What do you do for a living?

GIS Analyst for an Electrical Engineering company. Currently at 1 week/yr of sick time and 3.5 weeks/year of PTO. My boss allows me to work longer hours to negate PTO time used so thats nice.
Architecture, working to get licensed now. I have young kids right now so I only go on my one trip a year for 5-6 days for whitetail in KY. I'm in NJ and would love to start going more out around this area
Oil and gas production. 5 weeks pto with 2 personal days. Usually use 2 weeks for family vacations etc and 2-3 weeks for hunting.
AD Military with a few years to go before I tap out at 25 years. It’s been good to be able to hunt different states and get after things other than whitetail. But, I’m typically only getting 5-7 days a year in hunting if I’m lucky. Missed the last 3 years in a row due to travel.
project management that is 100% remote (ie I only travel to and from customer locations as needed). 7 weeks PTO plus another 10? Days/holidays as company time off.

I can basically hunt/scout etc anytime and place I want, so long I get an internet connection every few days, assuming I’m not on PTO. Been looking hard at moving to Nebraska or Wyoming to better suit my free time
Work for state agency as Forester.
Spend 90% my time in woods.
Paid holidays and up to 25 days vacation now.
RN at a hospital. I’ve done 3 12s, then went into management and did 5 8s.

That sucked so I got out of management and I’m back to 3 12s. Gives a pretty decent amount of free time and can work my schedule to where I can have 7-10 days off without taking much PTO.
Has your career assisted your scouting and hunting? I’m sure planning has become part of your life. Assume the scout and hunt process has developed a bit aswell.

Definitely; the ability to eliminate areas is probably as nearly as important as finding areas. 24 years in the field has helped with that.

When I was working, that was my only scouting. There was little to no planning, we'd get maybe a day off (sometimes only a half day) a week, so you definitely wanted things well dialed in.

Being retired offers me a lot more time and flexibility to plan, scout and hunt- they way it should be :)
Owner operator of a self loading log truck as of earlier this year. Being my own boss is great and can’t complain about the money either.

Also have 10 seasonal Airbnb rentals in southwest MT which is a considerable amount of income with minimal work. (Mainly summer)

Prior to the trucking I was a LEO for 7 years before I decided the juice was no longer worth the squeeze.

Wife’s been kicking butt as a real estate agent the last couple years though which is starting to get my attention and interest! 😉

Won’t ever be going back to working for a boss though!
Owner operator of a self loading log truck as of earlier this year. Being my own boss is great and can’t complain about the money either.

Also have 10 seasonal Airbnb rentals in southwest MT which is a considerable amount of income with minimal work. (Mainly summer)

Prior to the trucking I was a LEO for 7 years before I decided the juice was no longer worth the squeeze.

Wife’s been kicking butt as a real estate agent the last couple years though which is starting to get my attention and interest! 😉

Won’t ever be going back to working for a boss though!
Out of curiosity. What are your rates? Those self loading trucks come down and get my walnut logs. When there is more than one load at a time they send one self loader and the rest flatbeds and let the boom truck load the flatbed and then themselves. Most of my loads are 200-230 miles and cost $850-$900. I thought it was pretty cheap freight. But maybe that's normal.
Commercial Refrigeration. I work on walk-ins, reach-ins, chillers, air driers, ice machines and some roof top units. Worked supermarkets for many years but I'm a one man show now and thankfully can't take on a supermarket.

I hunt near my house and put about 11 days in this year. We're taking a week off to see family. I'll have my phone close and can be to a customers in 1 day if it's a major emergency.
I knew there had to be others like me here.

Supermarket refrigeration guy.

Fall isn't a bad time to be taking time off, and I have a good team to support me