What's the most accurate fixed blade head on the market?

#1 is tuning your bow AND your arrows... aka knock tuning. That being said I shoot best with Slick Trick.

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I'll play late... Ram Cat. I tried a ton before make a decision and the RC heads flew the best with the most consistent impact. I also like the Solid heads as they fly well too. However, the hole of the RC is flat out huge. Before you all go crazy with the durability, I saw them stand up to numerous African animals from a guy on several trips. As for Aron, I also have friends shooting the RC with 80# bows without issues. Good luck in your choice.
Before you all go crazy with the durability, I saw them stand up to numerous African animals from a guy on several trips.

I hear this kind of stuff all the time. All I can say is that my foam targets must be tougher than animals I guess. Because every head I have shot into my foam targets has come out with bent or broken blades. I couldn't keep a single head together long enough to even see how well they shot over a string of shots.
I hear this kind of stuff all the time. All I can say is that my foam targets must be tougher than animals I guess. Because every head I have shot into my foam targets has come out with bent or broken blades. I couldn't keep a single head together long enough to even see how well they shot over a string of shots.

You didn't order from eBay by any chance? It's full of Chinese knock offs. I once shot through a radial tire that my Broadhead target was sitting on with only bent blades- not broken. Dug a couple out of trees in one piece. All shots on animals have performed perfectly. Not really sure why yours behave differently. Lots of other good heads though.

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Foam is not the same as flesh. The RC heads have been great and really the only complaint is the room in a quiver. The new blades are better than the old ones but they always fly no matter what. I have shot bent blades, on blade forward, two forward, three forward, missing blades and any combo I could think. They always fly on target. I have used them with out blades on squirrels and got great results. I know they are not for everyone but they are a great head.
After reading again, just want to clarify we are talking about brand and not style? That could be a whole new argument...
First I've heard of them. They look like a 4-blade Wac'em Exit......which do fly really well. But I can't find anywhere what the size of the cut is for these BH's.

They are 1". A lot like the Slicktrick Standards. Blades are sharpened to a 45 degree angle making them sharper than most solid heads as well. I'm normally not a huge COC fan but I think these will be great.

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I have been a big fan of Ramcat 100's for several years. Hard to see how any head can be "more" accurate from the tests ive seen.
I can tell one thing i've learned, when i spin test my bare shafts and later, those with heads using one of these: Amazon.com : Apple Archery Large Spin Tester : Archery Broadheads : Sports & Outdoors
I can eliminate the arrows with even the slightest wobble. first time i used it I found 30% of my arrows were wobbly. Changing heads (from one arrow to another) corrected most of em and the rest were trashed. Since I began spin testing all my arrows I have seen a real improvement in performance. The guys at the archery shop always seem stunned when i test arrows before paying for em but when they see a wobbler (bare shaft) they quickly change their tune.

In testing most of the COC shoot close to one another but the Exodus swept heads are hitting the most reliably for me.
Shot some of the Magnus Black Hornet Serrazors today. Switching from an expandable since I am going to ID this yr. They all spin tested true and flew perfectly out to 70 yds. Shooting them at around 270 fps. Same POI as field points and Killzones. Easy to pull out of the target too with both sides of the blade being sharpened.