
do you think someone could go skydiving 5 days after the procedure? Supposed to jump into some cold water, so maybe helps keep everything nice and chilly down there…asking for a friend.
I would not do that.
I’ve never been skydiving but I’d imagine there has to be straps / a harness going around your legs next to the ol sack.
I guess if your parachute doesn’t open, your nuts won’t hurt anymore
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do you think someone could go skydiving 5 days after the procedure? Supposed to jump into some cold water, so maybe helps keep everything nice and chilly down there…asking for a friend.
Probably not a great idea. I felt pretty good and went back to work Monday(day 4) - just riding in a bumpy service truck down a crappy highway made my nuts hurt so bad I could barely walk until Thursday.
do you think someone could go skydiving 5 days after the procedure? Supposed to jump into some cold water, so maybe helps keep everything nice and chilly down there…asking for a friend.
To answer your question... well.. How valuable are your nuts to ya? eh?

Sit this one out dude. Don't be dvmb.
do you think someone could go skydiving 5 days after the procedure? Supposed to jump into some cold water, so maybe helps keep everything nice and chilly down there…asking for a friend.

YOLO brolo, YOLO

Go for it. The pain that you'll be experiencing will far out weigh the fear of jumping out of a perfectly good plane
After 5 kids, I knew what had to happen.

The first shot didn’t numb me completely. The doc started tugging on the tube and I told him I could feel that and asked is that normal? After a second shot all was good.

I also shaved myself before the procedure. I barely trusted myself while doing it, I couldn’t stomach someone else doing it.

Also, I had a severely hot nurse. Talk about messed up! If the doc wasn’t as good at what he did, I’d have revolted.

Frozen peas are your friend. Do not get frozen diced carrots as you can tell the difference. The pointy ends do not soften as fast. Buy the cheapest packaged peas as you will likely throw them away after a few freeze/thaw cycles.

I couldn’t move without pain for almost five days, but after that it was manageable. Stock up on ibuprofen and extra strength Tylenol.

Good luck.
Somebody on a different thread mentioned somebody should start one of these threads.

I’ll go first. My wife (35) just had her IUD removed. I need to get snipped so I can commence to shoot up the club as my pull out game is weak and with no goalie in place, I don’t need to have another kid at my age. I am 40 (almost 41) and too old for that.

I was told that they don’t put you under for the procedure. Is this true? How bad is it? What’s the recovery like? I was also told that the first “eruption” may be bloody. Don’t know if my buddy is messing with me, so thought I should ask the masses.
Had one 26 years ago. I’ll give you highlights:)
I’m a middle school teacher. Nurse who numbed my nut sack was a mom of a female student I had:(
I had a bow hunt 2 weeks later. Backpacked in 2 miles for 3 days
The shot hurt like hell! Felt like fire going in. I could feel it coursing through my nut veins. Reall sucked
Doc made a cut and I felt tugging but no pain. Weird for sure!
All done went home and iced my nuts for days knowing I had big hunt coming up.
On hunt rubbed one out on ridge. I thought the head of my wiener was going to pop off while trying to ejaculate. I was young and missing my babe so u know the drill. Anyway, it came out weird yellow white red color! Glad it was over
Didn’t arrow an elk but I did well with very little swollen
Had to go to doc to rub one out for test
Gave the brown bag to a former female student. Yup!!!! She knew what it was. Whole experience kind of sucked but man was it worth it. We already had our girl and boy so all worked out. Good luck!!!!!!
Procedure last friday…there was more blood shaving the night before than during the snip. Local anesthetic needles hurt pretty good, medicine burned. Second round of needles to numb the skin hurt slightly less. Rest of the procedure was mostly painless with some uncomfortable tugging. Told doc it felt like he was pulling on lungs from my undercarriage. Drove home and took motrin, pain was 4/10. Narcotic knocked it to 1/10. Coached tball mon/tues, took some walks, shooting today (.223 match bullets and swfa of course)…decided to not do skydiving tomorrow cause internet friends said bad idea.
For the future "customers", make sure the anesthesia has taken full effect before Doc pulls the slack
out to cut a section.
If not one can have an out of body experience.

Procedure last friday…there was more blood shaving the night before than during the snip. Local anesthetic needles hurt pretty good, medicine burned. Second round of needles to numb the skin hurt slightly less. Rest of the procedure was mostly painless with some uncomfortable tugging. Told doc it felt like he was pulling on lungs from my undercarriage. Drove home and took motrin, pain was 4/10. Narcotic knocked it to 1/10. Coached tball mon/tues, took some walks, shooting today (.223 match bullets and swfa of course)…decided to not do skydiving tomorrow cause internet friends said bad idea.
Not going to lie. I was kind of looking forward to the after report from the skydiving trip.
Don’t mess around on the recovery! Ice those balls down with frozen corn or pea bags for first two days.