Whats your threshold for pain?

My out of state hunt plan is to hunt somewhat premium tags every 10-15 years. So I have no problem forking out several thousand to get a top-tier animal opportunity/unit in a DIY area that I may only hunt once or twice in my lifetime. No intention to start burning points for at least 5 more years. I think I'm at 9 points across the board for WY and since day 1 I've assumed prices would go up significantly and odds go down. Too much to do in my home state to leave and pay to hunt a bunch elsewhere.

Hate to admit it because there's plenty of stuff in this world I've been priced out of, but I'm fine with paying a couple grand more for a tag if it means I get a better unit than if prices stayed the same. So if prices start to rocket and it causes tons of people ahead of me to burn points or exit, I'll silently smile. Just the honest truth. At $5K elk, $2500 goat, $2500 mule deer for a good unit; I'd personally revisit the topic on if it's worth it.
As a NR

Elk $660
Muley $400
Antelope $300

Anyway, i know my numbers are way low. Burning my antelope points this year.

I quit leasing when the total cost went over $3k for lease, license, travel, lodging, food…. So i guess that’s my pain limit. $250/month.

Hunting is worth $3k a year to me, not more. Tax tag travel, etc.
$4000, anything above that and I would just pay for a elk tag to hunt them in my community.
I grew up poor and was priced out of a lot growing up. So as long as my debt registers zero and my family is taken care of, I don’t know where my limit is. It’s alot less than some and a lot more than some others…But as long as God is giving me the gift of health, I’m in the game
I haven’t hunted much out of state, and when I do it has to be for something I can’t hunt in my own state. So far I have only hunted out of state for whitetails in Kentucky and Missouri. I go to Alaska to participate in sheep, caribou and moose hunts. I do OTC hunts when my schedule allows. I am pretty cheap when it comes to hunting.
I’m almost 40, financially very stable. But I’ve hit my threshold. Doubt I will hunt an OTC/general unit anywhere anymore due to increase in tag prices and decrease in hunt quality.

Now, for a LE tag, my threshold is $2k for elk, $1500 for deer.
I'm new to any out of state hunting as in have never done any. I'm 24 and married but no kids and haven't done much besides work since I was still in high school. (probably why I hate working so much now). As far as cost goes I would spend as much as I could afford if I felt that the experience would be worth it. My budgeting skills are terrible so as long as I could still pay the bills I'd go for it. However I'm trying to figure out a few "cheaper" options where I can get out and try to learn first before I really invest thousands into a single diy hunt so I don't end up feeling like I wasted the money and vacation time. Sometimes I wonder about investing into a guided hunt to try and shorten the learning curve, but my personality is very much that of someone who prefers to be and do things alone. (Probably why I'm not good at anything) Also focusing a lot more on putting effort into hunting my current state as any hunting is better than none.
Pretty low. I only hunt my home state because of that. This year I payed $25 for a brown bear locking tag, but was unwilling to pay the 30 dollars for 6 draw entries per species.
I have a much higher threshold dollar wise than I do "crowd" wise for elk. I'd pay a lot every year for the right areas AND minimal crowding. With the crowding I've seen in recent years even in draw units, that dollar threshold goes down as well.
Same man !
The most expensive tag I’ve bought is 28.50 for resident deer (I don’t hunt out of state), and that feels steep. I can’t bring myself to spend the $33 for the steelhead/salmon tag. So, $33 must be about my threshold. Then again, I like hunting more than I like fishing….I’ll say $40 is my hypothetical limit for now.