What do you do for a living?

Commercial and high end residential project manager Monday through Thursday 8-5 and a 1/2 day Friday. I can also "work from home". As long as I'm responding to calls, texts, and emails I could work 100% remote. I was "off" 2.5 weeks in December and taking another week in January off.
Offshore in the Oil industry. 28 days on/ 28 days off. I’m also a Husband/Father with kids who play sports so I can’t be gone the entire hitch home, but I am blessed with a family that allows me plenty of time in September to chase my dreams.
Operator at a chemical plant. We work swing shift so I get a decent amount of time off to hunt/fish.
I work for a tractor dealership. Planting through harvest the job is crazy busy, but after that have about as much time as I want.
School counselor. 16 days of personal/sick leave, school break schedule, and I control a lot of my own calendar. The fall can be a tricky time of year, but with the right planning I typically get in a 4-5 day backpack hunt at the start of bow season and plenty of one-offs.
Government attorney. Also coach HS football (fall is certainly a busy time, haha). If I got paid enough to coach, which will never ever happen, I'd probably quit the day job.
Software Engineer for the MIC (military industrial complex). Nice flexible hours and 9/80 schedule. Hoping to utilize those flexible hours for some hunting this year since I just moved out west.
Was a machinest for 20 years and then CNC programmer for 24.
Don't let anybody kid you, retirement rocks!

I used to program and run CNC lathes. HAAS and Mori-Seiki.

I really liked that work. I was good at it and nobody bothered me because nobody else in the shop knew how to run the things. lol
I served a career in the Submarine Navy and hunted when I could get time. Had the opportunity to hunt blacktails and wild pigs in California and whitetails in the northeast. Then worked a second career as a public school teacher in the Adirondacks. Got a guide’s license so guided hunters and fishermen in the Adirondacks and hunted and fished for myself there when I wasn’t guiding. After retiring from teaching I became a registered guide in Maine. I hope to get some guide work for fishermen in Maine this coming season. Beyond that I hunt, fish and guide hunters and fishermen in the Adirondacks. Been pretty lucky.
What do you do for a living and how does it benefit / hurt your ability to scout, hunt and plan?

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I am retired, so spend most of my winter days scouting and hiking.
I was a professor of geospatial technologies so GPS, Satellite Imagery, GIS and I do quite a bit of E-Scouting and planning my winter days scouting.
I served a career in the Submarine Navy and hunted when I could get time.
fshaw, Thank you for your Silent Service. I served on subs as an Auxiliary Machinist Mate for 3 1/2 years of my Navy days but got out when Clinton was decimating the Navy in '94. I enjoyed my job not my employer......

I am now employed at a local hospital for the past 21 years, 14 years in HVAC and 7 years as an Electronic Equipment Specialist. This means I manage our Security Automation system for badge access to include installation and repair, also manage and install the hospital wide camera system and work on auto operating doors and all other types of doors in our facilities. We have a new company that took us over recently so now I have 8 weeks of PTO so hopefully I'll use it wisely camping with my wife and dogs and hunting! Blessed to have learned a skill in the Navy that has lead me to where I am at now.