What does everyone do for a living?

Operations Manager for the largest corn dog plant in the US, maybe the world. I have no idea who is eating 140 million pounds of these things every year but whoever you are THANKS!
My regular day job I work as a Poultry Offal Icer, so basically from 8am til 3pm, M-F I shovel ice into chicken waste parts to avoid spoiling. Then my part time job, from 4pm til 9pm I work as a Nut Steamer, basically I immerse almonds, pecans etc in hot water to soften shells... On the weekends I work another part time job as Wax-Ball Knock-Out Worker, I remove wax forms from the insides of new basketballs.

Pretty busy, but it pays the bills. My fiance is Hair-Boiler Operator, she operates high temperature vats for curling animal hair.
Sr. Nuclear station Operator. I am currently in class to hopefully get a license to run the reactor.
Homer, is that you???
Nursing school! It doesn't pay, yet... haha, til then I work in a coffee shop to help with school and afford tags....
Another surveyor...I work for a construction company and handle their GPS machine control as well as the site specific survey layout.

I cant agree that Aron wins though...LNGBOWFLYER's job looks like alot of fun...