What is your biggest public land pet-peeve?

Agreed. Pretty comical when you run across a random sheep in the middle of nowhere.

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they have gotten so ridiculous. There seems to be a huge crowd of people who have purchased these and just drive around the roads all day. something I will never understand. Worse they dont understand that just because they have an "off road" vehicle they are not allowed to drive off road. I am seeing it every time I go to my cabin in the mountains now.


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Context is everything is it not?

I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail.
Muriel Strode

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Context is everything is it not?

I will not follow where the path may lead, but I will go where there is no path, and I will leave a trail.
Muriel Strode

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Context: ORV user off-road in alpine tundra in Velocity Basin near Silverton CO. The San Juan county sheriff department investigated, took pictures of the damage, but were never able to identify the user. Driving motorized vehicles off-road in this area at least is illegal and damage to the tundra takes years of recovery since it under snowpack 8+ months out of the year.
I totally agree that this behavior is wrong and violators should be persecuted if they can be found.

I do wish there were some allowances for off trail use of an ATV if recovering harvested game but that is opening a door to abuse, so better not.

I just happened to be at the bank today and saw that quote...stood out to me because of how many times I've seen threads or posts about people driving off of marked trails...and yet, in many other contexts it is encouraged to take the road less traveled or to even blaze your own.

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While hiking up we discovered a turd with toilet paper on the side of the logging road. It was probably left behind by the same fat bastard on the motorcycle. Rarely is complete disregard of common decency isolated to one area.
There was just another thread about “why do we bury poop”... 😂
Leaving your trash... I’m not your mother I don’t want to pick up after you, but I also want to keep nature... natural. Don’t be a savage. Pick up after yourself
People who move to a state with public land, then suddenly get deeply concerned about all the people they see on public land including themselves, start a non profit like "Friends of Bung Hole Creek", raise funds and lobby for limitations on use, issue press releases with picture of a Big Mac wrapper and a sad looking skunk and make a big deal about something that's been happening loooooong before they showed up.

I guess I'm just jealous that I didn't think of it first.
I was glassing with a friend last night and our peaceful evening was interrupted by a loud 2 stroke engine. We proceeded to watch a chunky dude start and stop his motorcycle a dozen times while trying to make his way up an old logging roads clogged with downed trees. The only silver lining to the situation was watching his lazy ass tip over a couple times. He finally busted off the logging road and flew past us on the top of the hill while churning up dust and digging a trench in the ground the whole way. I was prepared to tell the dude what I though of him, but he didn't acknowledge my presence as he sped past me at 20 yards. I then watched him go a quarter of a mile up a roadless hillside, leaving a dusty scar behind him the entire way. I know it is not legal to take atvs off trail and the number of tracks I see on the side of the hill really pisses me off. I am tempted to buy a paintball gun and pack it with me in hopes I run into that guy again. I can't imagine a more satisfying feeling than lighting his fat ass up while he is out breaking trail at high speed. It is fat lazy selfish douches like this that get areas shut down and ruin it for everyone.

I feel much better now. Thanks for the vent session.
A handful of years ago hunting unit 51 elk in New Mexico and seeing all the trash laying around every corner. I just couldn't believe all the trash that we saw.
I hate the bastards who come camp right next to you and run a generator all night
I hate them with a passion.
I’m around loud noises all day, every day at work the last thing on earth I want to listen to is a generator at night while trying to sleep. The generator running WAY into the night is flat out disrespectful.
If the SXS, quads, bikes, etc are doing what they can legally do. I don't care. If you are hunting close to a road and it gets messed up because someone drives down a legal road, that's your problem.

Besides all the obvious ones, like people driving places they shouldn't, trash, etc. The one that drives me the absolute most nuts is when people act like they have more right to a place than you for some reason. For example, a couple years ago deer hunting. We show up to a trailhead that is the only access point for miles to a wilderness area. You all have to go in the same trail for about a mile then you can branch off and go a million different directions and never seen another person. Well some dude that placed his camper at said trail head thought he had that spot reserved and no one should be able to use said trail head. He got all pissy with us because we came into his camp in the middle of the night, on opening day of deer season and were noisy.

That shit makes me angry.
This is by far my #1 also. Mother truckers acting like they have the spot. Lord help me if I ever have to deal with one of these d-bags again