Evolution Outdoors Jekyll & Hyde

Do they fly quietly? Or do they make a whistle/hum in the air?
I have not noticed any whistle or humming with these broadheads. I have some vented iron will heads that make the humming sound you’re describing. I just got released from the doctor to start shooting my bow again. I’ll send a couple arrows down range tomorrow and see if I can detect any noise that I might not have heard.
The mechanical blades on the Hyde’s I just received have slight movement when they are locked. Is this normal or do I have to tighten something down?
The mechanical blades on the Hyde’s I just received have slight movement when they are locked. Is this normal or do I have to tighten something down?
You can tighten them slightly if you'd like just don't open and close them repeatedly otherwise you will damage the set pin and have to replace it
You can tighten them slightly if you'd like just don't open and close them repeatedly otherwise you will damage the set pin and have to replace it
Do not over tighten them though, that tension also plays a role in how they open up. I would suggest actually opening one up and ruining the pin. Play with that tension screw and see how it works.
Do not over tighten them though, that tension also plays a role in how they open up. I would suggest actually opening one up and ruining the pin. Play with that tension screw and see how it works.
Thanks! They sent more than enough pins so I used one and played with the the tension. It required very little tension to stop the movement.
Thanks! They sent more than enough pins so I used one and played with the the tension. It required very little tension to stop the movement.

Yup, doesn’t take much. I have found that putting the Allen in there, turning it with your fingers on the long part and not using the ‘L’ portion of the Allen, stop the second it gets snug and that seems to work.
Anybody use the turkey blades? Have some guillotines for turkeys, but based on where I'm hunting the shots are looking closer to 30-35, and not sure I have time to tune the bow for the guillotines.
I tried the fixed last year and they shot right with my grim reaper micro hades. I took a whitetail in November with it and it seemed to do well. I did have to take the blades to a whetstone just a little bit. The 3 I got were sharp but did need some touch up. It was probably just the batch I got. Everyone else I know that has used them said they were great out of the box. I wouldn't hesitate to use it
Anybody use the turkey blades? Have some guillotines for turkeys, but based on where I'm hunting the shots are looking closer to 30-35, and not sure I have time to tune the bow for the guillotines.
I haven’t used the turkey blades, but have taken a few turkeys with the regular 100gr Hyde. I guessed this one to be at 40 yds..he was closer to 50. It resulted in a poor shot. Unfortunately, It destroyed one thigh, but he didn’t go anywhere. The cut was nasty.


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They are replaceable. I don’t know if it’s truly by design, but the owner of the company claims the blades are made to bend to keep them from breaking. Dale Perry, the owner of Evolution broadheads talks about the design on this podcast. There’s obviously a lot of marketing going on, but it does supply good information to hear if you’re interested in trying them. Lusk archery also did a good review on them. I’ll share links to both.

I can attest to the blades bending. I used the Hyde on a hog a couple weeks ago. Distance was somewhere 30-35yds, found the arrow about 10yds past where it was standing.

I don't see the blades bending as an issue.


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An update for anyone interested. I hit an otc unit in Colorado last week with my brother. I shot a cow elk broadside at 28 yards the first morning of the hunt. My arrows are 435 grains traveling at 323 ft/sec. The arrow entered 4 to 5 inches behind her shoulder. Instead of getting a straight pass through I believe one of the ribs may have caused the arrow to deflect and shift angles as the head was opening. It veered through her lungs and exited the gut. I found the arrow about 15 feet behind the area where she was standing. No blood trail, but she was dead before she new it. I have seen arrows behave like this with fixed blades in the past as well. That being said, the black bear I shot last year with the same set up didn’t have any deflection in the arrow’s path and it cut through many different bones. One of the expandable blades sustained a few nicks and a little curling on the tip, but I believe it is still usable as there’s no apparent bend to the blade. I’ll be back in Wyoming hunting next week and hope to get a few more opportunities to see how the head performs. One thing I can say is to be mindful when placing your arrows in the quiver. It doesn’t take much pressure to open the blades and ruin the plastic retaining rod. I haven’t had this happen, but I can see how it could easily be done.


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