What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Or your math is off. The denominator in the death rate calculation is the # of people infected, not the # in the total population.

I understand that. The numbers from the Stanford study I was quoting indicated a current death rate of 0.09% - 0.16% (off memory) based on many more people being infected without diagnosis than there is diagnosed. My point was that numbers already suggest that 0.09% of the entire population of NY has died so the extrapolated death rate from Stanford study seem too low.
The red states are where most of the middle class is so it will be a pretty big deal for the people hit hardest.

Perhaps most people in red states are middle class, but I am fairly certain that even without researching their share of the US middle class is not "most" and probably more in line with the ~25% GDP share.
Seeing as though this thread has descended into biblical mumblings about floods and the like, I figure me and the rest of the nut jobs can build an ark and be a-ok.

Sorry you’re not down, Zap...thought you’d make a good ship mate.
Yes, it is fine to mock those of us that are telling you what we believe could be about to happen in the near future, I did not blame anyone that does not believe the way I do I understand. But if one day soon all these things do happen I hope then you will know it is still for a brief time not to late.

I will not.mention religion or endtimes anymore here. Proceed
Perhaps most people in red states are middle class, but I am fairly certain that even without researching their share of the US middle class is not "most" and probably more in line with the ~25% GDP share.

You might want to actually research things instead of going off assumptions. If we go by 2016 red vs. blue state populations, red state populations, which also have a larger share proportionally of middle class citizens, make up 58.6% of the country’s population.

If you base GDP stats on tech jobs then your statement might hold truth, but those jobs don’t keep the countries wheels turning.

Your tone is very presumptively elitist.
Yup, similar to the 'nut jobs' who said a few months ago that virtually the whole world economy would be shut down by April....
Or, similar to those that called anyone who believed this didn't originate in a wet market, a nut hob. Or, similar to anyone who believed this virus was out and about long before we were originally told. Time will tell but, I' glad I didn't pend my opinion and self worth on what we were being fed. Because daily as more info is found out, it appears the "nut job" tash hag belongs to the "rational" among us
More meat/food processing plants closures today.....
I'm happy at times like these to have a couple freezers in my garage to go "grocery shopping."

I hope that most here are doing the same, unless you held out for that big bill, and are now simmering tag soup.

It would be interesting to see what the us does if a significant portion of our protein is taken out of the market.

Increase in adult onset hunters this fall?

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All those Bed time Stories we hear as kids are happening, TRUE!!! But Millions of Jews died in the Holocaust and they also thought that was the end. No one knows when it will happen but the signs have been foretold. This scares the the Hell out of me so i may be in denial. :eek: Technology is at an all time high(some people are still waiting for flying cars but that may never happen), men are lovers of men and women don't want to be women anymore. natural disasters and now a pandemic. What do i know. I bought a new house and car this year and i would love to enjoy life a little bit more. I am scared.
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