I was glassing with a friend last night and our peaceful evening was interrupted by a loud 2 stroke engine. We proceeded to watch a chunky dude start and stop his motorcycle a dozen times while trying to make his way up an old logging roads clogged with downed trees. The only silver lining to the situation was watching his lazy ass tip over a couple times. He finally busted off the logging road and flew past us on the top of the hill while churning up dust and digging a trench in the ground the whole way. I was prepared to tell the dude what I though of him, but he didn't acknowledge my presence as he sped past me at 20 yards. I then watched him go a quarter of a mile up a roadless hillside, leaving a dusty scar behind him the entire way. I know it is not legal to take atvs off trail and the number of tracks I see on the side of the hill really pisses me off. I am tempted to buy a paintball gun and pack it with me in hopes I run into that guy again. I can't imagine a more satisfying feeling than lighting his fat ass up while he is out breaking trail at high speed. It is fat lazy selfish douches like this that get areas shut down and ruin it for everyone.
I feel much better now. Thanks for the vent session.