What's the most accurate fixed blade head on the market?

I've had incredible luck with Slick tricks and QAD Exodus. I just picked up a pack of the new Tooth of the Arrow heads and have no doubt they will be a 100 yard fixed blade. I will likely hunt with these this year.
I've had incredible luck with Slick tricks and QAD Exodus. I just picked up a pack of the new Tooth of the Arrow heads and have no doubt they will be a 100 yard fixed blade. I will likely hunt with these this year.

Did they fix the ferrule length issue? We got some of these when they first came out. Ferrule was machined wrong on all of them and they wouldn't screw into an insert. The test head however was good and tuned up great.
I haven't had any issues with tolerances, yet. They interested me so we picked up a few to see how they sell in the shop. Im excited to get out and shoot them once my new sight shows up.
The test head I had flew great and its a tough head as well. My only complaint is that they are a very small cutting diameter but that's a minor complaint.
Yeah. I think you have a much more consistent and accurate form than I do. When I am really focused on my form and shooting super well, those others all shot very well. But when I'm not at my very best or in some wind, I can still drill the A-TACs. I am not sure why, but there must be something in the aerodynamics to make them more forgiving.

When comparing them all are at 100 gr heads and shot from the same arrows ?

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Not the same heads as OR Archer - but I think we should be talking about the most forgiving broadeads, not the most accurate. Shot out of a hooter shooter (or if you're a human hooter shooter) I think any good fixed blade is consistently accurate.

From the fixed blades I've shot, most forgiving to least - Wac 'Em & Solid, Shuttle T, VPA. Shuttle T is close to the Wac Em/ Solid for me, but I have a harder time being as consistent with the VPA.

This is with 125 gr heads, same arrows, everything spinning true by my eye.
The test head I had flew great and its a tough head as well. My only complaint is that they are a very small cutting diameter but that's a minor complaint.

I've killed piles of animals with 1" slick tricks so I'm not too concerned about that. I do wish they were a hair bigger though.

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As far as most forgiving head for me it is Slick Trick Viper Trick 100's. I shoot them on arrows with blazer style vanes and Flex Fletch 360 vanes, easy tuning and not my normal struggle to find that magic head and arrow combo.

Most all the heads mentioned like Shuttle-t's, QAD, Muzzy 4 blade etc are great as well and I've tried them all with good to great results. I just find tuning the Viper Trick has been easier and they have been great in the wind for me

All my arrows are as consistent as I can get them by doing these steps cutting, squaring both ends, weighing, bare shaft spine indexed into paper, fletching, numbering, spin testing and spine indexing again with a broadheads. I have no problem grouping out to 80+ yards with them and have done that with most heads but Viper Trick has been the easiest and now that's the only fixed head I'm using.
As far as most forgiving head for me it is Slick Trick Viper Trick 100's. I shoot them on arrows with blazer style vanes and Flex Fletch 360 vanes, easy tuning and not my normal struggle to find that magic head and arrow combo.

Most all the heads mentioned like Shuttle-t's, QAD, Muzzy 4 blade etc are great as well and I've tried them all with good to great results. I just find tuning the Viper Trick has been easier and they have been great in the wind for me

All my arrows are as consistent as I can get them by doing these steps cutting, squaring both ends, weighing, bare shaft spine indexed into paper, fletching, numbering, spin testing and spine indexing again with a broadheads. I have no problem grouping out to 80+ yards with them and have done that with most heads but Viper Trick has been the easiest and now that's the only fixed head I'm using.

Curious if you have done much blood trailing on an elk with the viper tricks? I was looking at them, but it looks like the entry would be smaller as compared to the other slick tricks. Not trying to hijack the thread, just wondering.
Last year I killed a cow elk, bear, mule deer and 2 whitetails with them. Everything out west went less than 40 yards and I had a pass through on all animals. Ironically the whitetails went the farthest one about 120 yards and the other 60ish. This year I'm using them again for elk and whitetails I'll probably use my hypodermics

I liked shuttle-t's a lot but never felt they were sharp and the viper tricks have been the sharpest out of the package heads I've felt and I think that helped with blood trails

Sorry for the pic quality but I was by myself and took to send to my wife so she knew I got her and elk for the freezer.


2015 Cow - 1.jpg
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Elk are a very tough animal with a large body cavity and those higher shots can be an issue when it comes to blood trails. Have shot a few cows with the Rage just for trying out the larger wound channel and mechanicals and Man, the blood trailing has been ridiculous, with blood everywhere. I have only tried them on two bulls and the one I don't believe the head ever opened up. When I shot that bull I just saw a small blood spot like a field point entry hole. Never could find that bull. All other shots with the Rages have been crazy blood trails. I'm trying to over look the one malfunction and go back to a mechanical for the huge blood trails.

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Elk are a very tough animal with a large body cavity and those higher shots can be an issue when it comes to blood trails. Have shot a few cows with the Rage just for trying out the larger wound channel and mechanicals and Man, the blood trailing has been ridiculous, with blood everywhere. I have only tried them on two bulls and the one I don't believe the head ever opened up. When I shot that bull I just saw a small blood spot like a field point entry hole. Never could find that bull. All other shots with the Rages have been crazy blood trails. I'm trying to over look the one malfunction and go back to a mechanical for the huge blood trails.

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Elk have a ton of blood in them. I would much rather have two holes than a big hole.

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Elk have a ton of blood in them. I would much rather have two holes than a big hole.

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Agreed to a point..
However, what I am getting at if one of those two holes is not in the lower portion of the body cavity it can be a rough track for a blood trail.
Now with the ones I have killed with a 2 blade rage, you can not miss the blood trail,
It is everywhere. Even on the ones with only one hole and not a pass through. Depending on the shot angle I have had as much as a 3" + opening and blood pouring out like a faucet.
I am considering going back to a 2 blade mechanical this year for that very reason. Plus they fly so good in the wind still

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Agreed to a point..
However, what I am getting at if one of those two holes is not in the lower portion of the body cavity it can be a rough track for a blood trail.
Now with the ones I have killed with a 2 blade rage, you can not miss the blood trail,
It is everywhere. Even on the ones with only one hole and not a pass through. Depending on the shot angle I have had as much as a 3" + opening and blood pouring out like a faucet.
I am concise ring going back to a 2 blade mechanical this year for that very reason. Plus they fly so good in the wind still

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Ya my moose was shot with a silver flame high in the lungs and left zero blood. Luckily he only ran 60 yards and died in a meadow lol

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the G5 Montec flies great. Without any broadhead turning I was able to hit a paper plate at 90 yards. If your comfort zone is anywhere in there you would be in great shape.
Give me ONE big hole every single time over two small holes and no blood. I've shot 4 big game animals this year with a hypodermic and all but one were dead in sight, blood all over. That's what I like.
Give me ONE big hole every single time over two small holes and no blood. I've shot 4 big game animals this year with a hypodermic and all but one were dead in sight, blood all over. That's what I like.

Oh trust me if you hit them in the right spot they work. But just wait until that ferrule fails on you and you will be singing a different tune.

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Sometimes you get two really BIG holes. Sometimes you only get one... 12-18" of penetration in the chest of any North American big game animal is more than enough to ensure a very quick death. Of the 5 I have shot this year so far (Musk Ox, three black bears and a brown bear) with a Rage Hypodermic, I've gotten two very big holes on three.