

Nov 5, 2021
Felt like getting hit in the nuts. Second side is worse cause you know what’s coming. Take it real easy for 3-4 days, especially first 48 hours. Jock strap and ice packs are key.
I still had a little soreness left at a week, but was back to normal activity, lifting, etc at 2 weeks.


May 2, 2024
Had mine done about 2 months ago so I'll just describe the start to finish.

Called to schedule then met with a doctor who basically just asked:
- Do you have kids? How many? Do you want more? Does your spouse want more? Are you sure? Is she sure? You can reverse it but it will cost some $$$. etc, etc

Surgery Day:
- Wife drove me over since I was sedated for the whole process. Had the small cut made and then they burned the inside.

Post Surgery:
- Woke up and did not feel any pain due to the pain medication. Just felt an odd pressure down there. They had me wrapped up pretty thick with gauze, cup, and jock strap. Told me to take the percusets as needed and to take it easy for a few days. I took the pain meds pretty much as soon as I could to avoid getting sore.

- The first afternoon/night I just sat around and had limited mobility. My body generally just felt tired. Main thing I noticed was I struggled to pee standing. When I decided to try sitting it actually helped a ton. It did not hurt to stand, but I struggled to empty everything out. Just had to be careful not to pinch or bump anything while sitting/standing. Also noticed that the gauze and pressure from the jock strap really made everything feel better. Was only able to sleep on back that night. Laying on my side put too much pressure between the legs.

- Second day I kept taking the meds but honestly didn't feel any worse. I stayed home all day and was able to get around as needed for restroom and food. Even did a small amount of cleaning that I probably shouldn't have done. Was fairly sore at the end of the day (probably from being too active). Still couldn't sleep on my side. Kept jock strap on all day and reapplied gauze to add pressure and keep everything from moving. The gauze and jock strap make everything so much better.

- Third day I drove the family 5 hours to visit some family in the next state over. Still had to keep the gauze and jock strap. Was able to just run on 2 extra strength tylenol instead of percusets. Had to move slow, but actually felt like getting up and walking. Also first day I could pee standing.

- Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth day were fine. No major issues. Progressively felt better and got more active.

- Seventh day I was able to exercise on a 1 mile jog and was able to have fun with the wife.

Overall, it just feels like you got kicked in the nuts really hard about 2 minutes ago.


Sep 26, 2018
It’s not bad, you’ll feel good shortly after just do exactly as they say and lay around icing the balls. Too many guys go be active after and that is when the painful issues happen. I got it done about 9yrs ago, took a year to build up the courage which after I had the procedure done I laugh about, it isn’t painless but it isn’t bad at all.


Oct 5, 2019
Campbellsville ky
I’m about 6-7 weeks post snip, i was on the opposite end of the recovery spectrum than most of my friends. I did the 2-3 day no moving and ice however i had 2 solid rough weeks. First several days i had to walk sideways like a crab to get anywhere. Everyone told me compression shorts helped, i was the opposite on that too. I couldn’t have those demon things pushing my boys between my leg while i was trying to walk, i had to go loose ball shorts and let’s those things get out in front


Apr 22, 2023
Got mine 3 weeks ago. Surgery was pain free besides the shots. No pain or discomfort for the first 3 days, went back to work toting 100lb sacks on day 4 and still no pain, just slight tightness in the lower stomach area. 3 weeks post op, I can't tell a difference. That being said, my buddy had absolute hell.


Mar 28, 2019
I’m about a month out from having it done. The procedure wasn’t painful at all. I had some discomfort that afternoon and the following morning that was easily managed with a Tylenol. Took two days off from work and was pretty much fine after that. The stitches would occasionally snag in my underwear which was annoying but not painful. I will say, don’t get the urge to check function too soon. That will cause some discomfort. Honestly though, compared to the same procedure for women, I couldn’t imagine asking my wife to go through it because I was worried about it. It’s not that bad.


Nov 13, 2015
Had mine done last February. Wasn't too bad at the time and wasn't a bad recovery. That being said, the tests are saying that I'm still shooting live rounds. So I've got to back in for round two. Not looking forward to that.
Took me close to a year to clear out my Viking loins :p
Feb 2, 2023
Somebody on a different thread mentioned somebody should start one of these threads.

I’ll go first. My wife (35) just had her IUD removed. I need to get snipped so I can commence to shoot up the club as my pull out game is weak and with no goalie in place, I don’t need to have another kid at my age. I am 40 (almost 41) and too old for that.

I was told that they don’t put you under for the procedure. Is this true? How bad is it? What’s the recovery like? I was also told that the first “eruption” may be bloody. Don’t know if my buddy is messing with me, so thought I should ask the masses.
I did mine 5 years ago. Not sure what the procedure was actually called. It was non-invasive as it could be. Took 15 minutes.

Only felt like a rubber band was slapped on the ol balls once or twice. Kinda like a scope. Back in gym in 6 days. Most awkward part was wearing a blue gown sheet and just the boys exposed hanging out lol and the awkward small talk as the doc had my balls in his hand.


Classified Approved
May 6, 2014
I had my vasectomy done in 2002 while still in the Army.

Then in 2014 i had it reversed.

Doc said I was a little under 10% on the possibility for success being over 12 years, but, he was gifted and got my plumbing fixed.

