What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Apr 8, 2020
I am so glad you posted this. What I dislike the most are all the people who say what you just did. Telling us that we won’t be returning to normal very soon. As if by saying that you think it’s going to prolong this event. The only thing keeping “us” from returning to normal at this point is people like you saying we can’t/won’t be able to. As if some way of life we had is now over and history. Wake up bud.....if you haven’t noticed there are states already returning to normal. A large majority if the American people are “over this”. Fed up with it. No longer in fear of it. No matter how hard the media continues to try, the fear factor surrounding all this is pretty much gone. Especially for those who posses any level of common sense. I’m not saying the virus is gone. I’m not saying people won’t keep getting sick and continue to die. What I am saying is life must go on........now. Not 3 months from now. Not next year.

Also, those same people that share your beliefs keep saying that this will just spark another outbreak and we will just have to be “locked down” again. Yeah.....good luck pulling that off again!! The majority of the population is going to send up a big middle finger the next time a “shelter in place” order is issued. When the fear factor is gone, the motivation to conform is gone as well. I bet dollars to donuts that there won’t be any future shelter in place orders issued because nobody will give a shit and the last thing a governor wants to see is his entire constituency openly defy and ignore him knowing he can’t do a damn thing about it.
In my part of the world people are ignoring the order now, they are over it. Granted it is small town America. The police stated they are not going to enforce the closure of city parks or enforce groups less then 10. Even people that were originally supportive have changed there tune mostly due to their business being closed or they are feeling the financial impact.
As for the economic impacts, It is a self induced problem and it’s going suck for awhile. We have no one to blame but ourselves and those we elected.
As Trump warned, we let the cure be worse then the disease itself.

“The greater good”


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
There is no more secrets on how this virus is spread. It’s time for people to decide if they want to stay in side or work and be in contact with people. If you know or are in contact with people who have weak immune system or a more at risk then either stay away from them or stay away from everyone on else. Make a decision it should not be the government’s to make any more. Hard decisions are a part of life. People die every day also new baby’s are born such is life. Time for personal responsibility .
Aug 22, 2019
This is why things will go back to normal. Once people take some time and digest the real data...

I like that guy's fact centerdness and unbiased rendering of statistics. I also appreciate his standard of not blaming anybody for being wrong.

Wish all the mainstream news media would be forced to watch and report that video! But I'm afraid it would prick their balloon with a pin.

Trump should play it for the next briefing and make no comments. Next day briefing say we're gonna open stuff back up. Let's get to planning!

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Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
This is interesting, skip forward a few minutes to miss the advertisement and a few more if you want to miss hearing religion:

May 9, 2012
Bothell, Wa
This is why things will go back to normal. Once people take some time and digest the real data...

Great find and thanks for sharing!

I keep hearing that we have to test but as these two doctors noted folks are afraid to go see their Dr for basic healthcare needs so why would we expect them to go in for a Covid test? Hopefully that rapid test proves to be reliable and can be handed out to businesses so they can reopen. I don’t think doing these tests at clinics is going to reach nearly enough folks fast enough.


Dec 8, 2018
What I dislike most is literally anyone on TV talking about covid speaks as if it is going away and we will be returning back to normal or even semi normal American life. Hate to say it but the odds of that happening are quite slim. Pray the transportation industry stays afloat. O wait, even if they do, in time what goods are they going to transport? Hmmm, wait wait. How are we going to pay for anything with our inflated government currency? Ah hell, we are screwed...

Spend some some time and educate yourself on immunity and viruses. Don't be a frightened sheep


Jul 17, 2012
Hilliard Florida
I know for sure that Georgia just reopened and the restaurants are packed ! I’m just a few miles south and was going to go eat at the Mexican restaurant in Folkston Georgia but when I called a friend to see if he wanted to join me he said he was already there and to not bother unless you were willing to wait a good while. Going for breakfast at the Brick House in the morning :)
Jul 22, 2019
We were out in CDA and Spokane today, looked like an average Saturday minus non essential stores closed. Most people don’t care anymore, just being hygienic and keeping their distance.


Oct 3, 2019
Spend some some time and educate yourself on immunity and viruses. Don't be a frightened sheep
I'll take your advice and further what I know already... I dont dig for knowledge where they want me too though, and that is what creates problems often times with my views and others views.

