What's your hill workout?


Mar 5, 2018
At the end of April I started running hills several times a week. As much as it sucks in the moment, I wish I started years ago because I'm pleased with the results. If you have hill workouts you like, let's hear them. Here's what's been working for me:

-The hill's grade should be such that you can run it (not so steep you have to jog, not so gentle you can sprint). This will change over time.
-Scale the length to your level of fitness. Aim for 400-800m, even if you have to work up to that.
-You want to run it, not jog it. You should finish with rubbery legs, jacked up heart rate, and huffing like a fat man on a broken escalator.
-When you get to the top, recover hands on knees. Focus on getting your heart rate and breathing back under control, like you'd do before a shot.
-Once you're mostly recovered, walk down and repeat. I think 3-4 of these make for a challenging workout.
-Over time, when they start feeling easier, awesome. But keep them hard by lengthening your stride, quicker turnover...or longer run + steeper grade.
-After a month or so, head to the areas you hunt to try out your new lungs and legs. For me this has been key to staying motivated.

I used to hate hills. For me, they were one of the big gaps in my fitness. I find that as I do them more, I'm getting mentally stronger and more willing to embrace the suck.
It depends on what the goal is for the training session.

Early in the "season," I tend to use very short, very steep sprints for strength and to increase pump volume. Later on, I'll do mid-length hill repeats for Vo2max purposes. In the month or so before a race, I'll do longer ones for stamina and race pacing.

For hunting, I substitute heavy pack training on the hills instead of running.

You are right, they are hatefull at first but can be very beneficial.

A few resources:
It depends on what the goal is for the training session.

Early in the "season," I tend to use very short, very steep sprints for strength and to increase pump volume. Later on, I'll do mid-length hill repeats for Vo2max purposes. In the month or so before a race, I'll do longer ones for stamina and race pacing.

For hunting, I substitute heavy pack training on the hills instead of running.

You are right, they are hatefull at first but can be very beneficial.

A few resources:

Thanks for the resources. (y)
I used to run a 2.4 miles up a hill (4.8 roundtrip) for about 1200 feet of total gain 1x a week and it made a big difference in my overall performance. More of a mental thing in addition to the conditioning part. Hills are my Achilles heel. .
I have a couple that I do, try to hit them once a week (anymore and I think you're over doing them)

Both of mine are longer- one is roughly a 1000' in a mile, the other is a 1000' in 3/4 of a mile- when I'm really on my game I'll do doubles and triples on the shorter one; I haven't found much benefit in really short ones as it translates to hunting ymmv

I also have some really (really) long ones too that I occasionally use as both a long day and hill day (12 miles)



There’s a park here with a grass hill that takes about 20 seconds to sprint up going all out, I’ll do that hill 20-30x one day a week for a quick workout.
No better way to simulate carrying weight up hill than to carry weight up hill. I dont like running in the least bit. Have a hill behind the house, starts out around 20 degrees and finishes roughly 35-40 degrees in approximately 300 yards, 40# in the pack and go up and down until i cant go up and down no more.
I am old enough that I cant run anymore but I do hike the hills!. I live in a fairly flat area but there is a small mountain with a cell tower on it just down the street from me. Once I get to the top and turn around I can see the rocky mountains about 75km off in the distance. "goat mountains" I say to myself and thats my motivation to keep at it!