What does everyone do for a living?

Former Collegiate, High School, and Private Sector Strength & Conditioning coach.

Currently making a career switch in Computer Science learning python now during Covid-19.

Collegiate, High School, Adult, Travel, EDP, Premier soccer referee on the side. Gotta make some big bucks somehow.
Superintendent for a power line contractor, seems like there’s a lot of linemen on here..

I was thinking the exact same thing.

Journeyman lineman myself.

First hurricane that has amounted to anything in years, and here I am, working on the west coast. 😂😩

Worked outside for 8 years, took a job with what became one of the largest investor owned utility companies in the nation. After working there for 23 years in various capacities, and positions, after 5 years in management, walked away from the shit show and came back outside.

Just turned 56, might be time to find a new home. I’m almost too old for this crap. ALMOST.