I'll leave it at that.

Have you been "formally" educated on this matter?


Dec 28, 2016
Just want to add some prospective, and I know this is just my prospective, and only one....
But, as of today I finally know someone with the virus, four guys actually, two in their early 40's and 2 in their early 30's. All four tested positive for antibodies, then later, positive for COVID-19. They tested for the antibodies about a week and half ago. Not so much as a runny nose among all 4 of them.

Back in February my whole family (wife and 3 kids) got sick and tested positive for flu type A, while I was away at work. They were straight-up sick! Bed ridden. Hurting.

Meanwhile I'm losing my job and my life will be in the toilet because of COVID-19.

Seems obscure.

My thoughts on the Kung-Flu? Let's get back to work and just let this virus eat. We're already killing the economy and many careers.

As far as getting back to normal, there's still hope, so long as we don't continue on the path we're on.


May 27, 2017
We aren't going back to "normal", may as well embrace it.

Brick and mortars that aren't seriously rethinking their business plans...dinosaurs and they'll go the way of the dinosaur if they don't adapt.

Businesses are going to realize they don't need 10-20K square foot offices forcing their employees into cubicles for 8 hours a day. They don't need to waste peoples time flying them all over the country for face to face meetings that can be done with teams, zoom, webx, etc. Employees are going to wake up and realize if they're able to work from home, they don't need a commuter vehicle...that needs a tank or two or fuel a week, oil changes, tires, brake pads, rotors. They'll also realize what a waste of time commuting to the office is...what an unproductive, stressful, time sink that is.

Online grocery shopping...we were using it before, I don't have any plans on going into grocery stores often, if at all. Going to really break my heart not having to listen to a butch of whining, crying snot nosed kids that run around licking the floors and touching everything they can get their grubby hands on. Or waiting in line.

It goes on and on...

The times, they are a changing...and we aren't going back.


Mar 7, 2020
We aren't going back to "normal", may as well embrace it.

Brick and mortars that aren't seriously rethinking their business plans...dinosaurs and they'll go the way of the dinosaur if they don't adapt.

Businesses are going to realize they don't need 10-20K square foot offices forcing their employees into cubicles for 8 hours a day. They don't need to waste peoples time flying them all over the country for face to face meetings that can be done with teams, zoom, webx, etc. Employees are going to wake up and realize if they're able to work from home, they don't need a commuter vehicle...that needs a tank or two or fuel a week, oil changes, tires, brake pads, rotors. They'll also realize what a waste of time commuting to the office is...what an unproductive, stressful, time sink that is.

Online grocery shopping...we were using it before, I don't have any plans on going into grocery stores often, if at all. Going to really break my heart not having to listen to a butch of whining, crying snot nosed kids that run around licking the floors and touching everything they can get their grubby hands on. Or waiting in line.

It goes on and on...

The times, they are a changing...and we aren't going back.
Couldn't agree more and I've said as much in this thread. It also helps us protect each other from this virus, seasonal flu, etc.

I was completely against home schooling my kids, but I have to say I've kind of enjoyed it and both of my sons are doing better with it as well as far as classwork scores. I'm not sure I want to do this forever, but I'd be fine with a two or three dsy school week and any outstanding assignments can be finished and turned in by Friday. At least where my kids go the whole school district is 100% online now. It's going to be hard to completely put that cat back in the bag.

Now is the perfect time with 25M people unemployed to undertake an Eisenhower type national infrastructure program as well. Not to just rebuild our 1950s era that we have now, but to propel us forward for another 75 years. 5G, and things for quick commuting between large metro areas. With electromag rail like what Japan uses we could connect our larger areas and cut way down on airplane use that is a financial black hole.

We should come out of this as a nation better than when we went in and we should be smarter as well. People need to get back to work doing something though.
Dec 6, 2019
Southern OK
Buzz and Mosster.......lets all remember this thread and these 3 posts and revisit them in 6 months. Lets see if we are more closely back to the "norm" of 3-4 months ago, or if we more closely resemble the things you two speak of.

Y'all seem to relish in the idea and the expressing of how our lives will not go back to normal.......even though they already starting to in some states.


Apr 20, 2020
Anyone else like going on this thread and stirring the pot with an outrageous post? Love to see what comes out of the woodwork.
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