Need advice , my pup is getting aggressive ..

I will actually disagree with your premise. I raised hounds for years. Just like youngins. Sometimes discipline is needed. Not beating one down but a good whoopin will help. Best advice I ever got was they have to believe that you will hurt them. Does a youngin look forward to a whoopin. No, but they need them sometimes. If my dogs are doing something they shouldn’t be and they hear or feel me heading that way. They immediately go lay down. I have 2 bulldogs that are over a hundred pounds each and I have complete rule and reign over them. They only had to be disciplined a few times but they are extremely well behaved.
I mostly agree with you, I never said that a dog shouldn't be disciplined.

Dogs need to know who is boss and for some dogs that takes a real level of discipline and that may include a butt kicking.

But BOXING a dogs or a person's ears is NOT discipline and it is not a whoopin', it is cruel and ill informed.

I mostly agree with you, I never said that a dog shouldn't be disciplined.

Dogs need to know who is boss and for some dogs that takes a real level of discipline and that may include a butt kicking.

But BOXING a dogs or a person's ears is NOT discipline and it is not a whoopin', it is cruel and ill informed.

I’m pretty sure he meant it in the saying not in your literal take. I won’t lie. I have gotten rough on some dogs. They were overly head strong and needed a little extra tune up. You may not have seen it but I can tell you 15 years in hounds. You may not have the stomach for it. Some of the absolute best dogs have had to have a rough or head strong owner to get them in line.
I’m pretty sure he meant it in the saying not in your literal take. I won’t lie. I have gotten rough on some dogs. They were overly head strong and needed a little extra tune up. You may not have seen it but I can tell you 15 years in hounds. You may not have the stomach for it. Some of the absolute best dogs have had to have a rough or head strong owner to get them in line.
Look, I agree some dogs need real force to get them to understand who leads the pack.

But I remain firm. Boxing a dogs ears is NOT the way to do it. Potentially bursting your dog's eardrums is just a completely ill-informed, ignorant, foolish and risky way to make a short term point.

Look, I agree some dogs need real force to get them to understand who leads the pack.

But I remain firm. Boxing a dogs ears is NOT the way to do it. Potentially bursting your dog's eardrums is just a completely ill-informed, ignorant, foolish and risky way to make a short term point.

I'll box your ears is a term my father used to threaten me in my youth , it in no way means the context you're trying so hard to portray it . Lighten up Françes . I smacked him on the head with the back of my hand while yelling bad dog , and pushed him over backwards .
Jeez , I thought everyone had heard the phrase ?
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I'll box your ears is a term my father used to threaten me in my youth , it in no way means the context you're trying so hard to portray it . Lighten up Françes . I smacked him on the head with the back of my hand while yelling bad dog , and pushed him over backwards .
Jeez , I thought everyone had heard the phrase ?

Thankfully your name isn't Beethoven, getting his ears boxed didn't go well for him.

Not sure where you grew up, but I've never heard anyone refer to a reprimand of any kind as "boxing" one's ears. Perhaps a lesson in speaking via metaphorical reference vs directly.

Glad this was simply metaphor!

Carry on...

Now back to all the Rokslide that's fit to print.


I'll box your ears is a term my father used to threaten me in my youth , it in no way means the context you're trying so hard to portray it . Lighten up Françes . I smacked him on the head with the back of my hand while yelling bad dog , and pushed him over backwards .
Jeez , I thought everyone had heard the phrase ?
My dad said the same thing. I knew exactly what you meant and that you were not hitting the dog in the ear. I thought that was a saying all over as my drill sergeant in Oklahoma said it to.
Thankfully your name isn't Beethoven, getting his ears boxed didn't go well for him.

Not sure where you grew up, but I've never heard anyone refer to a reprimand of any kind as "boxing" one's ears. Perhaps a lesson in speaking via metaphorical reference vs directly.

Glad this was simply metaphor!

Carry on...

Now back to all the Rokslide that's fit to print.


