Who would you hunt with?

Wow....loaded question. First would be my dad, (rip), I currently hunt with who I wish to, (my brother, elkhunter777, pnwgator, formadilious, and others on RS).
IF I could snap my fingers and hunt with anyone all time from history.......Lewis and Clark.

I’d maybe hunt with John Stewart, Daniel Boone’s brother in law and one of his favorite hunting pals. He was my 8th great-grandfather.
To those that said Teddy Roosevelt, I ask, why? He is a conservation icon and I am by no means looking to cancel him, but have you read accounts of his hunts?

Dude would roll into a basin with his gaggle of packers and cooks and skinners and trackers and stack bodies like they were poker chips. I suspect he had an ego that would stack more Insta likes than Tits Mcgee Huntress were he alive in the validation age. But he is certainly famous.

It was just a different time that we can't relate to, and I'm not sure my modern sensibilities would want to. I appreciate what he means to public lands, but he doesn't make my first cut.

My pick of Teddy was because of his enthusiastic energy, curiosity, and love of nature, combined with his intellect and talkative nature. He wouldn't dazzle you with his hunting expertise probably, but you'd never be bored and it would be the most interesting and enlightening trip ever.

The people picking our esteemed trappers and explorers would no doubt be treated to some excellent wilderness craft, but I'm afraid the campfire would be mighty boring as folks like Kit Carson and Jim Bridger were notoriously quiet, solitary guys.
i just finished reading “Undaunted Courage”. If I had a time machine, I’d do the exact same thing. There’d be nothing like it.
I have read that book twice. the reason i responded the way i did is if someone said you could go back and go on that 4 year mission and see the country as it was but you would not live past the end of the mission, i would do it in a heartbeat.