What do you do for a living?

Pursue 2-legged critters and generally cause trouble on behalf of this great nation. Some directly translates to hunting, but that same duty has also pulled me away from many a year of my preferred hunting seasons.
Out of curiosity. What are your rates? Those self loading trucks come down and get my walnut logs. When there is more than one load at a time they send one self loader and the rest flatbeds and let the boom truck load the flatbed and then themselves. Most of my loads are 200-230 miles and cost $850-$900. I thought it was pretty cheap freight. But maybe that's normal.
Thats definitely on the cheap side for up here! Of course there’s a lot that goes into the rate like miles of dirt road vs paved and number of passes or towns etc. but I’d say I’m closer to $800 for 100 miles. My goal on work days is to gross 2k before I park the truck and that typically means I’ve put on 400 - 500 miles
Thats definitely on the cheap side for up here! Of course there’s a lot that goes into the rate like miles of dirt road vs paved and number of passes or towns etc. but I’d say I’m closer to $800 for 100 miles. My goal on work days is to gross 2k before I park the truck and that typically means I’ve put on 400 - 500 miles
Thanks. Your rates are more in line with what I would expect. I don't see how these guys do a 400-460 mile round trip for $850-$900
Own my own job in small scale civil construction and supply. I don’t have time to hunt or scout more than once or twice every couple of years. Pride of ownership…right????
Power contractor. Foreman for a major projects reconductor crew. Wages are great. Vacation time sucks. 100 hours vacation but I do have a 4 day weekend every other week. On call 8 weeks a year. Would love more vacation time.
Healthcare leadership. I get humped up and down the hospital for most of the year. Allows me to not feel guilty when I take PTO in the Spring for fly fishing and the fall for hunting. I tend to work while on PTO too. But I make it all work.
Research engineer with a good vacation time plan. WFM has also enabled alot of flex time opportunities. That gives me the time off. On top of that I do some writing for different magazines and own a woodworking business geared towards taxidermy pedestals, displays, etc. Keeps me busy but gives me the extra funds to travel/hunt.
What do you do for a living and how does it benefit / hurt your ability to scout, hunt and plan?

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District sales manager. I drive all over the west but don’t get to see much of my hunting areas since I am working all the time. I have used the travel to my advantage a few times to see new country/units.
Fix broken things for a mining company. Having a rotating 5 5 4 schedule leaves half the year off for me to do what I want if I don’t want to work OT. Saves a lot of PTO. Beats the hell out of the all day, everyday that the ag world can be.
Engineer for a large Defense Contractor.

Officially, an Engineering Program Manager, i.e I herd cats for a living.....aka a team of engineers.

I earn 5 weeks of tme off year, so I usually don't have a problem getting time off, unless the US Navy calls.
I run a team of enterprise software architects. Engineering nerd myself ;)

Unlimited PTO but it comes with a catch that most of us work far more than we would if we had 3-5 set weeks of vacation.