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  • Thanks. Just a personal note of thanks for posting a photo of your sheep. Well done! I am 57 and have hunted all over, but only once in Montana. I hunted turkeys there in the spring of 2023. To this day, it was one of my favorite hunts ever! I have taken a lot of North American big game in a lot of places, but that turkey hunt was fantastic. Hope to go again soon.
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    Reactions: buffybr
    I've only shot 1 turkey, 15-20 years ago while hunting deer in eastern Montana.

    Occasionally I'll have a few in my yard or next to my basement window... :D

    Well at least you know what one looks like! I hunted the Crow Reservation and some private land I had permission to hunt around it. I have hunted turkey since a teen, and you need to get out there again. Your Montana birds are as good as it gets. They gobble a ton. They work extremely well and put on quite the show.
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