What’s the best advice you’ve been given?

One of my favorites and applies from everyday life to my job.
Same, hell I’d even add on that making the “wrong choice” isn’t really wrong since you probably learned from it. Also, regardless if you were right or wrong, probably gained respect from making a decision when needed to. Idk where i heard it but I carry it with me daily. The world needs more leaders & decision makers (localized sense i.e. at work and in the family) than followers.
Told to me by a VP of one of the largest insurance companies - "If 70% of your decisions are correct, you will be extremely successful!"
1) Love the Lord God with all your heart, mind and soul. Love your neighbor as yourself.

2) You can't kill him or catch him on the couch.
“Don’t ever marry a bitch… Ever.”

If you don’t listen to that, you won’t have the opportunity to put everyone else’s advice into action.
Told to me by my grandfather, a WW1 POW.

You only have one reputation, don’t blow it.

If you always tell the truth you don’t have to remember which person you told which lie to.
choose hunting partners wisely. if they arent motivated to put in the work before the season they wont be when your hunting. YOU cant want it more for them than they do. Unfortunately took me a while to understand this