
Will you take the vaccine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 159 49.4%
  • No

    Votes: 163 50.6%

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Yup, my mom got the rona in May and still has respiratory issues, BP spikes and drops and general weakness, my aunt was in the hospital for a week around the same time and still has to use a nebulizer from time to time.

My wife knows a lady who got sick months and and still her sense of taste is completely jacked, she basically has 2 taste responses- nothing at all and the things she can taste are like a burnt chemically taste. It seems that some of the taste issues are neurological and who knows what the long term effects will be...

There's been studies showing people who report know symptoms at all later show mild lung damage, again who knows what that will mean long term.

The messaging that you're either fine or dead and no real public messaging on the details for the in between will go down in history as a collossal failure.
That last sentence speaks volume, it should also make you question on if we are getting full disclosure about the vaccine
Is anyone else noticing that the actual health care workers on this thread are the ones saying how dangerous this disease is and how the vaccine should be taken? While the average Joe’s are the ones sowing doubt and dismissing the seriousness? That’s very telling to me! I’m going to listen to the pro’s on this one. Seems like a better source of info than the random internet hunter that turns a crank for a living.
I am an "actual healthcare worker" and deal with covid positive patients every single day and I think this whole thing is a giant load of crap. Just my opinion though.

I haven't seen one truly healthy person suffer anything more than minor symptoms from covid. Many truly healthy people that test positive are asymptomatic and were only tested because of contact tracing through public health.

I realize the details are guarded by hippaa, but I think you would be surprised how many "healthy people" were not as healthy as you were lead to believe.
I was referencing weapons on a plane because someone rebutted your point with that and you completely ignored it. Now I realize its because you're claiming not to read people's comments but replying anyway, which doesn't seem like the actions of someone arguing in good faith. Since you stopped reading my question on the last point I made (speed limits) I can't help but think you read my question, and are choosing not to answer it. Just like you're not answering my question about why you think I'm horrified that you disagree with me.

I'm trying to have an actual, good faith discussion with people I disagree with online (how foolish of me), if we're not able to do that, I'll leave you alone and I apologize for replying to you in the first place.
I completely ignored it because it wasn't worth replying to. I'm not putting much effort in replying to you because your making comparisons with laws that have been on the books for years and years and a vaccine.

vaccines =/= laws.....

I've already stated about a dozen times now that I have absolutely no problem with people receiving a vaccine, it is their right and this is still sort of a free country. I simply won't be rushing out to be first in line though, that is my right. The act of limiting peoples access to good and services if they don't comply with a medical procedure is absolutely ridiculous, unethical and un-American at best.

If you want real responses from me, don't ask stupid questions about things like my opinions on speed limits in reference to un-tested vaccines, you're better than that.
We'll force you to get vaccinated through peer pressure on an online hunting forum

this is sarcasm

I'm honestly fine with anyone who wants to continue fighting on the side of the enemy and not get that sweet sweet pfizer juice to do so, that means myself and my wife who is in a high risk category get to be a bit further at the front of the line.

The problem with that is there are people who, for various medical reasons, can't take vaccines so a mass vaccination protocol may be required. And, there is plenty of precedence for the gov to mandate vaccination in severe enough instances unless you have a valid medical reason. The supreme court ruled on the constitutionality of that quite some time ago.
I can't believe how many people on here or in general or so worked up about people not wanting to get something shot into them. WTF? Does it seem logical to tell people to get something shot into them that was developed and approved in a record timeline? Even more so when the "facts" on this whole situation are so screwed anyways. Do you want Americans to have to start carrying papers with them to prove it? Apparently you want the question "Can I see your papers?" to be a common phrase in this country.

If you want to get it fine by me but don't go after people for not wanting to when each individuals first responsibility is to themselves and their families how they see fit. I can tell you I have weighed each side of the argument and until this thing is tested for years I am a hard no on getting along with my wife and our children.

At first it was "wash your hands and be careful" then "stay home for 15 days and close your businesses" "then mandatory masks and we will pick and choose what businesses will stay open"....later "nothing we have done actually worked and it is getting worse lets try it again".

