OK some of this I have.
New boots. Old Salomons finally gave up the ghost. Picked up a pair of Crispi Altitudes
Technically bought a new rifle for this hunt although I have had it over a year. 1st rifle hunt in many years.
Seekins PH3 in 300 win mag.
I'd like some new binoculars but not really in the budget. Brother picked up a new spotter and Tripod since this hunt is above timberline early season deer. Have not needed it. I was thinking a pair of 15x binoculars to supplement.
Really that is it. All the other gear is tried and true and ready to go.
Just to update. None of this was on my want to buy list when I wrote the first one.
I ended up picking up a 1st gen vortex razor 20 - 65x, 85mm spotter and a vortex carbon tripod. Got a good deal on it I couldn't pass up.
Also got a phone skope adapter for it.
Bunch of blaze orange stuff as I don't rifle hunt much. Kuiu Peloton vest in blaze as well as a hat and beanie. Picked up a cheaper technical hoodie elsewhere to supplement as well as a blaze pack cover.
KUIU Venture Divide 2000 day pack. Actually picked up this spring for a computer pack, but like it enough that I may use it while I am scouting a week ahead of the season.
KUIU rifle bearer and a load lifter rifle sling hook.
Spartan Precision Javelin Pro (long) bipod. Impressed so far for such a light bipod.
Vortex scope covers.
Various reloading related items.
Still have to inventory my current gear this weekend and see what else I need, although I can't imagine much.
More socks! My old smartwool are showing their age. Darn tough this time. I like them!
Upgrade my onx sub to Elite for more states.