What is your biggest public land pet-peeve?

Guys who act pissed that Im hunting the same area they are.
I do my best to avoid folks, but if I see you in the same area Im in Im probably going to come say hi and make a plan with you. If you want to go that way, then Ill go this way.

And for some reason I find these guys are often guides who feel they have more right to the area then I do.

In addition to the litter and illegal motorized use.
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the typical guy that hunts right by you knowing you are there...especially when you talk to them and they have/had no intention of being in that area...then low and behold mid day they come and sit in the dumbest spot a guy could and wreck the whole hunt. I get it is public land but why would you yourself want to hunt right on top of someone?

Litering and jackwagons on ATV/UTVs should be buried in an unmarked grave. Of trail unauthorized areas is one thing and so is the guys motoring around at very first shooting light and right at sunset....if you are scared of the dark hang up the hunting career.
Biggest public land pet peeve I have is that a large percentage of it is landlocked and not accessible. I have come to terms with all the things other hunters a recreationalists do so I don't let them ruin my experiences.
I can't stand all the rock cairns all over the place.

I'm not talking about the legitimate rock cairns that mark trails on otherwise featureless rock sections of trail; I'm talking about all the stacked rocks that everyone seems to love building on every creek bend, vantage point and campsite.

In case you're wondering, I'm the jerk that keeps knocking them down.
Biggest public land pet peeve I have is that a large percentage of it is landlocked and not accessible. I have come to terms with all the things other hunters a recreationalists do so I don't let them ruin my experiences.
I wonder if we can get to as much of our land as we can't get to. You know if it was the other way around, the private landowners would be losing their minds but us public landowners just sit back and take it.

Long ago I decided the pinnacle of privilege is to inherit a piece of land in the west that landlocks thousands of acres of land you don't have to pay taxes on, and that only you, your livestock and your clients can access.
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I can't stand all the rock cairns all over the place.

I'm not talking about the legitimate rock cairns that mark trails on otherwise featureless rock sections of trail; I'm talking about all the stacked rocks that everyone seems to love building on every creek bend, vantage point and campsite.

In case you're wondering, I'm the jerk that keeps knocking them down.
Funsucker. :ROFLMAO:
I can't stand all the rock cairns all over the place.

I'm not talking about the legitimate rock cairns that mark trails on otherwise featureless rock sections of trail; I'm talking about all the stacked rocks that everyone seems to love building on every creek bend, vantage point and campsite.

In case you're wondering, I'm the jerk that keeps knocking them down.
I'm the other jerk then...I didn't think of it till you mentioned it. But the Jacka$$ that carve their name into anything...It has been discovered and you drove up to it on your electric bike...no one cares you were there Jim.

Prime example....Medicine Rock Park in MT. Historical names and Native American carvings into rocks...then next to it a penis with Dave loves Beth 2014.
I dont know if it was mentioned yet, but it seems like every time i'm in the back country im hauling out balloons that people have let fly into the air from who the hell knows where. I always wondered where they ended up landing. now i know. Sorry if it was already mentioned or ranted about.
The one guy I ran into in Colorado wearing head to toe matching First Lite w/the obligatory Meateater Weatherby who came up to my camp as I was scouting a few days before the season and asked where I was going to be hunting, never said another word, and walked off. I ran into him a few day later when we were packing out my buddy's elk and he said he'd seen two cows, took shots at them, but he didn't think he'd hit them. When asked for more details, he said they didn't look like they'd been hit. He didn't find any blood where he shot the first one and the second acted like the first one so he assumed it hadn't been hit either.

TL;DR - Adult-onset hunters who act like complete jackasses.
Litter and SxS's tearing up the terrain where they shouldn't be.

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People driving around on closed roads or making new roads where they shouldn’t be.

when your driving down a dirt road trying to get to your hunting spot and there’s someone in front of you plus multiple cars behind us and the front car continues holding everyone else up behind them while they continue to stop and glass and take their sweet ass time

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While hiking up we discovered a turd with toilet paper on the side of the logging road. It was probably left behind by the same fat bastard on the motorcycle. Rarely is complete disregard of common decency isolated to one area.
Yup. That’s mine. Surface shitters. I can only assume they are as disgusting in their own home.
#1= surface shitters. Absolutely disgusting to see and to clean up.

#2=litter bugs. Hate people who throw cans into the fire expecting them to burn. Have picked up a bag of trash every day I've been able to get out of the office so far this year.

#3 people who mud and drive off road illegally building new trails. It kills wildlife and even fish sometimes.

#4 people who don't put out campfires or start fires. I make a lot of money off those idiots, but still come on folks put your damn campfire and cigs out and for heavens sake do not use tannerite on public lands!
People who put up tents and make it looks like someone is camping to fill up camp sites so other do not set up and hunt. Had a group all camping together (about 8) in one big site but they all parked vehicles at different campsites and set up tents and chairs but never camped there or slept there. They basically filled up all the other empty sites around them to minimize other people from camping in the few camp areas before the trailhead.