What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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So businesses shouldn't have a rainy day fund to help ensure they can employ people in the event of an emergency, you know, like Covid-19? Would you rather work for a company that survived month to month or one with great financial stability that could weather any storm? Seriously this isn't complicated.
I guess they must have spent their 1.5 trillion dollars gift from 2017 on salleries and employing more people . Tinkle down economics...

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It’s clear some businesses expanded irresponsibility instead of rainy day fund. But, of course now everyone has their hands out.
Brad, why you are correct. From 2017 to 2019 there were 5 million more people employed in full time jobs. I'm glad you are starting to understand.

Take a look at the link and notice the uptick in jobs from 2017-2019... and the downturn during the Obama Presidency. It took Obama almost 7 years to get back to the same number of full time employees we had at the time he was elected! https://www.statista.com/statistics/192356/number-of-full-time-employees-in-the-usa-since-1990/
Johnson County Kansas just released results of random sampling test of asymptomatic people: 3.8% positive

Not sure if this is public info yet but probably gets released later today.


Only 3.8% positive, there are 640,000 people in Johnson county.
These coorperations / CEOs could responsibly do both.

They are likely putting that 20 employees * 50k into offshore bank accounts daily.

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“Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.”

“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”

What’s it like to take a human life ? "I don't know, I've only ever killed communists"

My three favorite quotes on communism/socialism !
We need wealth redistribution now 🙄

We need wealth equality, that has nothing to do with wealth redistribution. When 1) corporate earnings are not significantly increasing, 2) CEO comp has increased ~12% and the wages of run of the mill workers is increasing at ~3% (basically the rate of inflation) and 3) that gap is increasing, it will eventually bite all of us. I see it as a bigger and more immediate threat to America and our economic health than the deficit.
Constantly complaining rich people have to much money isn’t envy?

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Maybe I am smart enough to have both become rich and understand that that the current path of this country is going to lead its downfall - which is perhaps the greatest threat to my hard-earned wealth? Ever thought of that?
Brad, why you are correct. From 2017 to 2019 there were 5 million more people employed in full time jobs. I'm glad you are starting to understand.

Take a look at the link and notice the uptick in jobs from 2017-2019... and the downturn during the Obama Presidency. It took Obama almost 7 years to get back to the same number of full time employees we had at the time he was elected! https://www.statista.com/statistics/192356/number-of-full-time-employees-in-the-usa-since-1990/

Wait, Obama had a 1-year downturn which saw about a 1.1M loss in jobs according to that chart, after he inherited a recession. How did it take him 7 years to get back that one years loss? Am I reading that chart wrong?
We need wealth equality, that has nothing to do with wealth redistribution. When 1) corporate earnings are not significantly increasing, 2) CEO comp has increased ~12% and the wages of run of the mill workers is increasing at ~3% (basically the rate of inflation) and 3) that gap is increasing, it will eventually bite all of us. I see it as a bigger and more immediate threat to America and our economic health than the deficit.
Wealth equality without redistribution...socialism’s equal sharing of misery ! If you don’t redistribute wealth then you must destroy wealth to create equality of outcome. There is nothing more destructive , unfair , and evil than equality of outcome. We are created with inalienable right to life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness. In law we are all created equal. Then nature created us some more equal than others. Then God gave us free will. Equality of outcome is against all laws of nature and will always lead to failure and ultimately premature death.
Wait, Obama had a 1-year downturn which saw about a 1.1M loss in jobs according to that chart, after he inherited a recession. How did it take him 7 years to get back that one years loss? Am I reading that chart wrong?
You are- He lost 10 million jobs over his first couple of years.
Since Obama and his .gov lard bricks had never actually been in business and created any wealth he and his intellectual idiots thought regulation and direction created wealth. I can tell you from personal experience in the trucking business that his regulations created bureaucratic hell and crippled trucking. I’m extrapolating from my personal experience and reading business articles that the Obama Administration crippled wealth creation which equals jobs and higher wages.
Maybe I am smart enough to have both become rich and understand that that the current path of this country is going to lead its downfall - which is perhaps the greatest threat to my hard-earned wealth? Ever thought of that?

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We need wealth equality, that has nothing to do with wealth redistribution. When 1) corporate earnings are not significantly increasing, 2) CEO comp has increased ~12% and the wages of run of the mill workers is increasing at ~3% (basically the rate of inflation) and 3) that gap is increasing, it will eventually bite all of us. I see it as a bigger and more immediate threat to America and our economic health than the deficit.

No the biggest threat to America is people who believe they should be paid equally for doing nothing.

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We need wealth equality, that has nothing to do with wealth redistribution. When 1) corporate earnings are not significantly increasing, 2) CEO comp has increased ~12% and the wages of run of the mill workers is increasing at ~3% (basically the rate of inflation) and 3) that gap is increasing, it will eventually bite all of us. I see it as a bigger and more immediate threat to America and our economic health than the deficit.

What would your govt mandated wealth equality policies look like? How would they divert from wealth redistribution?
Unfortunately it seems this thread has become like one of those long drawn out fights between husband and wife where they are arguing about stupid little things just for the sake of digging in their heels and can’t even remember how or why the fight started in the first place...

carry on🍿
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