for $1000.
NM $550, Utah $613, CO NR elk still $800, WY general tag $707, OR $588, ID $800ish, WA $600ish
Split gas with buddies.
I've pitched a 6 man family tent that we've owned for 10+ yrs, and shared a buddies tent other years...again all items we already own for camping with family back east.
No I don't hunt elk with binos...and as I mentioned I already have a bow/arrows/rangefinder and all my camo for hunting deer & turkey in IL.
Yes - pack cooler and frozen leftovers at doesn't have to cost a penny more that being home that week.

If a local comes to me with $1000 and crazy F'ing desire to hunt elk with their bow - it will absolutely happen that fall. I've taken 10+ guys from my hometown over the years on this same plan/budget.

I've also driven out and hunted solo - slept in my car - ate out of my cooler...shot the biggest bull of my life, packed it out solo and was back home round trip in 4 days. It's an absolute addiction.
If you want it bad enough you'll find a way...otherwise it's easy to make excuses.

One of my biggest issues is guys coming out underprepared to budget hunt and then having issues. As an outfitter I see it all the time, sub par sleeping bags, whitetail bow setups, no range finder, the list goes on and on. You see every year guys not being weather prepared and getting stuck or lost, injured animals for bad shots or sub par shooting, if you’re gonna go elk hunting in CO you need to be prepared and doing it on a budget may work for you a few times but when it comes down to it ur putting your safety at risk and then possible injuring wildlife vs making proper shots.

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I hunted deer in Northern MN/WI for my entire life before getting into elk hunting. I haven't had the pleasure of doing an archery elk hunt yet, but my deer rifle needed to shoot 75-100 yds max in my neck of the scope/rifle/caliber were ill suited to go out west. Even if I break out the cost of a new set-up and my ammo over the course of all my elk hunts, that's still a significant cost. Most everyone east of the Rockies will need a different gun set-up to hunt in the west than hunting in the east. And even if you're archery hunting, you're still spending money on bows and arrows. I guess we can debate if that's money already spent on whitetail hunting (similar to the groceries) so we don't have to include that but I try that logic with my wife and it doesn't fly. Also, my 1200gr muck boots weren't conducive to hiking in the mountains so I needed to get a decent pair of hunting boots. And my gear (even for archery season) is too heavy to take out onto the mountains or I'd sweat to death. Thankfully our ice fishing tent and mr. buddy heater worked for a tent and stove so didn't have to get those.

I'm not familiar with Washington or Oregon elk hunting, but that's only going to drive up the gas bill. The chance you get 4 NR to draw the same bull tag in NM, Utah, or Idaho isn't realistic based on the draw odds I've seen. I suppose I'm assuming I'm not asking a buddy to split the gas bill who is coming out west without a tag. And won't that Wyoming general tag require some preference points which cost a little money?

It's possible I shoot a 480" free range elk on my general unit tag I hopefully draw this year...but is it realistic?

Again, I'm not saying you can't do it (in fact, it's pretty awesome you're able to and I have a ton of respect for that), I just think it'd be pretty dang tough to do it. And most of us have to realistically expect we're going to spend more than that.