Well , given that you're so prone to handing out advice , here's some for you .
Next time you don't understand a comment made in a post , you should ask for clarification before assuming anything stupid , such as you did .
Next , the hardest part of being a man is admitting when you're wrong or have made a mistake , and not just trying to defend the mistake and deep your self in deeper .
But you do you , just wallow in your ignorance while trying to act superior , I mean you're so good at it , why stop now .
And lastly , stop trying to get in the last word , you've already shown who you are , or are not , now just go away and act superior somewhere else , you tire me .
My dad said the same thing. I knew exactly what you meant and that you were not hitting the dog in the ear. I thought that was a saying all over as my drill sergeant in Oklahoma said it to.
Thank you ! My dad had a lot of crazy stuff he would say , my mom too . It got my attention , so I guess it worked .
Well , given that you're so prone to handing out advice , here's some for you .
Next time you don't understand a comment made in a post , you should ask for clarification before assuming anything stupid , such as you did .
Next , the hardest part of being a man is admitting when you're wrong or have made a mistake , and not just trying to defend the mistake and deep your self in deeper .
But you do you , just wallow in your ignorance while trying to act superior , I mean you're so good at it , why stop now .
And lastly , stop trying to get in the last word , you've already shown who you are , or are not , now just go away and act superior somewhere else , you tire me .
Maybe don’t use obscure phrases which have very different meanings when taken literally, and then go to the lengths you did to defend your own mistake?
Maybe don’t use obscure phrases which have very different meanings when taken literally, and then go to the lengths you did to defend your own mistake?
And just what is your dog in this fight ? I explained the phrase several times and GD still tried to adhere to his assumption .
And anyone who thinks the phrase I boxed his ears means literally hitting a dog with a closed fist in the ears repeatedly is trying to make it something it's not , but I still contend he could have asked for clarification .
And as far as it being an obscure phrase , that's even more reason to ask for clarification instead of jumping to conclusions .
We all come from different backgrounds and there is no universal Rock-Speak on here .
I'll try to make things more clear in the future , to avoid this happening again .
Thank you for your input .
I train dogs for a living and have for 20 years. Some years I have trained over 300. Almost all obedience , with tons of aggressive dogs. I haven't read every comment, but I think I get the gist of what is being said. Those who are saying you must be Alpha, or Pack leader or Boss of the dog are correct.
There is , however, a distinction to be made. Beating the crap out of the dog may solve the immediate problem but will likely create others. It is much preferable to get the dog to RESPECT you than to fear you. Given that the dog has already shown aggression you are on borrowed time. I would especially be concerned about children. What you described is not impossible to fix, but if done incorrectly the penalty is severe, i.e. a bitten child. While dogs show pretty uniform and predictable behavior in many cases , they are, nevertheless , individuals and to some extent molded by their environment. Your dog needs to be assessed, by someone who knows what they are doing IMMEDIATELY. At this point a good trainer may be your best and only real option.
Thank you for your input , and as you stated you haven't read the whole post , I never beat the crap out of my dog .
But as far as having my dog assessed , I'm good thank you . Any dog can bite at any time , all the assessment and training in the world will never stop that , there is no guaranty training will help . The only thing that will work is diligence on my part , and I can do that .
We made changes , and he seems to have adjusted , but I will never trust him around kids again .
Thankfully your name isn't Beethoven, getting his ears boxed didn't go well for him.

Not sure where you grew up, but I've never heard anyone refer to a reprimand of any kind as "boxing" one's ears. Perhaps a lesson in speaking via metaphorical reference vs directly.

Glad this was simply metaphor!

Carry on...

Now back to all the Rokslide that's fit to print.


How have you not heard that before. I just assumed that everyone knew what "getting your ears boxed in" meant
Cutting his nuts off will do nothing to cure the problem. Old wives tale.

I don’t think going right to level 10 is always the answer.

Cesar Millian has some good books on good aggressive dogs.

You go the match aggression with aggression you only have one shot it either works or it does not and are you prepared to take it to a level higher than the dog.

If you have a pro trainer who has weims or know one I would call and talk to them. Getting advice from people who have had their hands on hundreds or even thousands of dogs is better than people who have had 5 dogs their whole life I’m including my self in the few dogs people.
Your dog spends a lot of alone with his food. And, I feel like he’s too old to correct him physically as equally as a training collar can do. Make no mistake, a training collar will fix his aggression towards his regular house inhabitants.

But, is he going to always have one on. What happens when someone just shows up like family and friends sometimes do? Is it worth it?

To me it’s not. Because at this age, I’m not certain it can be fixed enough to trust him. I have and will put a dog down if it doesn’t get with the program. But, I’ve never raised a dog from a pup that doesn’t treat my guest in the same way I was treating them.
OP, I read the first 3 pages and now the last one for reference. I’d recommend going back through those earlier post. Lots of sound knowledge in there. Two year old dog still could be trainable to me if you have a solid program. Beside the 24/7 feeding, one of the biggest things that stood out to me is that you put popcorn in his bowl when you had some. That’s only for your enjoyment and not beneficial to a dog. I’m sure you get that by now but you set yourself up for failure from the beginning.

Be mindful
Your dog spends a lot of alone with his food. And, I feel like he’s too old to correct him physically as equally as a training collar can do. Make no mistake, a training collar will fix his aggression towards his regular house inhabitants.

But, is he going to always have one on. What happens when someone just shows up like family and friends sometimes do? Is it worth it?

To me it’s not. Because at this age, I’m not certain it can be fixed enough to trust him. I have and will put a dog down if it doesn’t get with the program. But, I’ve never raised a dog from a pup that doesn’t treat my guest in the same way I was treating them.
You must have quoted the wrong post. My dog is a 4 year old hunting retriever champion master hunter that has never growled at any one and I can leave on place in front of his food dish until I release him.
I mostly agree with you, I never said that a dog shouldn't be disciplined.

Dogs need to know who is boss and for some dogs that takes a real level of discipline and that may include a butt kicking.

But BOXING a dogs or a person's ears is NOT discipline and it is not a whoopin', it is cruel and ill informed.

I only did this once with mine when he was a little pup. I put the damn spirit of fear on him as a pup. One side eyes or a finger snap get him acting right now. He will never do something i told him not to do.
I mostly agree with you, I never said that a dog shouldn't be disciplined.

Dogs need to know who is boss and for some dogs that takes a real level of discipline and that may include a butt kicking.

But BOXING a dogs or a person's ears is NOT discipline and it is not a whoopin', it is cruel and ill informed.

I only did this once with mine when he was a little pup. I put the damn spirit of fear on him as a pup. One side eyes or a finger snap get him acting right now. He will never do something i told him not to do.
I mostly agree with you, I never said that a dog shouldn't be disciplined.

Dogs need to know who is boss and for some dogs that takes a real level of discipline and that may include a butt kicking.

But BOXING a dogs or a person's ears is NOT discipline and it is not a whoopin', it is cruel and ill informed.

I only did this once with mine when he was a little pup. I put the damn spirit of fear on him as a pup. One side eyes or a finger snap get him acting right now. He will never do something i told him not to do.