Both hurt a lot.

Then my wife couldn’t have kids - so Dual Income, No Kids and get to play all the time.



Jun 9, 2022
Let me revisit this. Our 2 year old has a cannon for an arm, if he can pitch he'll go to college for free. Any who he grabbed a golf ball Wednesday and slung it like usual but it caught me directly in the right nut. It hurt worse than normal, I hurt for a solid day. I'm not sure this pain had anything to do with the vasectomy but holy shit it hurt. I have a massive pain tolerance but I had tears in my eyes, my wife was actually concerned because of my reaction. Moral of the story watch the kids throwing golf balls from 10 feet. 😂


Feb 15, 2018
Vasectomy... why would i give up part of my manhood to not have kids.. im over 40. Give me more kids, yeah theyre a challenge, but what in life is more worthwhile than that?

A boat, no
Another house, can still get one if i wanted.
Trips, why cant i continue to go?

I never understood what people stood to gain by cutting themselves.

To me, this world can provide me nothing more than those who are near to me. All the rest is just noise after that.


Jan 4, 2021
Vasectomy... why would i give up part of my manhood to not have kids.. im over 40. Give me more kids, yeah theyre a challenge, but what in life is more worthwhile than that?

A boat, no
Another house, can still get one if i wanted.
Trips, why cant i continue to go?

I never understood what people stood to gain by cutting themselves.

To me, this world can provide me nothing more than those who are near to me. All the rest is just noise after that.
What they stand to gain, is not having anymore kids …….
Whatever their wife had some serious health issues when pregnant and another pregnancy would be extremely high risk…
Getting a vasectomy is much less invasive than a woman getting her tubes tied….
Getting a tiny clamp put inside your nuts does not make you any less of an man


Feb 15, 2018
What they stand to gain, is not having anymore kids …….
Whatever their wife had some serious health issues when pregnant and another pregnancy would be extremely high risk…
Getting a vasectomy is much less invasive than a woman getting her tubes tied….
Getting a tiny clamp put inside your nuts does not make you any less of an man

My wife is extremely high risk. If she gets knocked up we already talked about it. Her legacy will carry on in her children. We are not so selfish to think that this world belongs to us alone.

I have 2 friends with vasectomys. They turned into even bigger vaginas after getting them. Theyre so whiney crybaby and they lost all their drive to be a man.

We talk on here about how soft and pussified men are becoming, then support the idea of pussifying men....weird!


Oct 1, 2014
My wife is extremely high risk. If she gets knocked up we already talked about it. Her legacy will carry on in her children. We are not so selfish to think that this world belongs to us alone.

I have 2 friends with vasectomys. They turned into even bigger vaginas after getting them. Theyre so whiney crybaby and they lost all their drive to be a man.

We talk on here about how soft and pussified men are becoming, then support the idea of pussifying men....weird!

To be clear, are you suggesting that a man that gets a vasectomy so he does not put his wife at risk or has determined that he has all the children he can provide for, a selfish pussy?

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Apr 5, 2023
My wife is extremely high risk. If she gets knocked up we already talked about it. Her legacy will carry on in her children. We are not so selfish to think that this world belongs to us alone.

I have 2 friends with vasectomys. They turned into even bigger vaginas after getting them. Theyre so whiney crybaby and they lost all their drive to be a man.

We talk on here about how soft and pussified men are becoming, then support the idea of pussifying men....weird!
Idk man, I’d say I’ve become even more of a man after getting mine. Spend everyday with my two kids (usually shooting bows, wrestling, or some other manly shit), been killing multiple animals with my boy since he was 2, in the best shape of my life, and having loads of worry free sex with my wife almost daily. I wasn’t doing all that pre vasectomy but we had some different circumstances back then.

For me, my personal limit with kids is 2 and I’m good with that. I’d rather invest my time and resources into building up 2 quality kids than half ass raising more than I signed up for.

Maybe you just have shit taste in friends or they just don’t like being around you. However, I guarantee the vasectomy didn’t make them “bigger vaginas.”

I grew up with out a dad and it sucked. That said, as a man, I’ll save my judgement for those men that are out having kids and not raising them. They’re also the ones that could use vasectomies.

Now I’m off to go do manly shit today (buy a new hunting truck).


Jan 4, 2021
My wife is extremely high risk. If she gets knocked up we already talked about it. Her legacy will carry on in her children. We are not so selfish to think that this world belongs to us alone.

I have 2 friends with vasectomys. They turned into even bigger vaginas after getting them. Theyre so whiney crybaby and they lost all their drive to be a man.

We talk on here about how soft and pussified men are becoming, then support the idea of pussifying men....weird!
Man this is some of the wildest shit I’ve ever read….. you’re saying that you are willing to kill your wife because getting a vasectomy will turn you in to a pussy ??


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Jul 27, 2021
That is very selfish on ones behalf, I wanted a large family my wife was on board for 3 perhaps 4 until the first was born a boy very healthy and going on 48 years old, when he was born and during our pregnancy the doc was concerned for both her and the baby god smiled on us and all went fairly well but was told the next one could kill her and or the baby was enough for me so went for the snip, sounds to me like one who would make such a statement is not so secure in his manhood to start with.