This was all predicted that during "flu season" (which apparently has been removed from the face of the earth) we would see an uptick/ another spike. There was zero way this was not going to happen. Simple mathematical understanding would tell you there is a tipping point and it was going to spread like wildfire at some point. (I guess some here would say that isn't true because everyone could have stayed locked in their homes and the tax payers...wait...sorry....the Government could hand everybody food and checks).
If you want real responses from me, don't ask stupid questions about things like my opinions on speed limits in reference to un-tested vaccines, you're better than that.
I understand that vaccines and laws are different things, I referenced speed limits because they are laws that restrict the freedom of individuals to decide how fast they can drive safely, in the name of public safety. I brought it up because you claimed that the safety of others was not your concern- so I was bringing up an example where we as a society have decided its okay to see if you felt the same way about that, but you decided it was a stupid question without reading it and didn't answer.

I wasn't taking issue with your original point and wasn't wanting to argue about it. I was trying to see if you felt that personal safety is entirely a personal responsibility in all things, or if you only held that view with this specific issue.
I am an "actual healthcare worker" and deal with covid positive patients every single day and I think this whole thing is a giant load of crap. Just my opinion though.

I haven't seen one truly healthy person suffer anything more than minor symptoms from covid. Many truly healthy people that test positive are asymptomatic and were only tested because of contact tracing through public health.

I realize the details are guarded by hippaa, but I think you would be surprised how many "healthy people" were not as healthy as you were lead to believe.
Asking because I'm curious (I'm a healthy person who had more than minor symptoms) - I'm not trying to argue with your opinion. What sort of health care worker and where (in general - hospital, etc.) do you work?

I totally agree with you that someone can be considered healthy and not actually be as healthy as they thought, so that any Covid symptoms being more than minor could be attributed to their less than healthy status. That scares me too - as I think my wife and kids are healthy, but I'd hate to be proven wrong on that.
I can't believe how many people on here or in general or so worked up about people not wanting to get something shot into them. WTF? Does it seem logical to tell people to get something shot into them that was developed and approved in a record timeline? Even more so when the "facts" on this whole situation are so screwed anyways. Do you want Americans to have to start carrying papers with them to prove it? Apparently you want the question "Can I see your papers?" to be a common phrase in this country.

If you want to get it fine by me but don't go after people for not wanting to when each individuals first responsibility is to themselves and their families how they see fit. I can tell you I have weighed each side of the argument and until this thing is tested for years I am a hard no on getting along with my wife and our children.

At first it was "wash your hands and be careful" then "stay home for 15 days and close your businesses" "then mandatory masks and we will pick and choose what businesses will stay open"....later "nothing we have done actually worked and it is getting worse lets try it again".

This was all predicted that during "flu season" (which apparently has been removed from the face of the earth) we would see an uptick/ another spike. There was zero way this was not going to happen. Simple mathematical understanding would tell you there is a tipping point and it was going to spread like wildfire at some point. (I guess some here would say that isn't true because everyone could have stayed locked in their homes and the tax payers...wait...sorry....the Government could hand everybody food and checks).
I'm glad I won't be the only one not getting on the bus to the "Covid Free Camp"
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Asking because I'm curious (I'm a healthy person who had more than minor symptoms) - I'm not trying to argue with your opinion. What sort of health care worker and where (in general - hospital, etc.) do you work?

I totally agree with you that someone can be considered healthy and not actually be as healthy as they thought, so that any Covid symptoms being more than minor could be attributed to their less than healthy status. That scares me too - as I think my wife and kids are healthy, but I'd hate to be proven wrong on that.
Glad to hear you made it through ok!

I work in a laboratory in a hospital. I do a good bit of specimen collection and interacting with the patients, as well as running the tests and communicating with public health about results. I am by no means an expert on the situation, but I am a professional with 6 years of schooling and this is what I have been seeing in our fairly low populated area.
No way for me. I get the flu shot every year because of kids but I'll wait for the covid shot.

I work from home/wife doesn't work. Not a ton of contact with other people. If I was working with the general public I would be more likely to get the vaccine.
I understand that vaccines and laws are different things, I referenced speed limits because they are laws that restrict the freedom of individuals to decide how fast they can drive safely, in the name of public safety. I brought it up because you claimed that the safety of others was not your concern- so I was bringing up an example where we as a society have decided its okay to see if you felt the same way about that, but you decided it was a stupid question without reading it and didn't answer.

