What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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Unfortunately it seems this thread has become like one of those long drawn out fights between husband and wife where they are arguing about stupid little things just for the sake of digging in their heels and can’t even remember how or why the fight started in the first place...

carry on🍿
You are about 140 pages behind.
Call me crazy but, I feel like this thread has brought the participating participants closer. I feel like it's more like a bunch of brothers bickering at each other, stuck in the house bored with nothing to do. No love lost here, got nothing but respect for everybody.

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Source on this?

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Sorry I would have linked it at the time but I didn't believe it was public yet. I got it from a county employee. It's now posted on the county website here:

Basically they randomly sampled a bunch of asymptomatic people and got 3.8% to come in positive. I think the data supports the ideas that:

1) a lot more people are and therefore have been infected than we know, and
2) the mortality rate is much much much lower than the scary numbers the media was pushing
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Your going to have different perspectives on a topic like this which is actually highly political......even thou it is medical..... :)

I try to state how I feel without being overly critical of others which requires some constraint at times....and sometimes it is very difficult or impossible to constrain myself.....:love:

God Bless America and the POTUS.......🇺🇸 please give us all the strength to pull together and eventually see this difficult time in the rear view mirror while on our way to better things....
A lot of articles are saying the first known case was Nov 17. None are verified. They never will be coming out of China.
Here is the thing, i may come off as a dumbass country hick but, I've set at a bunch of tables with people who influence world economies. And, all have told me China was fighting this well before then
Stanford is currently doing a study to see if this may have been in the Bay Area since late fall. I don't think it has but we'll know within a couple of weeks.

Bay Area Study
It may not have been there but, I'm pretty certain it was here in late fall. Just an assumption. Time will tell
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Wealth equality without redistribution...socialism’s equal sharing of misery ! If you don’t redistribute wealth then you must destroy wealth to create equality of outcome. There is nothing more destructive , unfair , and evil than equality of outcome. We are created with inalienable right to life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness. In law we are all created equal. Then nature created us some more equal than others. Then God gave us free will. Equality of outcome is against all laws of nature and will always lead to failure and ultimately premature death.

Way to take a simple statement and blovate it into opportunity of outcome. When you give rich people more money, they tend to save it. When you give the lower class more money, they tend to spend it. Research the velocity if money and its economic impact. Jesus.
Way to take a simple statement and blovate it into opportunity of outcome. When you give rich people more money, they tend to save it. When you give the lower class more money, they tend to spend it. Research the velocity if money and its economic impact. Jesus.
You said wealth equality. Equality means equal correct ? Now you talk about private companies deciding that they’re not paying their employees enough and they publish a statement patting themselves for paying more. That’s great and the invisible hand of the market at work. I understand the velocity of money just fine and the meaning of the term equality of wealth.
I was symptomatic on Dec 24th. And sick most of January so I’m thrilled my primary Doc got me in for a blood draw next Tuesday. I figure about a 50/50 chance it comes back positive since shortness of breath was my primary symptom with a dry hack being secondary.

I’ve got plenty of issues with living in the greater Seattle area but being in the footprint of UW Medicine certainly isn’t one of them......

UW Virology press conference 4/17
Way to take a simple statement and blovate it into opportunity of outcome. When you give rich people more money, they tend to save it. When you give the lower class more money, they tend to spend it. Research the velocity if money and its economic impact. Jesus.
Did you ever think just a little bit longer on what you just posted? The rich people are rich because they save money (you just said that rich people usually do save extra money) and the low class never get rich because the spend it!
Now, how do know somebody's rich?
1. They have a lot of assets? Well, then they DID spend their money, and in the process, helped the economy!
2. You snooped into their bank account and saw they got $3M in there? Then quit being nosy and mind your own business.
3. Mabe your in the tax system somewhere... and a certain individual paid $100,000 in taxes, obviously they must be rich or they wouldn't be paying that much tax. (Some middle class folks who make between $40,000 and $50,000 a year pay that much in taxes some years, the middle class people pay almost all the tax anyhow, they must pay at least that much.)

