What do you do for a living?

Gov Contractor, + 24 yrs retired Navy. Almost Zero time to get out. May try permanent retirement soon.
Weldor (spelling is correct) LOL, Retired. When I worked about 45 days a year on average. Now it's all year if you want to. Gas and food prices are not helping this year but still managed to get out on 4 good hunts. I will say this, It's nice not having to rush to get back to work.
Work for biotechnology company. I work a lot of hours (salary) but have unlimited PTO for family vacations and hunting season .


I recently took a job that has unlimited pto (started Monday). It was a substantial pay raise but I’m starting to grow concerned with the pto aspect. I previously had a job that paid less but I had 24 or so days of pto and I could use them whenever and however. In your experience how does the unlimited pto work?
US Forst service. Obviously I’m familiar with my piece of ground which helps come hunting season. Pay is decent and I get good benefits, can flex my schedule and take a decent amount of time off to hunt.
Potato farmer
Spring and fall are busy with planting and harvest, I can get out for turkey but haven’t been able to for bear. September 10- October 20 is harvest so not going anywhere during that time. I have to find hunts before or after those dates. However I work on a large farm and have access to some Of the best hunting in my state (private land). My dream is to harvest an elk with my bow so I gotta figure that out.
Run equipment for a dirt/construction company M-F. Just started cutting walnut timber on the weekends. The way it's looking if I bust my butt daylight to dark on Saturday and Sunday I can make more in those 2 days than I can M-F.

I recently took a job that has unlimited pto (started Monday). It was a substantial pay raise but I’m starting to grow concerned with the pto aspect. I previously had a job that paid less but I had 24 or so days of pto and I could use them whenever and however. In your experience how does the unlimited pto work?
You mean like FTO (Flexible Tome Off)? Do you actually "earn" the PTO where the hours accumulate into your PTO bucket?

My company went to an FTO model last year and they sell it by saying you have unlimited time off.

Your time off is at your manager's discretion (wink, wink). And you don't earn anything so from a legal/worker's rights perspective it's a lot easier to deny you something you have not earned.

Oh, and there is no company liability for vacation any longer since you don't "earn" anything.

Good deal for the C-suite folks.

Commercial Refrigeration. I work on walk-ins, reach-ins, chillers, air driers, ice machines and some roof top units. Worked supermarkets for many years but I'm a one man show now and thankfully can't take on a supermarket.

I hunt near my house and put about 11 days in this year. We're taking a week off to see family. I'll have my phone close and can be to a customers in 1 day if it's a major emergency.
Mechanical Engineer at an automation company. Start off with 2 weeks vacation, but gain more each year and can roll over up to 10 unused days, so I'm try to save some up in order to take longer hunting trips in the next few years
Finance at a tech company. Have unlimited PTO, but my toddler makes getting time in the woods harder than my job.

With family obligations I get maybe 5-10 days to hunt, but I take nice days off to walk in the woods/scout/hike with my kid.

Saw easily over a dozen harvestable deer/bear with my kid in the backpack and saw exactly none during season. Thems the breaks I guess.