If you had to drop 30lbs and couldn’t workout???

That is not helpful at all.

Sure go ahead make fun of overweight people, call them weak minded etc. It won’t change the situation.

Constructive advice and encouragement always gets better results than derogatory comparisons and shameing.

I did warn about the “holier than thou” purist who will disdain the “cheating” too easy way to rapid weightloss.
Are you sure it's not helpful? It's extremely helpful if taken. I think that perhaps what you see as chiding Is nothing more than the surest means of achieving a desirable outcome. Hand wringing and side stepping the obvious might make the sayer feel better about himself but, in most cases, only delays and avoids. All drugs have side effects and the doctors who recommend them can only regurgitate the latest data about them. It's the patient who pays the price. You are far better off taking responsibility for your own general health. Losing weight "is" simple and cost effective and if you're overweight, it's smart too. Jenny Craig and the local pill pusher need income to pay their bills too and they're more than happy to lead you on for years but if a good result is what you're after, just take matters into your own hands like you've been doing your whole life. Baby talk is for babies. People can handle the truth.