Cabelas / Bass Pro Gun Counter Rant / PSA

All I can say is thank god for Scheel's which we have now in Boise. I stopped buying from BPShit when they bought out Cabela's. Went DOWNHILL immediately. Crying shame. I used to spend hundreds at Cabela's in points every yr. Still have the card in my wallet but haven't used it in yrs.
Last straw for me was when they told me they couldn't take the trigger lock off a gun I was thinking of buying so I could see what the trigger break felt like. AYFKM??!!! Cuz loaded gun accidents happen at gun counters all the time?????:rolleyes::rolleyes:
SW is just as bad. Scheel's has been a pleasant surprise though. If you have one nearby, I'd recommend checking them out. Helluva selection, helpful employees, and competitive pricing.
I’ve found Scheels to be just as bad for different reasons. Their salesmen are paid on commission which I guess means they feel justified in lying to you to get you to buy a more expensive gun than you’re wanting. I’ve caught their salesmen in a lie several time while trying to upsell me.
You heard wrong. I've made plenty of purchases at Scheel's and there is no possible way anyone knows what salesman even helped me. They are employee-owned which means they own stock in the company and therefore, take an interest in seeing them be successful.
You heard wrong. I've made plenty of purchases at Scheel's and there is no possible way anyone knows what salesman even helped me. They are employee-owned which means they own stock in the company and therefore, take an interest in seeing them be successful.
I’m pretty sure they do work on commission, they write things down they sell. But with that being said their customer service is top notch and I’ve never felt like they are pushy towards sales
Or local Scheels has had most of there same employees for years now, they are fairly knowledgeable. I still usually mount all my own scopes. I was at cabelas in Mitchell Sd in the beginning of Jan. There was a guy there looking at scopes they had onsale, there was 3-4 gun counter guys 3 of them were over by the computer with a customer there looked like they were doing paperwork on a sold fire arm wasn’t sure. I wouldn’t think it would take 3 guys to do that. But anyways a guy come over to help the other guy that was looking at a scope onsale and he asked him if it was first focal plane or second focal plane, and his answer was I don’t even know what that is. I was thinking oh boy. Do I ended up helping the guy just to be nice since I knew what he was looking for after talking to him. I’m guessing I knew proably 20times more then that sales guy, lol. Anyways I looked at a couple scopes talked to him about a gun I wanted to see for my youngest daughter and decided I should get going I didn’t have time for there slow customer service. I think I could buy a gun or two and a surpressor at Scheels faster then just looking at a couple things at cabelas.
You heard wrong. I've made plenty of purchases at Scheel's and there is no possible way anyone knows what salesman even helped me. They are employee-owned which means they own stock in the company and therefore, take an interest in seeing them be successful.
Definitely not wrong. They have an app on the phones they use where they enter the things they sold you. Also, you have to be invited to buy stock in the company. Typically only the managers and long time salesmen get invited to do so. Most of the people working the floor don’t get stock.

As far as the rest of your experiences at Scheels, I’m glad they’ve been good. The couple in my area I used to shop at used to be great but they’ve definitely taken a dive lately due to who they employ.
I love Scheels. Both online and in store. Was at their flagship store in Fargo a few years back. Great place. I buy a lot of my stuff from them. Too bad they'll never make it this far west. But I'm hoping maybe Yakima someday.
Definitely not wrong. They have an app on the phones they use where they enter the things they sold you. Also, you have to be invited to buy stock in the company. Typically only the managers and long time salesmen get invited to do so. Most of the people working the floor don’t get stock.

As far as the rest of your experiences at Scheels, I’m glad they’ve been good. The couple in my area I used to shop at used to be great but they’ve definitely taken a dive lately due to who they employ.
May be a regional or store-by-store thing but there's no way the employees are working on commission in Meridian. Are some of them lacking in the knowledge dept? Yeah, definitely so but it's pretty hard to employ that many people with in-depth knowledge on many things, especially when a lot of them are "kids." At least they're working and not collecting welfare.
I love Scheels. Both online and in store. Was at their flagship store in Fargo a few years back. Great place. I buy a lot of my stuff from them. Too bad they'll never make it this far west. But I'm hoping maybe Yakima someday.
Why do you say that? Really has nothing to do with geography. They're already in many western locations(Meridian, Sparks, etc.) If they're not in WA, it's likely due more to politics and regulations than their desire to have a store there. Why would a retailer selling guns set up shop in an anti-gun state?
Why do you say that? Really has nothing to do with geography. They're already in many western locations(Meridian, Sparks, etc.) If they're not in WA, it's likely due more to politics and regulations than their desire to have a store there. Why would a retailer selling guns set up shop in an anti-gun state?
You answered you're own question.
You heard wrong. I've made plenty of purchases at Scheel's and there is no possible way anyone knows what salesman even helped me. They are employee-owned which means they own stock in the company and therefore, take an interest in seeing them be successful.
As a former Scheels employee you are wrong. Scheels employees are absolutely paid a commission.
Coming back to the original thread subject.... I just bought another gun at Cabelas in Anchorage and it was a pleasant experience as always. Nice folks working behind the counter and I don't ask them to do things against store policy, recognizing that it is a big box store. Perhaps they're not in big hurry and the process might take 30 minutes more than at a small shop, but they had what I was looking for at a great sale price.
As a former Scheels employee you are wrong. Scheels employees are absolutely paid a commission.
OK. I stand corrected then. But, I've never seen any indication of that. Nobody keeps track of what I end up selecting or purchasing. I've never seen anyone walking around making notes of what they "sell." And I've never felt pressured to purchase anything or got the sense that I was at a car lot. If there is a "commission," it must be a pretty loose policy and I suspect a very small percentage of their overall pay because they don't seem to give the impression of an "eat what you kill" philosophy.
I love Scheels. Both online and in store. Was at their flagship store in Fargo a few years back. Great place. I buy a lot of my stuff from them. Too bad they'll never make it this far west. But I'm hoping maybe Yakima someday.

The left coast is off the radar due to crazy gun laws, Boise and Reno are probably as far west as they’re going to go.

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OK. I stand corrected then. But, I've never seen any indication of that. Nobody keeps track of what I end up selecting or purchasing. I've never seen anyone walking around making notes of what they "sell." And I've never felt pressured to purchase anything or got the sense that I was at a car lot. If there is a "commission," it must be a pretty loose policy and I suspect a very small percentage of their overall pay because they don't seem to give the impression of an "eat what you kill" philosophy.
Employees discretely write down what they sell after the fact. It actually is a fair amount of their pay and there are quotas to be met. We were also told which products to "recommend" as there are higher profit margins on some rather than others. I had a problem with this but it is what helps to make a business be successful. With all of that being said, Scheels invests lots of time and money to train its employees on product knowledge and customer service. They tend to find good employees who are willing to help customers and with all of the training it leads to primarily good experiences for those shoppers. If an employee lacks in the customer skills, they won't last very long there. Being from ND, I have had a Scheels store to shop at my whole life. It is impressive how they have expanded and I now believe them to be the premier sporting goods store in the country.