What’s the best advice you’ve been given?

Mule deer hunting advice: Hunt the wind, hunt the shade, let your optics do most of your walking, and slow down.

Shooting advice: Ten dry-fires a day for a month will make you a better shooter faster than 300 rounds on a Saturday. But don't skip those Saturdays.

Life advice: Nothing will f*ck your life up faster or more permanently than a crazy chick - learn spot their habitat, herd behaviors, vocalizations, and their plumage, and stay the hell away. Crazy doesn't want to be saved, crazy wants to be enabled.
Hiking in on a December cow hunt. It was 1hr plus before shooting light I had a decent hike to get to where they should be. I dropped off the highway and was hiking down to the bottom of the valley. Saw a truck and trailer on the highway slow and turn around where I was parked and head down to a different spot. Fast forward I’m In the bottom of the valley about to cross a creek to head up a different drainage to go over the top into the next one. I see this small light floating across the meadow I stopped and watched it thinking I was going nuts. It disappeared into the timber, so I crossed the creek and made a small pull up a decent hill to a gate for the state land.

At the gate was an old man on a horse waiting for me with a dimly lit headlamp. He asked what I was doing and I asked him the same. Both cow hunting, he told me some stories about where we were both heading. He had a lot of success in his hunting career stacking elk and deer like cord wood. He mentioned to me if I needed help to flag him down and he’d shuttle some meet for me. So we said our goodbyes and nice to meet you and as he rode away into the dark he said something that changed my hunting forever.

“You can’t kill them from the couch”

Never saw the man the rest of the day or to this day on the mountain. I was on year 1 of being a Wyo resident and my hunting “career” and that was what i needed. Been living by that when it comes to scouting and hunting ever since. 7 years later I’ve had a lot of success because of those words. The waking up at 2am in the summer to drive somewhere to scout for the morning. The staying on the glassing knob till the bitter end of shooting light. Long hikes in the dark has all paid off.

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Nobody is irreplaceable
Way back in the day, I was very good at my job. The best, just ask me. I told my Dad this and mentioned that they would fail without me.
Dad laughed and said “boy, your ass can be replaced with a $3.00 add in the newspaper before sundown”
Grounded me for sure.
You could start an entire new thread with, what's the best advise you've been given, and did or did not take?
Defiantly some great advise I've been given, and unfortunately didn't take.