What's your 2023 target buck?

There’s like 4-5 shooters at one of my locations, but this guy is my favorite. Not confident as this will be my first archery season and first big game kill, but still nice to know they are there !
That’ll be one heck of a first buck.
No target deer for me this year. My 6yo daughter wants to hunt with me and ‘get a deer’, so the first legal thing (and where I hunt means really anything,…not meaning spotted fawns, calm down) will likely have an arrow sent it’s way.

I do miss, this year anyways, checking cameras but haven’t set a single one up this year and am just hunting knowing deer will be around. Maybe a buck, maybe a doe..all the same this year.

Best of luck to all with target bucks, some incredible animals you all are posting!!! Cannot wait to read the follow up stories 👍