What gear are you looking to buy before this fall?

Heading on my first moose hunt up in AK. It’s been a lot of planned and logistics but we are closing in on my last couple months before lift off!

Barney’s bag
Some quality down, thinking Sitka
Kodiak canvas 10x14

Those are the three big items still left to buy!

Outside of that going to give peak and heather choice meals a go.

Super looking forward to September
Peak are way better, to me, than the Mountain House options. The Biscuits and Gravy is real good. The Chicken Pesto Pasta is good too. Beef Stroganoff was decent.
Peak are way better, to me, than the Mountain House options. The Biscuits and Gravy is real good. The Chicken Pesto Pasta is good too. Beef Stroganoff was decent.
Thanks for the advice! I’ve heard good things about them. I plan on picking a few up to try before the trip.
Thanks for the advice! I’ve heard good things about them. I plan on picking a few up to try before the trip.
You definitely wanna make sure you're compatible with the freeze dried meals and flavors before getting out there lol. Best of luck on your hunt!
Not heading out West this year, decided to pull the trigger on a new tree saddle. Ordered the new Lockdown by Tethrd. Excited to try it on. Bought a madrock safegaurd too, as I'm going to try to get into one-sticking. Also going to try a hybrid method using my Summit Climber base only.
Any advice/links to videos or articles to help with new saddle hunters? I'm in South GA and been wanting to try saddle hunting this year for whitetails but it's pretty intimidating with all the different information out there. Hard to tell where to get started.
No more. This has to stop.

UTV cart.

exo K3

Aluminum tent poles. FML, really? Already have steel.

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Apparently I’m buying a truck. My FIL got a good deal on one, bought it, and I’ll buy it from him. He will deliver it the week before my hunt. I didn’t think I’d be able to afford a decent rig for a while yet, but this one was too good a deal to pass on.
Ended up picking something up that wasn’t on my list!

Swarovski EL Range TA 10x42. Big purchase but man they are incredible. Highly recommend them.
Anybody have any thoughts or maybe reviews on buying through the go hunt app? Some of their prices are better than other online places - thinking of picking up some gear through them.

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I am a side sleeper and always struggle to get a good nights sleep. The comfort plus has been great for backpacking but I still wake up with a sore shoulder.

I just picked up one of these because I plan to do some camping at the vehicle on two different hunts this year.

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Anybody have any thoughts or maybe reviews on buying through the go hunt app? Some of their prices are better than other online places - thinking of picking up some gear through them.

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They are great, very fast shipping.

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