Water Pump for Offgrid Cabin

Nov 9, 2024
I’ve got a hunting cabin with unreliable water supply. I’ve installed on-site storage and am looking for recommendations for a 110v water pump so I can get the water from the storage tank into the fixtures (shower, sink, and toilet). Any brands I should look at? Prob only need 5-8 gpm.
I realize you're looking for 110 but figured I'd throw out another option. We have an off grid cabin on the coast down here and we even have full time 120 on inverter with a good solar system and I still use a 12v RV style pump and pressure tank for the outhouse and kitchen and shower. It just works great with a small lifep04 battery and cheap little 50w solar panel so I've never tried to loop it into the main system.
Any chance you can use gravity? Hill behind the cabin or a tank stand?

Pump water into storage tank then gravity feed it to the cabin. I do this for my house and I love it.
The pump could then be a petrol or electric because you don't need it to turn on with demand for water. It's less energy to pump 5000L in one go with a transfer pump than to have a pressure pump turn on and off 1000+ times to deliver the same amount of water.

A transfer pump and gravity is far more reliable too.

"Gravity- It's not just a good idea. It's the law!"- Adam Savage, Mythbusters.
Second the Shurflo pumps. I used them on boats, heavy equipment, camp trailers, etc and they do a great job and last forever (almost). Most are only 3-4 gpm but that seems to be enough
I have a cheap Seaflo from Amazon and use it exactly the way you plan to. It works great. I just use it for our sink and toilet, pressure is great.
I use 12v sureflow. We installed a sand point well. So we don't have to carry potable water. The pump has its own turn on at 40 psi and off at 60. Will lift up to 25 feet.
Be careful with an inverter - I have an inverter in my truck and it will run electric chain saws and circular saws but not a 1 hp pump.

Harbor Freight has some decent pumps for the money - there is one with a pressure tank that is pretty nice, priced right too.
We use a 12V RV pump tied to a battery and small solar panels to recharge. Our lights and bathroom exhaust fan is also run off the 12V battery.
+1 on a 12V RV pump. I have an off grid cabin that I've had for about 20 yrs now. I got a 12v pump, water tank and propane water heater from somebody parting out a camper. Got the propane stove and fridge as well. Have solar and some batteries for lights, radio, and running the pump.