What knives are you using for mountain hunting?

What knife/knives are you using for mountain hunting?

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May 4, 2012
I'm just old school I guess, I carry a Spyderco Moran-design fixed blade, VG-10 steel, for all skinning/deboning jobs. Last sheep hunt I had a cheap Mora knife with me as well, and possibly even a scalpel and some blades. I like having options :) Sometimes I carry a Spyderco folder (Chapparal), S30V steel, in addition to the fixed blade.


Jun 1, 2013
Surrey B.C.
I have a pile of expensive knives that I have used and collected over my 45 years of hunting. Now I only pack the original Havalon Piranta that I bought about 5 years ago and it's newer brother, the Havalon Torch. Both fit into a single havalon case, along with 4 spare blades for each. Those and the OutdoorEdge Swing Blade which I will not part with, are all I now carry with me on hunts.
Dec 12, 2012
Casper, Wyoming
I use a Havalon. We did a whole moose with one blade this year. With that said I do keep plenty of extra blades with me as well as a solid blade for back up. I would hate to process an animal with a broadhead or a rock...
Jul 30, 2013
I carry a havalon but I have never felt comfortable leaving the truck without a full tang fixed blade. It's a heavy survival knife that's really not needed, but gives me a piece of mind more then anything, and I use it gutting occasionally.


Aug 30, 2013
This year I used only the Havalon Piranta. I liked it, and it performed well. However, next year I will carry a small H-bone saw as well. When backpack hunting I will carry the Havalon, and a multi.


Feb 24, 2012
Castle Rock, CO
I always carry a knife with my havalon. Usually one of three fixed blades or a benchmade folder. The fixed blades alternate between a couple Bark River knives ("fox river" or "drop point hunter") or an esee 4. I just don't feel right about not taking 1 "real" knife to accompany the havalon. I have only used the havalon on animals the last 3 years but I've used the other knives on those trips multiple times for camp chores that the havalon isn't able to handle.
Dec 20, 2012
I have used my havalon for three years now for breaking down elk,deer,antelope and skinning coyotes. But I still have a buck lite in my pack along with a gerber multi tool
Mar 6, 2013
I have been using a Havalon for 3 years for backpacking and generally use an old Shrade and the Havalon when hunting when I have a few more luxuries.
I did try out the Buck Packlite this year and was VERY impressed, it might replace the Havalon for backpacking.
For the guys who go to the RMEF banquets, that's the free knife at the table and it looks like they will be giving them away again this year.

That knife from RMEF Banquets is what I carry as backup for my Havalon Blaze. I use the blaze because I feel the extra weight is minimal for the extra blade thickness gained with the 60A blades. I do really like the 22XT blades for caping. My typical hunts are one day and back home in the evening but I often end up 6-8 miles in so many of the items I carry are similar to others who backpack much further in and stay for multiple days.


Aug 27, 2013
North Central,WA
Esse 4" Fixed Blade for Camp Chores Etc.
Knives of Alaska Alpha Wolf Skinner

My buddy brought a Havalon along this year. I am going to switch over next year. What a great tool.
So I guess ill be going Fixed/Havalon next season. I'm going to purchase the stainless steel Havalon as well, I like to boil my knives once back at camp. Just makes cleanup so much easier. I just cant go into the wild without a full tang fixed blade, it just seems too essential.
Oct 1, 2013
Northern California
I carry a Bark River Gameskeeper and a small folder for camp chores. I like having the solid fixed blade for piece of mind and I enjoy using it to break down game. Down side is, myself or one of my buddies needs to remember to bring a small ceramic sharpening steel. With out the steel deboning and skinning is a nightmare. Just a couple swipes done correctly brings the blade back to being a lightsaber. I will however pick up a havalon this coming season since everyone regards them so highly here. I will still bring my fixed blade as well though, a tough knife is just something I don't want to be in the backcountry with out, worth it's weight in gold to me just to know I have it out there. I'll get a havalon for my buddy as well, he is a professional ranch butcher, kills and breaks down a lot of animals every day in the field. If he likes it, it's gold in my book.
Apr 9, 2012
Fishhook, Alaska
I voted Havalon + Fixed, but really "most of the above" would be more accurate. I might carry the just a Havalon when I have a partner nearby with another knife. Otherwise, it's usually a Havalon plus either a Mora Clipper (3.5 oz) or a small folder. Knives, socks, ammunition and batteries are about the only thing I'll carry spares of.

Which knife I use, just kind of depends on the day. I'm a late comer to the Havalon thing, and just got one about two years ago. Have take apart 6-8 animals with it in that time without issue, but have also used a fixed blade for a nearly equal number of critters in the same period. If I was forced to carry just one knife, it would be the fixed blade just because of its many other uses besides butchering, but for field dressing the Havalon is a great tool that I really like. Haven't broken a blade yet either. :)


AZ Vince

Jul 10, 2012
I use an Erik Fritz Damascus EDC.
Best knife I ever owned. Yes, it's a little flashy but I like handmade quality gear.


Jan 16, 2013
Havalon plus buck paklite. Havalon for just about everything, packlite for joints or other chores that require a heavier blade.


Feb 25, 2013
Havalon plus leatherman multitool for me. I used to just carry the leatherman and resharpen it periodically when breaking down an animal, but now it's mostly a camp chore tool plus pliers for changing havalon blades.


Jul 26, 2012
Love these kinds of questions. Voted in the poll the best I could, but there wasn't an "All of the above". I'm a tool junkie, used to be owned by the Snap-On dealer....the right tool for the job is a pleasure to use. I study long and hard on tools, it's my job, my business to.

I've carried folders but carry a fixed right now mostly because they are just easier to keep clean, no surprise chunks of whatever falling out from last week's job. (currently a helle a friend made me, works great Steve! the more I use it the more I like it) That is my main camp tool and skinner. Everything from spreading peanut-butter to slicing apples to skinning work. That knife is always on my person. The rest of them normally live on the pack in my "Kill kit". Over the years it's become a system to me.

Once the hide is off a 5" straight semi flex forschner boning knife makes quick clean professional work deboning. IMO once you've used one on an animal in the field everything else seems like you're fumbling around and "making it work". Converted 3 or 4 guys to them now, "here, put that away and try this...". A good kitchen or filet knife as well.

I always carry a havalon in my pack and really like them, but normally with the small blade (22?) and mostly for caping work. Just don't care for them deboning and such. But always have a few of the larger blades just in case. Honestly I use it as much in bird season pelting pheasants as I do on big game.

The multi tool I either have in the pack or on my belt, camp hunts usually on my belt. They are so handy and when you need a tool like that, you NEED it. Seems the guys I hunt with need it a fair amount too.... I cannot recall a major trip where I have not used each and every tool. All my camp has to fly, has to fit into a bowcase and a small cooler all under 50 lb each as luggage and a pack for carry-on. I save weight and space in other places, not in the tools I may need.

The minimalists will sneer at all the tools, but I'll normally carry a small folding duo diamond sharpener (works on broadhead touch up) and a wy saw in the kit as well. But then I'm usually the one the minimalists go to when something goes wrong. =D


Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
I voted folder and havalon but that could change. I know there will always be a traditional knife with me but I'll have to give the havalon another couple of animals to see if I can adjust to it. Maybe the 60xt blades would help.