What suppressor are you running on your 6.5prc?

I really like my Hydrogen 6.5 S, and have a 6.5L in jail. If you are wanting a K length can, then the hydrogen K might be the best choice ou
I’m signed up for some alerts on these. Can’t find them in stock anywhere.
OCL Hydrogen here, too.... before that , an Ultra7.
Noticeable upgrade?
I've been trying to find either the new Nomad Ti or LTi XC but everyone tells me they're 4-6 weeks out till they get them in. I'm still undecided on which one I think I want the Ti or LTi. The original Nomad Ti and LTi were really impressive cans so if these new XC versions are even just slightly better it'll be a win win. In TBAC's big test they did it looks like both new DA Nomad XC cans performed pretty well.
I looked at these as well. Wonder how close the sound reduction would be with this can or the hydrogen 6.5.
I’m signed up for some alerts on these. Can’t find them in stock anywhere.

Noticeable upgrade?

I looked at these as well. Wonder how close the sound reduction would be with this can or the hydrogen 6.5.
You looking for the K? Looks like they sent out a batch a couple weeks ago, and they said they only do these a couple times a year, so might not be any soon unless they up the production schedule.

Here is an S - https://www.blackanklemunitions.com/products/otter-creek-labs-hydrogen-s-6-5mm/
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I’ll hold out for the K or go with a different suppressor.
Shows in stock, but I wouldn't wait too long to grab one if it is want you want. The ones at Silencershop sold out.

Shows in stock, but I wouldn't wait too long to grab one if it is want you want. The ones at Silencershop sold out.

Sorry, I did mean the S length. How much of a difference in the S and K is there for recoil and sound reduction?
Sorry, I did mean the S length. How much of a difference in the S and K is there for recoil and sound reduction?
I don't have a K, so I don't know. From what I hear, K puts you on the edge or slightly over for reasonable hearing damage. For me, the extra 2" and couple of ounces for the S is worth it. But, there are a number of people that run K length for hunting. I just look at is as more of a "harm reduction" thing - if it is K or nothing, then K is better. But, S will put you closer to or under the hearing safe line.
I don't have a K, so I don't know. From what I hear, K puts you on the edge or slightly over for reasonable hearing damage. For me, the extra 2" and couple of ounces for the S is worth it. But, there are a number of people that run K length for hunting. I just look at is as more of a "harm reduction" thing - if it is K or nothing, then K is better. But, S will put you closer to or under the hearing safe line.
I pulled the trigger on the S
Banish Backcountry...this is my only suppressor so I have no comparison but it seems to do ok. I do know it's not hearing safe but for hunting it will do. I think I'd buy a Hydrogen for it if I were to buy a dedicated suppressor.

I believe I'm going to continue to have 30cal tubes so I can move them to different rifles.
Banish Backcountry for my 308 Winchester with a 20" barrel. Banish 46 for anything larger than .308 bore. Good enough to hunt with w/o protection but if I'm shooting multiple rounds at a range session, I'm using hearing protection regardless of who's suppressor I'm using. No suppressor is hearing safe if shooting multiples at the range as far as I can tell. All are over 120 Db. I believe.
I pulled the trigger on the S
Coolness. I have my 6.5 S on a .223 right now, super quiet. I was going to buy a second 6.5 S for my 6.5cm, but got a 6.5 L instead. Now just have to wait for it to be approved.
Good buddy of mine is running a scythe on his B-14 PRC. Seems to be happy with it and the feel of the rifle with that light of a can on the end is incredible.