What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Am I the only one who really doesn't know how to feel about this all? On one hand, I see the protests and I'm like Murica but on the other hand, I know people are dying and there are areas (NY in particular) that are hit really hard.
The raw numbers give me pause as it isn't bad for younger people, especially under 30 and they should be able to get back on with it, wear masks, be conscious but we're going to have to open back up sometime. I don't know.
Am I the only one who really doesn't know how to feel about this all? On one hand, I see the protests and I'm like Murica but on the other hand, I know people are dying and there are areas (NY in particular) that are hit really hard.
The raw numbers give me pause as it isn't bad for younger people, especially under 30 and they should be able to get back on with it, wear masks, be conscious but we're going to have to open back up sometime. I don't know.
I think your feelings are completely normal. As a caring human, like we all are, we dont wish anybody bad, we wish we could always lend a hand where its needed. We dont want to be insensitive to peoples feelings, nor do we set out to do so. But, we dont like being lied to either. The numbers, their hard to just take all in when words have lost their meaning. "Confirmed", comes to mind. The information out there makes it hard to be confident about the "facts"(another one of those words). Alot of us have different opinions on......everything.....but I'd like to believe we all share our opinions with the intention of it being for the good, from the heart. But, their doing a good job at shaming people for having an opinion on the matter, which also makes it difficult to create a confident opinion on the virus. So no, your not the only one who is having a hard time deciding your feelings on all this. It's almost like that's the medias hope, at this point.

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Plenty of evil people in the world are not caring humans.

Keep food from this nation for one week and no one will be a caring human.

This virus may be a perfect way to get soft societies to accept the wrong course of actions....
Plenty of evil people in the world are not caring humans.

Keep food from this nation for one week and no one will be a caring human.
Yea, 10-4, I was mainly referring to here on Rokslide, which I didnt make clear. I believe there is more good in humans then bad, but no doubt, we seen rioting and, looting in this country for less of a cause.

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Considering they only have 28k confirmed cases, 510k people with the antibodies is an enormous number.

Sure, but if you consider that, for example, in KC 3.8% of the population is CURRENTLY infected, and the infection rate for people actually tested here has been relatively stable for a while, then I would deduce that way more than 3.8% of the general KC pop would have antibodies (assuming a 2 week recovery period).
This is interesting:

Drones being used around the country to enforce coronavirus lockdowns were donated by a company with ties to the Chinese government, raising concerns that the nation many blame for allowing the virus to become a pandemic has sneaked a powerful espionage tool into the skies above its economic rival.

Drones from Da Jiang Innovations (DJI) have gone to 43 law enforcement agencies in 22 states to help ensure social distancing rules. In New Jersey, for example, the Chinese-made drones are being used to spy on citizens where patrol cars can't reach.
This is interesting:

Drones being used around the country to enforce coronavirus lockdowns were donated by a company with ties to the Chinese government, raising concerns that the nation many blame for allowing the virus to become a pandemic has sneaked a powerful espionage tool into the skies above its economic rival.

Drones from Da Jiang Innovations (DJI) have gone to 43 law enforcement agencies in 22 states to help ensure social distancing rules. In New Jersey, for example, the Chinese-made drones are being used to spy on citizens where patrol cars can't reach.
DjI is the world leader in drones, from private to commercial use. Something like 70% of the world's drones are DjI.

Air forces, Navy, etc all using DJI.

To not use a Chinese made drone, would be like not using a smartphone made in China.

And is using one to enforce social distancing, especially if your outside your home, in a place where a governor has made specific stay at home order? I'm not sure...

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And is using one to enforce social distancing, especially if your outside your home, in a place where a governor has made specific stay at home order? I'm not sure...

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Many people have decided not to halt their daily lives and hide in a hole just because someone told them to......restrictions be damned.
Oil is @ $10.17 a barrel......I heard that some places in Canada they are paying people to came and take barrels of oil away.....

That's probably not good.
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