Who would you hunt with?

Not historical well maybe, Ted Nugent I bet that would be a interesting good hunt. As too historical Teddy Roosevelt.
To those that said Teddy Roosevelt, I ask, why? He is a conservation icon and I am by no means looking to cancel him, but have you read accounts of his hunts?

Dude would roll into a basin with his gaggle of packers and cooks and skinners and trackers and stack bodies like they were poker chips. I suspect he had an ego that would stack more Insta likes than Tits Mcgee Huntress were he alive in the validation age. But he is certainly famous.

It was just a different time that we can't relate to, and I'm not sure my modern sensibilities would want to. I appreciate what he means to public lands, but he doesn't make my first cut.
To those that said Teddy Roosevelt, I ask, why? He is a conservation icon and I am by no means looking to cancel him, but have you read accounts of his hunts?

Dude would roll into a basin with his gaggle of packers and cooks and skinners and trackers and stack bodies like they were poker chips. I suspect he had an ego that would stack more Insta likes than Tits Mcgee Huntress were he alive in the validation age. But he is certainly famous.

It was just a different time that we can't relate to, and I'm not sure my modern sensibilities would want to. I appreciate what he means to public lands, but he doesn't make my first cut.
In his time, in Africa, would have been a sight to behold. It was a different time. Its hard to judge the past by present standards.
To those that said Teddy Roosevelt, I ask, why? He is a conservation icon and I am by no means looking to cancel him, but have you read accounts of his hunts?

Dude would roll into a basin with his gaggle of packers and cooks and skinners and trackers and stack bodies like they were poker chips. I suspect he had an ego that would stack more Insta likes than Tits Mcgee Huntress were he alive in the validation age. But he is certainly famous.
I assume this to be largely correct.

However, I'm currently reading River of Doubt about his expedition in the Amazon. In the book it's said that he much preferred to listen to the accounts and achievements of those in his party rather that share his own. On the other hand, it's also said that he talked incessantly. I'm more the quiet type...
Marcus Luttrell he seems like such a down to earth guy and I bet his campfire stories would have me epic!!
John Wayne because he is a bad ass. Atleast in his movies. I know he wasn't a famous hunter but if I had to hunt with him to meet him I could live with that.

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Glenn St.Charles! One of the pioneers of modern bowhunting and one of the driving forces as to why we have bow seasons at all. He was also a stud to have done the things he did during the time frame he did them in!

Glenn was such a cool guy. Got to know him a bit when I lived in Seattle. A gentle soul who really loved the outdoors and archery.
I'd say my grandpa first, he stopped hunting before I was old enough to hunt with him. He's a cool guy. Second, I'd have to go Jack O'Conner. Mainly cause I have become infatuated with sheep and am currently planning my first sheep hunt.
I’m surprised nobody has mentioned Fred Bear or Howard Hill. Some of the other people I think would be fun to hunt with would be Chuck Adams, Randy Newberg, and the late great Dwight Schuh. As you can see I can’t really narrow it down.
Chuck Adams was my idol when I was in junior high. I had a couple of his Hoyt posters hanging in my room. I would love to listen to some of his stories in camp, but would be probably be laughed off the Mtn if I hunted with him.