Wow, step away for a few days and this lively thread captivated me!
I’m so late to chime in to the ops question but wanted too as I’m proud of my adoption and transformation based on Forms public and private help.
I was a fudd trying to learn my self to shoot long from mbr with magnums.
Before the 223 thread, form was talking about meaningful practice - actually in more than one thread. But what got me was his comments regarding archers shoot hundreds if not thousands or arrows to be excellent but most only sight in or check a few shots before rifle season. That hit me hard. As did the expense and misery of 7 mag 2000 times in reality…
Then he posted and suggested buying a bolt gun in 223 and practice will be affordable and similar in motions and with minimal recoil - and transfer the muscle memory to high recoiling weapons that can be shot less.
Then the 223 thread appeared, still a fudd I didn’t read until it was 23 pages and I was skeptical, until I read it…
Lawnbi was an early adopter who also has a lot of credibility to me, shared his conversion and kill experiences with the 223 on that thread. Offline he told me he can’t see a single reason to use his 300 wm again as the 223 with 77 tmk was really too much carnage compared to his 300 and whatever bullet he used and such a joy to shoot.
So my answers why the 223/77
1 I need to PRACTICE A LOT affordably
2 Honestly I dislike recoil & love low recoil
3 Certain highly fragmented bullets create massive tissue damage…
so much so that less powder or displacement in caliber is needed compared to using controlled expanding bullets that diminutive calibers can be used as effectively when looked objectively in terms of wound width depth time of death steps or yards traveled and documented in this case with photo evidence.
Some of you are down right antagonistic towards form seemingly going out of your way to attack. Others have given advice to I read, that was appreciated. but seriously - agree with him or not - name any company in the hunting industry or entity or famous personality that has brought more objective data publicly on actual kills the essence of what we do (not to mention the equipment evals!). If you are that animate he’s wrong I bet you could contact him and hunt or shoot or drop stuff, otherwise post your data objectively and allow me/us the benefit to learn.
- Made a few kills myself with the 223/77 and will continue to.
- Have one magnum left to sell my 350 RM
- Building a tikka 6cm too with one of the recommended scopes
- will maintain one gun, blr 358 win loaded hot with something more conventional. There is still room for that, but I haven’t found a 35 cal tmk either…
- oh, I drop test my sh..t
Ryan can I get rokslide shirt attesting I drop test?