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Basically they randomly sampled a bunch of asymptomatic people and got 3.8% to come in positive. I think the data supports the ideas that:

1) a lot more people are and therefore have been infected than we know, and
2) the mortality rate is much much much lower than the scary numbers the media was pushing

3.8% falls in the range of the Stanford study as well.

EDIT: Also, if you extrapolate that 3.8% to the entire population of the US, you end up with a total of about 12.5 million people... we're currently at just over 700k confirmed.
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Did you ever think just a little bit longer on what you just posted? The rich people are rich because they save money (you just said that rich people usually do save extra money) and the low class never get rich because the spend it!
Now, how do know somebody's rich?
1. They have a lot of assets? Well, then they DID spend their money, and in the process, helped the economy!
2. You snooped into their bank account and saw they got $3M in there? Then quit being nosy and mind your own business.
3. Mabe your in the tax system somewhere... and a certain individual paid $100,000 in taxes, obviously they must be rich or they wouldn't be paying that much tax. (Some middle class folks who make between $40,000 and $50,000 a year pay that much in taxes some years, the middle class people pay almost all the tax anyhow, they must pay at least that much.)

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How does someone making $40k pay $100,000 in taxes? The middle class dont pay the majority of taxes if you consider them the middle 50%. The top 25% pay 80% plus of taxes.
No government mandate, corporations are already figuring this out and doing it. Search the "statement of corporate purpose".
Yes corporations have to act in the best interest of making money for the people who invest in their company.

Now, how does your equality of income model work Bernie?
What were we doing as a country when we were the largest creditor nation in the world and dominant in the export market?

Whatever we did between then an now made us the largest debtor nation and we have to import everything. This wasn't a very large period of time either.

Wealth distribution isn't the reason why this happened. It was the exact opposite.
How does someone making $40k pay $100,000 in taxes? The middle class dont pay the majority of taxes if you consider them the middle 50%. The top 25% pay 80% plus of taxes.
They dont.

I was attempting sarcasm aimed at these people who are saying its devastating to everybody and the economy and its unfair that the wealthy (read owners, CEO's, etc of large corporations) get larger tax breaks than the low and middle class workers.
What you posted strengthens my point. The top (WEALTHIEST) 25% pay 80% of the taxes. It makes perfect sense that the same 25% gets 80% of the tax credits!

Maybe some of y'all can grasp this example.
One farmer plants 100 acres of corn. After a couple months he harvests the 100 acres and gets 20,000 bushels. He sells it for $10 a bushel and his gross income is $200,000. His total cost was $100,000.
Another farmer plants 10,000 acres of corn. He gets 2,000,000 bushels @ $10 a bushel his gross income is $20,000,000. His cost was $10,000,000.
Now, shouldn't both farmers get $5,050,000 in net profits?

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They dont.

I was attempting sarcasm aimed at these people who are saying its devastating to everybody and the economy and its unfair that the wealthy (read owners, CEO's, etc of large corporations) get larger tax breaks than the low and middle class workers.
What you posted strengthens my point. The top (WEALTHIEST) 25% pay 80% of the taxes. It makes perfect sense that the same 25% gets 80% of the tax credits!

Maybe some of y'all can grasp this example.
One farmer plants 100 acres of corn. After a couple months he harvests the 100 acres and gets 20,000 bushels. He sells it for $10 a bushel and his gross income is $200,000. His total cost was $100,000.
Another farmer plants 10,000 acres of corn. He gets 2,000,000 bushels @ $10 a bushel his gross income is $20,000,000. His cost was $10,000,000.
Now, shouldn't both farmers get $5,050,000 in net profits?

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Alright, you had me scratching my head. However, to your example, no one said everyone should get the same pay for different professions or levels of work. Reducing income inequality doesnt mean everyone gets the same pay. I dont know how you fix it but the wealth gap will prove to be a major issue at some point.
Yes corporations have to act in the best interest of making money for the people who invest in their company.

Now, how does your equality of income model work Bernie?

You should research the topic I suggested. Many CEO's/BOD's are coming to the conclusion that working solely for the shareholder is a flawed model.
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