I wasn't taking issue with your original point and wasn't wanting to argue about it. I was trying to see if you felt that personal safety is entirely a personal responsibility in all things, or if you only held that view with this specific issue.
I feel that personal safety is up to individuals and I comply with laws. If you break the speed limits and crash your car or injure somebody, thats on you.
I can't believe how many people on here or in general or so worked up about people not wanting to get something shot into them. WTF? Does it seem logical to tell people to get something shot into them that was developed and approved in a record timeline? Even more so when the "facts" on this whole situation are so screwed anyways. Do you want Americans to have to start carrying papers with them to prove it? Apparently you want the question "Can I see your papers?" to be a common phrase in this country.

If you want to get it fine by me but don't go after people for not wanting to when each individuals first responsibility is to themselves and their families how they see fit. I can tell you I have weighed each side of the argument and until this thing is tested for years I am a hard no on getting along with my wife and our children.

At first it was "wash your hands and be careful" then "stay home for 15 days and close your businesses" "then mandatory masks and we will pick and choose what businesses will stay open"....later "nothing we have done actually worked and it is getting worse lets try it again".

This was all predicted that during "flu season" (which apparently has been removed from the face of the earth) we would see an uptick/ another spike. There was zero way this was not going to happen. Simple mathematical understanding would tell you there is a tipping point and it was going to spread like wildfire at some point. (I guess some here would say that isn't true because everyone could have stayed locked in their homes and the tax payers...wait...sorry....the Government could hand everybody food and checks).
But only if you can prove that you got the vaccine.
I feel that personal safety is up to individuals and I comply with laws. If you break the speed limits and crash your car or injure somebody, thats on you.
So for the sake of argument, if your Gov signed a bill into law that you had to get vaccinated in order to do certain things you want to do, would you then comply with that law? Just a hypothetical...
So for the sake of argument, if your Gov signed a bill into law that you had to get vaccinated in order to do certain things you want to do, would you then comply with that law? Just a hypothetical...
Absolutely not because I dont live in Nazi Germany, the government does not have the right to force medical procedures on individuals.
Speed limits are set based on data points and different types of metrics. Also no one is making you drive down that street or drive period. Completely different than taking or forcing people to take a vaccine for a virus that for all bantering aside we honestly know nothing about except anecdotal stories people pull from to validate their own personal beliefs. The for the good of mankind argument loses validity when we honestly don’t know what the actual death rate is, what long term effects are, etc. Again all we have is 7 months of bs from both sides of the argument and complete idiocy from both sides of the isle.

Now does that honestly sound like sound reasoning to use to force a rushed vaccine on people? I lean towards the no side but honestly wanted to hear both sides of the argument because I have been surprised by who is in the no camp verses who is in the yea camp..

Maybe this thing is worse than we think or maybe not, but I don’t know and how can anyone know when testing is insufficient no one knows the level of asymptotic cases there have been with no testing at all and all anyone can point to is the small portion of the cases that turn out horrible as defense. We can do that with any illness. Tons of usually minor illnesses have outliers.
I understand that vaccines and laws are different things, I referenced speed limits because they are laws that restrict the freedom of individuals to decide how fast they can drive safely, in the name of public safety. I brought it up because you claimed that the safety of others was not your concern- so I was bringing up an example where we as a society have decided its okay to see if you felt the same way about that, but you decided it was a stupid question without reading it and didn't answer.

I wasn't taking issue with your original point and wasn't wanting to argue about it. I was trying to see if you felt that personal safety is entirely a personal responsibility in all things, or if you only held that view with this specific issue.
You can't compare speed limits to this if Federal Highway dollars weren't tied to speed limits half the states out west still wouldn't have one. Society didn't decided on speed limits and seat belts...most of the states were extorted into passing those laws...really similar to what I seeing now in the media...can't wait to have show my covid vaccine app on my phone before they let me into the store....I fear for Liberty and Freedom in the coming months...
So for the sake of argument, if your Gov signed a bill into law that you had to get vaccinated in order to do certain things you want to do, would you then comply with that law? Just a hypothetical...
I'd go live with the amish across the street.
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